Favorite Dramas Ranked

This list ranks my All Time Favorite Dramas by order of greatness. The first 5 are no brainers as they remain some of the best content I have ever consumed. Some other dramas may have outranked those lower down but alas we have the all powerful viewing lens, timing and mood to account for. 

It's crazy how subjective art really is but this has never been more blatant to me than with Asian Dramas . I feel so strongly about what works for me and what doesn't and I'm often baffled at the "All Time Favorite" dramas some people have, many of which I don't care for. I'm even more flabbergasted at the dramas that so many people place above masterpieces like Healer. 

This leaves me with one conclusion as always...To Each His Own. 

engineernan Mar 15, 2021
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