Two figures were standing across eachother in the vast desert. The air was hot, but it wasn't enough to warm their cold hearts.
"Don't think you can fool me with those deceiving eyes of yours again." Ji Ling's voice was flat and his face was emotionless. But Lu Wuyi knew him like the back of her hand. He could fool everyone else but her.
She took hold of his hand, an alluring smile playing on her lips as she looked at him with innocence. "Young Master Ji Ling, Im not following what you're trying to say." She waited for his usual bashful reaction, his blushing cheeks and dancing eyes were always endearing to watch. But today seemed to be different. Today, she got no reaction at all.
Without a glance, he removed his hand from her hold and Lu Wuyi tried to ignore the empty feeling that overtook her. His movement might have been gentle, but his whole demeanour was anything but that.
Lu Wuyi's smile faltered just a little and the thought that she might have been discovered passed over her mind for a second. But there was no way. Her plan was flawless and someone as innocent and childish as Ji Ling could never come close to understanding it. He thought the wolrd was just black and white and that there was good in everyone. But there was no good in her. She was capable of using everyone around her.
She was about to reach for his hand once again but froze midway when she met Ji Ling's eyes. She knew that look. They were full of hate and disgust. And strangely enough, Lu Wuyi could feel a crashing pain in her heart. That look did not belong on someone like Ji Ling. And the fact that she's the cause of it made Lu Wuyi despise herself even more. Ji Ling might be a fool since he easily fell for her lies, but the biggest fool was her. Because she fell in love with him. And now, she had to face the consequences.
Lu Wuyi was looking at that human man from far away with a curious look. He was currently holding a shell on his ear and she couldn't help but chuckle.
Her eldest sister once told her that the humans believed the sea shells could transform the sound of the sea... Humans could be so childish at times. Especially this human named Ji Ling. It's been a whole week and yet, here he is every single day calling out to her. Maybe it was a mistake giving him her name when she saved him.
She kept staring at him with amusement and chuckled once again when he started asking for her with the shell close to his mouth. Was he really that foolish?!
It was annoying that she couldn't hear what he was saying though. Without a second thought, the mermaid started swimming as silently as she could, not wanting to make her presence known.
"...I just want to thank you for saving me. Can't you come out for a little?" After his words, the shell was held to his ear once again. This human really thought she was going to reply through a simple shell?! Lu Wuyi found herself smiling. He was...cute.
"And how will you thank me?"
Ji Ling jumped with suprise, the shell almost falling from his hold. He looked around and when their eyes locked a huge smile made it's appearance.
Lu Wuyi could feel her heart beat faster but she paid it no mind.
"Have you been here for long?!"
"Of course not. I have better things to do, human." She lied skilfully. In reality Lu Wuyi had be starting for more than an hour. But he didn't have to know that.
Ji Ling smiled shily and nodded his head. "Right..."
She eyed then shell and Ji Ling quickly let it fall from his hand. "Were you talking to this?"
The human's cheeks turned red and he cleared his throat before talking. " I had no idea on how to reach you, so..."
She hid her smile behind her hand, her tail swinging happily underwater. "Well I'm here now. So how will you thank me? A gift?"
Lu Wuyi was just joking around so when Ji Ling actually took something out she froze.
"It's nothing special but it reminded me of you..."
Lu Wuyi blinked once, then twice. It was a pearl pendant. The mermaid kept looking at it blankly. "You do realise that I live in the sea which is full of pearls and definitely better than the ones on your pendant, right?"
Ji Ling opened his mouth but no sound came out. They both sat in awkward silence for a while until Lu Wuyi raised an open palm.
"Give it to me."
Ji Ling took a reluctant step closer and he let the pendant fall gently. Lu Wuyi glanced at it before raising her eyes to the human's hopeful ones. "Im accepting this but it's not enough. I will wait for you here tomorrow. I expect something better."
Ji Ling's eyes filled with warmth and before he could reply Lu Wuyi was already gone.
Somehow those fake pearls were more precious to her than the ones in her home. And Lu Wuyi could feel herself smile with glee when the thought of meeting a human named Ji Ling again tomorrow.
Lu Wuyi couldn't look away from his face. A face that was so familiar, so nostalgic, yet so different from the man she once knew. That man was full of life and light. Nothing compared to the one in front of her now. There was no emotion on his face and eyes whatsoever.
But oh Lu Wuyi could not phantom it. Especially when the way his hands were gently washing hers. He was so gentle, as if afraid of breaking her. The only difference was that his hands were cold, nothing like that man. Like Ji Ling.
It had be dead silent for a while now so when he finally spoke up, Lu Wuyi's thoughts froze.
"It doesn't matter how long you look at me. He's dead and I'm not him."
She could only glare at him halfheartedly as she quickly withdrew her hands from his hold, splashing him water on the face. Lu Wuyi did no need a reminder that the man she loved was dead. Especially from a man that looks exactly like him.
Yet she couldn't help but look at his reaction with anxiousness, awaiting his smile that was brighter than the sun to adore his face, to playfully throw water at her face too... But none of that. The only thing she got in a return, was a cold emotionless stare. Not even a glare.
Lu Wuyi could only stop herself from crying, but her eyes teared up regardless.
He wasn't Ji Ling. He really was gone forever. And Lu Wuyi could only stay with regret and self hate for the rest of her life.
Long Shen was enjoying his tea peacefully when an uninvited guest decided to quite literally throw the doors of his room open.
He didn't have to look to know who jt was. He could only blink once before the cup was gone from his hold.
Lu Wuyi took a sip without a care in the wolrd. "So fragrant." She said with a playful smile on her lips. She knew how annoyed he got when someone disturbed his alone time. And drinking from his tea was a big no. Yet strangely, the man only grunted while snatching the cup back from her.
