
Oh.  She's older than Tan too.  AWESOME.

But yes.  Ni Ni is on the screen and you just can't look away.  I'm afraid my eyeballs would be popping out of my head trying to look at her and Tan Jian Ci.

I guess I‘m really weird then. I watched Ni Ni in Rise of Phoenix, which I dropped, and Love and Destiny, which I liked well enough to finish it without ff-ing. I can see and agree that Ni Ni is a good actress. Even her ML in those drama are seasoned actors (Chen Kun and Chang Chen?) as well right and the prod quality of both drama was also good/well above the idol drama crappy standard. But her characters/acting didn‘t leave me with deep enough impression to urge me to check her other works. I was excited for the release of Night Wanderer but it was more because of DL. 

Yang Zi impressed me in AOL and managed to lure me in to watching LYF, to find the Gem that TJC is.

Qin Lan was good in Yanxi Palace, I liked her so much there, so I watched Rational Love for her and Dylan, but I dropped that drama as well. 

So I really don‘t know why I love what I love, when good quality drama with good actors and story failed to make me fangirl while crappy one like AOL (especially the CP) managed to stay on my TOP 5, and simply put it as my chemistry as audience with the actor/actress on screen. 


Don't look at me.  I'm in a reading drought.  And the next thing I'm reading is Lost You Forever.  Maybe that's why I'm in a drought.  Just can't start LYF the novel.  I think Red Rising  series by Pierce Brown was the last thing I read that really grabbed me.

What are some of your favorite books?  Maybe I recommend something.

Hmmm, I'm in a limbo in my life right now where my brain just does whatever it wants

So unless I read the book I wouldn't know whether I like it or not .....

I used to be a romantic kinda girl but recently discovered I have a dark side....


Yeah it would be too good to be true. 

Better resign myself with him dying. Lmao

Oh Xiangliu, now you have us seeking for tragic endings?

Another clip from TJC visit to Bian Jiang studio. They are showcasing their talent as CV here.


I just realized we reached 10,000 replies ❤️


I just realized we reached 10,000 replies ❤️



Oh Xiangliu, now you have us seeking for tragic endings?

After what Elise and I have seen, tragic endings are our new jam.

Bring it on hahahahaha

Death!!! Burn it all!!!


I hope that is COLD water in the pool *cough2*

LMAO the shipping wars are now with both Tans hahahahahahahah

I used to be a romantic kinda girl but recently discovered I have a dark side....

I think I may never have been one. Drawing princesses have made me confused lol

Found the darn cat:

Found the darn cat:


I feel like that cat.  Adulting makes my head hurt.  ugh.

I just realized we reached 10,000 replies ❤️


Man, we are chatty bunch.  I love it!

OMG.  Look at poor Tan Jian Ci trying to deal with the press.  lol




Man, we are chatty bunch.  I love it!

We have been chatting daily for over 4 months! Isn’t this amazing?? I hope we can keep it going for a long time!

Yang Chao Yue is a situation where she knows so little about acting that she wasn't even able to take direction, she literally didn't know how to take direction and apply it in the next take.

but her agency should be ashamed for pushing someone with so little technical knowledge and ability into main lead parts. She's basically a puppet of her agency,

I just saw the end product but didn't realise all the behind-the-scenes dramas. It sounds like she doesn't know how to act, to the point that she does not understand how to translate direction into acting. I do feel sympathy for these young hopefuls. Yes, they entered this transaction willingly - they could do something else instead of the entertainment industry, but they are one person against a powerful organization - the balance of power is not in their favour. Some of them may have enough ambitions and ruthlessness to play the games, but more will be chewed up and spit out once they have no value left to be exploited.

Gong Jun is weird, he's just like a big tall beam standing there in scenes giving wooden nothingness. Strangely, he only has chemistry with his co-stars in BL shows. He got lucky with Word of Honor. People said he's improved in Rising With the Wind but I haven't watched that.

Gong Jun did luck out with Word of Honor. His character was the more showy of the two so that obscured his incredibly limited acting. In scenes where he's supposed to be "evil', it was so forced and obvious. Zhang Zhe Han was the anchor of that show. 

Whenever people insist that so-and-so improved it usually means from F- to an F. This industry is probably the only one where zero skills and training don't stop you from getting hired for the top job. Imagine a med school student being hired to perform surgery. 

After the atrocity that was The Legend of Anle, I'm not touching his dramas with a 10-foot pole. His acting (if you could even call it that) was non-existent. He was so vacant - facial expression was set to zero. It's like there is no internal world there.

I would really like to see TJC do a show with a good actress like Zhou Yutong, Qin Lan, Ni Ni, or Zhou Dongyu (if she ever decides to do another idol-ish drama again after all the hate she got during Ancient Love Poetry).

Only saw the first actress briefly in her drama with Gong Jun. Dropped due to a lack of interest and Gong Jun's amazing acting :-). Ni Ni and Zhou DongYu don't do many dramas, but their acting is solid. Ni Ni is a stunner. There are many pretty faces in CDramas land, but she has the "It" factor. So unique looking.

It would be good for him to do more "adult" dramas since the idol-style ones will be filled with young, cute and "feisty" female leads.  If he wants to work with more solid actresses, I don't think idol dramas are the way to go.