Films watched in 2021

I think I've really neglected the large range of films that I've come across on MDL, so my goal for 2021 is to watch more movies, instead of always investing my time into long dramas.   If I reach 50 good films in this list, I'll be satisfied.  (Edit, 2022: FIFTY?! BAHA I DIDNT EVEN HIT 20!!)

I believe that my film choices reflect more about my interests and personality, than my drama choices would. I watch dramas for escapism, but i watch films to have a certain experience... does that make sense? Thus, my tastes are quite broad with dramas, but for films I prefer to stick to certain genres and tags.  

In this list, there'll probably be mostly thrillers, crime and other sorta dark films.  I know it won't be full of happy romances. I prefer to leave the more happy stuff to my dramas, and keep the films dark and cool. So if you'd like to judge the kind of person I am, judge me by my film choices, rather than my dramas lmaoooo

I may pick films if I like an actor in them, or if the plot sounds interesting, so there may be some random stuff here, I dunno. 

Pyochisu Jan 18, 2021
15 Titles Love
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  • True Fiction

    1. True Fiction

    Korean Movie - 2018


    Watched on 15/1/2021

    Watched it for Oh Man-Seok, but actually really enjoyed it.  It was a bit strange as the genre always felt like it was changing, and the setting doesn't change much.  I think it's one of those films where you either love it or hate it.  I really liked it.  

    It's one of those films you should watch to the end, just so that you fully understand everything.     

  • Our Town

    2. Our Town

    Korean Movie - 2007


    Watched on 18/1/2021

    Watched for Oh Man-Seok. It's a pretty decent film about some murders n stuff. The serial killer was pretty freaky, which i found cool.

  • The World of Kanako

    3. The World of Kanako

    Japanese Movie - 2014


    Watched on 22/1/2021

    I'd heard about it a few months ago and planned on watching it, but forgot about it until today. It's a good film- a bit graphic with some pretty rough r*pe stuff that I could've gone without seeing, although it does add to the insanity of the characters.  

    Not quite what I expected, but it was an overall good film.

  • Old Boy

    4. Old Boy

    Korean Movie - 2003


    Watched on 22/1/2021

    Such a great film, but oh my is there some fucked up stuff in there. 

  • The Chaser

    5. The Chaser

    Korean Movie - 2008


    Watched on 30/1/2021

    Very good film, about a pimp trying to find out what's happened to his missing prostitutes. Very well made & enjoyable, despite not a huuuge amount actually happening. I liked how he brought the prostitute's daughter with him. Tbh I always like that sorta dynamic of some old dude being stuck with someone else's kid, like The Last Of Us or something. It's one of my favourite tropes lol.  Anyway, very good film, not as violent or gruesome as I hoped, but there were some great bits of violence.

  • The Man from Nowhere

    6. The Man from Nowhere

    Korean Movie - 2010


    Watched on 1/2/2021

    A fantastic film. I gotta say, the fight scenes in this were some of the best fight scenes I've ever seen, mostly because there were minimal cuts and things that you often see in films. The violence was great overall.  It also reminds me of one of my favourite tropes; badass and child duo, although I know it isn't exactly that.     

  • Shady

    7. Shady

    Japanese Movie - 2012


    Watched on 12/2/2021

    Great film about a loner girl being befriended by a pretty girl who turns out to be quite messed up. It was really cool to see how the friendship starts off sweet and then spirals as the craziness unfolds.  I really like the idea of characters being not quite what they seem. 

    The ending really brings it together, but also leaves you with questions

  • Confessions

    8. Confessions

    Japanese Movie - 2010


    Watched on 13/2/2021

    Great film with some fantastic revenge from the teacher. About two kids who kill their teacher's daughter and the events that follow. I found it mad how as the story progressed, i found myself feeling sympathy for different characters, and then not.  Really good film with multiple perspectives of the same events. Great watch

  • Flying Colors

    9. Flying Colors

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    watched on 9/3/2021

    Seriously a FANTASTIC film, about a girl who doesn't do well in school and is seen as scum by teachers. She goes to a cram school where a really positive and optimistic teacher encourages her in her studies and helps her in her journey to get into her dream university. Every single student should watch this

  • Forgotten

    10. Forgotten

    Korean Movie - 2017


    watched on 10/6/2021

    fantastic film. Whenever you think you know what's going on, something big happens. it really keeps you on your toes. don't want to spoil but the 'reveal' towards the end really reminded me of the reveal in Old Boy.   Actually there's a lot of similiarities to Old Boy, now that i think about it.  Two great films, both unique in their own way.   This one was proper good, very thrilling, never knew what to expect.

  • Ghost Lab

    11. Ghost Lab

    Thai Movie - 2021


    watched on 10/6/2021

    brilliant film.  some great scary moments. i loved how it gets progressively more and more fucked up as it goes on. both characters become worse and worse, in different ways.  brilliant.

  • Drama City: Call

    12. Drama City: Call

    Korean Special - 2008, 1 episode

    THIS IS A PLACEHOLDER FOR THE KOREAN FILM "The Call" from 2020. MDL won't let me add it to the list???

    "The Call" from 2020, Korean film, by Netflix

    My rating: 8.5

    A fantastic film,  great plotline. I love stuff where people can communicate with the past (like the drama 'Signal')  Really enjoyed show Yeong-Seok got crazier and crazier as the film progresses, after starting off as normal enough.

  • Manhole

    13. Manhole

    Korean Movie - 2014


    watched on 3/8/2021

    A good serial killer thriller starring Jung Kyung-Ho as the killer. Interesting concept; a serial killer operating underground and using manholes to take his victims. It's a pretty good film. You are left with some unanswered questions afterwards but overall it's an enjoyable watch.

  • Monster

    14. Monster

    Korean Movie - 2014


    watched on 3/8/2021

    a decent serial killer film, with an interesting thing that the killer does. Overall not the best film but a decent watch. Some decent sisterly bonding sorta stuff i guess.  

    Nice seeing Kim Go-Eun in an earlier role. She acted quite well in this, although her character was a little frustrating at times.

  • My Little Bride

    15. My Little Bride

    Korean Movie - 2004


    watched on 19/8/2021

    OK HEAR ME OUT, this isn't your typical kinda gross age-gap romance. It's more of a comedy film, than a romance.  No real romance going on between the main two, just a comedy film about a college guy and a high school girl who are put into an arranged marriage. sounds messed up but the film handles it well and focuses on being a comedy film rather than a fucked up romance. 

    actually a really fun film and i really love the older vibes from it, as it's from 2004. Makes me want to watch more older korean films from the early 2000's.   Great film, probably the most rewatchable one on this list. 
