The story follows a young woman named Kano Jun, who was raised in Miyakojima, Okinawa. She begins working at a top-tier hotel in Osaka. There, she meets a man named Machida Itoshi (“Itoshi” is written with the same kanji as “ai”), whose brother has passed away. Although the two are very different, they fall in love. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 純と愛
- Also Known As: Jun to Ai , Jun and Ai
- Director: Fujinami Hideki
- Genres: Business, Romance, Life
Cast & Credits
- Kazama Shunsuke Main Role
- Taira SusumuMaeda KojiSupport Role
- Okamoto ReiMachida MakotoSupport Role
- Kuroki HaruTanabe ChikaSupport Role
- Wakamura MayumiMachida TaekoSupport Role
In the first few [dozen] episodes it's all sunshine and rainbows, smiles and butterflies... and then as the story moves on there's less and less happiness until finally it's just doom and gloom. If you do make it to the end you'll be truly depressed.
As a viewer I feel cheated. I decided to watch this drama because it seemed to promise a fairy tale ending. The first few episodes were so happy and uplifting that I really wanted to see these characters conquer all and be happy. Then the story went to hell... they kept adding ridiculous plot twists and being overly dramatic. Everyone became miserable... or sick... or dead...
I really wonder what was the point of the whole thing. What were the writers aiming for? How could they ruin the story so badly?
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