Far gone. Faaaaaar gone, yes.
Yep, I saved those two videos you shared here yesterday. 15kg is a lot, but he was so so cute before, and it's not like it was needed to lose that much.
Ah whatever. Baby fat or muscle, I love it all.
I didn't think he needed to lose any weight. He was already thin, despite his cheeks. But he's not the only Chinese actor I've heard say you need to be thinner for the costume dramas. I would have thought the opposite, since the clothes are concealing, but I'm guessing it's the LAYERS, that make you look thicker, especially if you are wearing the xianxia type of robes. I have noticed that Joseph Zeng and Li Jiu Lin do look thicker in some of the costumes, than in ones that are more fitted -- and both of them are thin guys too.
Yep. Like Tan Jian Ci's many hair styles and attitudes, I just put it down to a different look to love. :)