Xiang Liu/FFB reigns supreme from his throne! I never thought that someone can usurp Phoenix but it does happen =)

We have the same opinion lolol

Deng Lun, come back! Tan Jianci is taking over your place!


Leo is a lost cause, he's just bones now

This is too sad. He’s my third favorite :(


Not Winter Begonia, I don‘t dig his look there. But he really showcased his acting skill playing the more effeminate type of man, from his voice, the way he talks to his bearing, everything is so in character. I kind of miss the chubbier TJC, not his Guan Zhen Lei chubby more of his Zhou Zi Yi in Never Gone. He really looks to thin now. Pls don‘t let him follow Leo Yunxi. 

I miss the chubby cheeks so much T_T 

He’s stunning now, obviously, but the chubby phase was so adorable ❤️

He better not get sick >:( 

That’s forbidden \O/


Oh yes, I‘m loving the OST, especially his songs are good. =)

The only thing that makes LYF better is that I've watched it and listened to it so many more times, plus they are indelibly connected with certain scenes from LYF.  sob

But there's so much more of Tan Jian Ci's voice in the LMLMV OST.  And the songs are great!



But I really do love him in costume more.

Xiang Liu/FFB reigns supreme from his throne! I never thought that someone can usurp Phoenix but it does happen =)

My ultimate bias was Dongfang Qingcang.

Poor dude. I rarely remember him now. Hahahahahahahah


He gave up and posed instead smart boy ^_^

Btw have you tried listening only to TJC voice reading recipe and doing his VA works? I heard once how someone said that she can hear Morgan Freeman read telephone book all day long and now I know what she meant after hearing TJC reciting recipe. Hopefully this way you can still get something enjoyable from the drama ;-)

No not yet. I still need to listen to the soundtrack, haven’t done that either.

Morgan Freeman’s voice is something else. Just like butter <3

Is the soundtrack available on Spotify? Or just on Peachey’s channel?

Yang Chao Yue's agency sent her to acting lessons for like two weeks or something. I don't think that's going to be enough.

Yeah, Nazha is beautiful but she can't act. Interestingly, she's under the same agency as Zhou Ye -- Hesong Media.

Someone asked a couple pages back about Yang Zi. She's, imo, one of the best actresses of her generation. She was super talented even when she was quite young (Battle of Changsha). Once she started doing idol dramas, she was cast in the same cute but dumb FL lead roles so people thought her acting was bad and she was annoying (personally, I avoided her idol dramas -- partly because I don't like xianxia/xuanhuan or most idol dramas -- because I saw little in those performances of the actress many of us Chinese of that generation grew up watching in Home with Kids and saw her talent really bloom with shows like Battle of Changsha and Ode to Joy).  There is literally no actress around her age or younger who could pull off the Wen Xiaoliu/Xiaoyao dual role as well as she has, especially Wen Xiaoliu. If you ever watch her in variety or livestreams or interviews using her own natural voice, you can tell that even her voice is different and she has a Beijing accent. She has command of her voice and her craft. The only problem is that she has been pigeonholed so long in certain 傻白甜 idol roles (silly, innocent, sweet) that she couldn't really show what she can do. Even she has said herself that she had a major crisis of confidence before taking the role in LYF that she wasn't even sure she could act or knew how to act -- I think that's one of the reasons why she is so attached to this show and her role, especially of Wen Xiaoliu, because it proved to everyone and herself that she can still act and she's a great actress. With that said, she is still struggling to find good projects -- she said she wants to do all kinds of different roles but she never gets those kinds of scripts. I hope after LYF, she'll get better and more interesting scripts.


Is the soundtrack available on Spotify? Or just on Peachey’s channel?

I think it's only on Peachey's YouTube.  But she's got one long video with all of them on it.


I think it's only on Peachey's YouTube.  But she's got one long video with all of them on it.

Ah ok. Thank you ❤️

Yang Chao Yue's agency sent her to acting lessons for like two weeks or something. I don't think that's going to be enough.

Yeah, Nazha is beautiful but she can't act. Interestingly, she's under the same agency as Zhou Ye -- Hesong Media.


TWO weeks?  That's not even a nod to pretense.  SMH.  She should consider finding her own acting coach, if she's serious or doesn't want to be roasted again.

Hmmm.  Maybe Hesong has a ... client type.

Someone asked a couple pages back about Yang Zi. She's, imo, one of the best actresses of her generation. She was super talented even when she was quite young (Battle of Changsha). Once she started doing idol dramas, she was cast in the same cute but dumb FL lead roles so people thought her acting was bad and she was annoying (personally, I avoided her idol dramas -- partly because I don't like xianxia/xuanhuan or most idol dramas

Yeah, I noticed alot of folks were surprised at Yang Zi's performance or how they didn't like her.  This is the only show I've seen, and she was amazing. 

Even she has said herself that she had a major crisis of confidence before taking the role in LYF that she wasn't even sure she could act or knew how to act -- I think that's one of the reasons why she is so attached to this show and her role, especially of Wen Xiaoliu, because it proved to everyone and herself that she can still act and she's a great actress. With that said, she is still struggling to find good projects -- she said she wants to do all kinds of different roles but she never gets those kinds of scripts. I hope after LYF, she'll get better and more interesting scripts.

That's a shame, that her confidence was shakey, and worse that she's not offered good projects.  Hopefully, now that she's parted ways with her old agency, she can find or even produce the roles she wants.

Kok, you haven’t watched Ashes of Love?


Kok, you haven’t watched Ashes of Love?

Nope.  I've only been watching C Dramas this year.  I was watching lots, until I fell into the grasp of LYF.

Hopefully, now that she's parted ways with her old agency, she can find or even produce the roles she wants.

I'd like to see her try directing. After seeing BTS clips from LYF -- there were several times where she advised her male co-stars on how to act out certain parts, giving good, clear direction. She has a director's eye and I would love to see more female directors in cdramas, it would be particularly good if a female director also came from an experienced acting background.


I'd like to see her try directing. After seeing BTS clips from LYF -- there were several times where she advised her male co-stars on how to act out certain parts, giving good, clear direction. She has a director's eye and I would love to see more female directors in cdramas, it would be particularly good if a female director also came from an experienced acting background.

I wouldn't be surprised.  Especially since Zoe Quinn was the main director on LYF.  I'm sure that gave her food for thought.  Actually, I can see Tan Jian Ci doing some directing too down the road.  He's always looking at the monitor at his performance, and he's very aware about the technical aspects of lighting and camera work, etc. -- at least for his stage performances.

Speaking of ... did you see that Weibo interview where Tan said he likes doing different roles, ones that he hasn't done before?  I mean, I think that's partly why he took the two contemporary romances last year -- he'd never been a leading male romance, and was basically told he wasn't right for those roles.

Anyway, when asked, he said he might like to try .... a villain!  One those psychopathic villains!  OMG.  Couldn't believe it, cause I've long thought that!  I'd love it!