"What do you want." It was more of an order than a question.
Lu Wuyi cleared her throat. "I think your hair looks quite plain and boring. Allow me to fix that." Well in reality Lu Wuyi had no complaints about his hair whatsoever. He was always handsome. But she needed a reason for her plan to work.
Long Shen's cold chuckle was enough to give people a fright but not her. "Do you have a desth wish, Lu Wuyi?"
She could only chuckle back at him which aggravated him more. "It won't take too long. Allow me to do it and I will leave you alone. Otherwise I will just stay here and accompany you. What do you think?"
"Or I can just make you leave." He snapped at her and Lu Wiyi would lie if she said that she wasn't having fun.
"I can just come back." She simply said and slowly walked behind him. She touched his long hair softly and Long Shen could only freeze.
"Stop being so frustrating. I will be done before you even notice."
The man seemed to give up. He poured some more tea and tried to ignore her existence. Lu Wuyi smirked in victory.
She started braiding his hair quite skillfully the smile never leaving his face.
Long Shen on the other head could only frown. This woman was having too much control over him and he didn't like it at all.
But at least the room fell silent and he could enjoy his tea in peace once again. For some reason, it felt more peaceful than when he was alone minutes ago.
He closed his eyes and tried to relax at least a little. He couldn't let his guard down around this woman yet. Who knows what tricks she had up her sleeves again.
He was too lost in thought, trying to understand why his feelings where so complicated when it came to her when he felt something fall on his shoulder.
He opened his eyes to find Lu Wuyi looking at him with a hand covering her mouth. She was trying to hide her laugh but he wasn't a fool.
He glanced at his shoulder and took a deep breath. Lu Wuyi started clapping with glee. "See? Much better now."
"Get this thing off my hair and make them look like before. Now."
His deathly glare did not affect her at all.
On the other hand, it only amused her more.
"My duty here is done and I will be taking my leave."
"Lu Wuyi you-" Before he could finish the door was closed and he was alone once again.
She was such a headache. Long Shen took hold of his braided hair and stared blankly. He could still feel her soft touch.
Jiling x Sima Wangyue (JJY character from Beauty of Resilience)
Sima Wangyue tried to ignore the burning pain coming from her hand. It was bleeding so much and she already had made a mess around her room for her to care at this point. She had worse injuries before and it wasn't life threatening so why waste time? By tomorrow morning it would be fine. She was exhausted and needed to sleep immediately.
There was a sudden knock on her door and Wangyue honestly thought of ignoring it but the voice that spoke made her pause.
"Wangyue... Are you sleeping?"
It was Jiling. Did he have to come now? He would only make a big deal of her injury, and that would make her aching headache worse.
So she just stayed quiet. Surely he would leave when he thinks she's asleep. The silence that followed felt too loud for some reason. And Jiling wasn't moving an inch.
"I know you're awake."
She sighed and hid her injured hand behind her back as she opened the door. A smiling Jiling greeted her, and her heart started beating faster at the sight of him. "Then why did you ask?"
"Just for fun." He went to step inside but Wangyue blocked him which resulted to his eyebrows rising in question.
"Im too tired. If it's nothing urgent, let's talk tomorrow." Wangyue thought she did a good job at lying but somehow Jiling could read like an open book. Always. And it was annoying.
She saw his eyes glancing at her hidden hand and before she knew it, there was a hold on her arm. Wangyue had no idea why she wasn't fast enough to dodge.
Jiling's eyes hardened when they met hers. "Do you take me as a fool? I could smell the blood all over from my room. Now let me see your hand."
Who did he think he was talking to her like that and making demands?! She was a general. She's the one who made demands. Yet her palm was already open in Jiling's hold and she could only feel childish when he gave her a look full of astonishment. "Were you seriously going to sleep like this? Even now, it's still bleeding!"
Wangyue glanced at it blankly and somehow felt more disturbed over the fact that her blood was dripping over Jiling's hand.
"Im used to such injuries. I don't care about it-" She went to remove it but Jiling waa having none of it, making his hold firmer instead.
"I care!!" He was now looking at her with hurt in his eyes and Wangyue felt herself gulp. "When will you stop being so selfish? And how is the fact that you're used to it supposed to make this better?"
Here it was. This was only making her headache worse. "You're making a big deal out of this, Jiling. And-"
"You barely have any strength." She was cut off by him once again and Wangyue could only glare at him. Before she could react, she was gently pushed inside her room and in a second she found herself seated on her bed. Wangyue could only blink once and before her was already a Jiling attending to her injury with a pained look. He was looking much more in pain than her and she was the one with huge sword cut on her palm. And Wangyue realized that she didn't like seeing him like this at all.
Both stayed quiet and Wangyue could not tear her eyes from this man's face. Seeing him like this felt weird. Jiling was always smiling and full of life, the face he was making right now was pulling at her heartstrings and she couldn't stand herself for being the reason.
"In case you still don't know, I can't stand to see you injured. Be it big of small." His voice was too soft, as if he was talking to a child. "So I hope you won't try to hide such stuff from me from now on. It never works anyway."
He was right. But Wangyue kept being silent and let him continue.
"I know you can't show weakness because people will see it as an opportunity to strike, but I will never hurt you. So please let your guard down, just with me. Im not asking for too much, am I?"
When he got no response, he paused what he was doing and locked eyes with her. Wangyue quickly avoided his gaze before nodding and that was enough to satisfy Jiling as he hummed contently.
He was being so gentle and careful with treating her injury and she wasn't used to it. No one was ever gentle with her before.
The silence of the night, the calming sound of his breathing and his soft touch made her feel even more sleepy. Without noticing her eyelids closed, and she barely felt Jiling placing her body on
the bed before sleep took over completely.
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