Also, Tan deserves this. He put so much effort into this role.

This is the main reason I want to see WIK released (secondary reason is that his styling is really pretty from the leaked filming pics). Other than that, I wouldn't care much about it as I'm not usually interested in dangais and imo they're rarely done well, although the director of WIK is capable.

And yes, the billing issue was that Chen Zheyuan and his team wanted top billing for him after his success with Hidden Love even though when the contracts for Sword and Fairy 4 were originally signed it was agreed by all that Ju Jingyi would get top billing. Chinese netizens thought he was getting too arrogant trying to backtrack on the billing and holding up the show getting released, especially given Hidden Love was a bigger hit internationally than it was in China (in China, there was controversy and criticisms about the show). 

There was also a billing issue with TJC's film I Miss You with Zhang Jingyi, he's supposed to have top billing but her and her team went back and forth recently with wanting co-billing and her name to appear on the same level as his in the film posters and promotional artwork. I don't know if the backlash Chen Zheyuan has gotten recently about overestimating his status in the industry with the billing battle influenced anything with Zhang Jingyi, but her and her team backed down and agreed to having TJC's name appear above hers.


This is the kind of show I want:

The oppa, oppa! cracked me up. I'm guessing he wasn't actually watching LYF and this was just fan-made, right? Otherwise, he's a total goof :-)

There was also a billing issue with TJC's film I Miss You with Zhang Jingyi, he's supposed to have top billing but her and her team went back and forth recently with wanting co-billing and her name to appear on the same level as his in the film posters and promotional artwork. I don't know if the backlash Chen Zheyuan has gotten recently about overestimating his status in the industry with the billing battle influenced anything with Zhang Jingyi, but her and her team backed down and agreed to having TJC's name appear above hers.

That's quite bold of them considering his years in the industry compared to her relatively new status. Doesn't she have some very strong backing? Maybe that's why they were so bold. Glad that the situation worked out in his favour. 

This is the main reason I want to see WIK released (secondary reason is that his styling is really pretty from the leaked filming pics).

Wasn't this his first lead role? And he had to lose a bunch of weight for it? So it's held special meaning for him. Fingers crossed that it will get to see the light of day so all the hard work that everyone put into it won't go to waste.


The oppa, oppa! cracked me up. I'm guessing he wasn't actually watching LYF and this was just fan-made, right? Otherwise, he's a total goof :-) 

the oppa oppa was originally a tjc skit with My love from another star edits.

Hidden Love was a bigger hit internationally than it was in China (in China, there was controversy and criticisms about the show).

I didn't realize that.  I thought it was a well loved big hit in China too.

There was also a billing issue with TJC's film I Miss You with Zhang Jingyi, he's supposed to have top billing but her and her team went back and forth recently with wanting co-billing and her name to appear on the same level as his in the film posters and promotional artwork. I don't know if the backlash Chen Zheyuan has gotten recently about overestimating his status in the industry with the billing battle influenced anything with Zhang Jingyi, but her and her team backed down and agreed to having TJC's name appear above hers.

I think the business with Zhang Jingyi and billing on their movie was instigated by her fans, but I'm not sure.  If she, or her team, had something to do with it, I'd guess her new role as female lead in Xiao Zhan's new drama might have something to do with it.  That should definitely be a big boost for her career.

But I think with his new fame Tan Jian Ci has unfortunately become more of a target for other fandoms,  as well as gotten a bunch of new fans, who are bit more ... excitable than his old fans.  This, the LYF stuff, the ZWY fans about the order of names in an unofficial article, the lipsynching nonsense -- hopefully things will settle down soon, at the least with his own fans.


the oppa oppa was originally a tjc skit with My love from another star edits.

Wasn't it originally from one of his early unknown movies?


Wasn't it originally from one of his early unknown movies?

could've been! I first saw it as a skit-like edit on tiktok! hahaha. since he's filled with shenanigans, I just assumed it was one of his silly written by and directed by Jianci clips.


could've been! I first saw it as a skit-like edit on tiktok! hahaha. since he's filled with shenanigans, I just assumed it was one of his silly written by and directed by Jianci clips.

He's definitely got a couple of those skits ... and he might have have had something to do with it, as I think it might have been one of the M.I.C. related shows.  I remember it being ... not good. lol

I'll see if I can find it.

I got my DREAMS cd package!  Holy cow!  So well packed and so many goodies!

I got the office worker trading card.  And the poster is the shadowy image I wanted from Dreams.  He's looking up and very vulnerable.  I'll see if I can pics or even take some of my bad pics.

What fresh hell is this???

Some weird AI voice and video from Team Building Four.  lol!


What fresh hell is this???

Some weird AI voice and video from Team Building Four.  lol!

This isn't actually TJC, right? The voice is obviously not his, the video also looks a bit off. Team Building Four :-). Is that how they translate his name into English? So off!

The whole AI and deepfake stuff is creepily disturbing. 


I got my DREAMS cd package!  Holy cow!  So well packed and so many goodies!

I got the office worker trading card.  And the poster is the shadowy image I wanted from Dreams.  He's looking up and very vulnerable.  I'll see if I can pics or even take some of my bad pics.

That's exciting @Kokuto. Share some pics when you can :-)

This isn't actually TJC, right? The voice is obviously not his, the video also looks a bit off. Team Building Four :-). Is that how they translate his name into English? So off!

The whole AI and deepfake stuff is creepily disturbing.

I think there's an original video of Tan, that's been altered by AI.  The voice is definitely AI and doesn't match Tan Jian Ci's voice at all.  I think they AI'ed his mouth too, so it would match the English speech, which gives off the creepy vibe.

IKR?  I don't know how they got to Team Building Four.

That's exciting @Kokuto. Share some pics when you can :-)

I will definitely get some pics of the poster and trading card.  The rest of the goodies, folks have posted in their unboxing videos, including Tan Jian Ci, himself.