
I love this song, I keep listening to it on repeat


I love this song, I keep listening to it on repeat 

His voice is amazing 


His voice is amazing 

Yessss It's like ASMR ⧽(•‿•)⧼


Yessss It's like ASMR ⧽(•‿•)⧼


It's like... there's always a bunch of people on stage but I think he's the best in every video hahahah like the proud mom at soccer practice that keeps yelling: "There's my boy, he's the absolute best!! Did I say he's the best?" 🤣


It's like... there's always a bunch of people on stage but I think he's the best in every video hahahah like the proud mom at soccer practice that keeps yelling: "There's my boy, he's the absolute best!! Did I say he's the best?" 🤣



WOW that's a big list ◉‿◉ 

I don’t know which one is better 🥵

I have more than 20 tabs open. Just waiting for the browser to crash or for the whole computer to freeze hahahahahahahaha


I have more than 20 tabs open. Just waiting for the browser to crash or for the whole computer to freeze hahahahahahahaha

😂😂. Did you see that they released all the episodes of my journey to you?