
Ranked in order of enjoyment.

WhatQu33rWhat Jul 9, 2022
39 Titles Loves
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  • I Told Sunset about You

    1. I Told Sunset about You

    Thai Drama - 2020, 5 episodes


    Good cinematography is really important to me and this has the BEST out of any Thai drama I’ve seen. Wow. Instant favorite. It’s rare that I see characters as consistently and well-written. Even their bad decisions are entirely in-character and not brushed over by the narrative in favor of audience expectations. Every action had its consequences. However, they didn't brutally and unnecessarily punish their characters for their juvenile choices and behavior. ITSAY understands the dynamic between the main couple intimately and lovingly nurtured their dynamic in a brutally honest way. They really feel like real, queer teenage boys. I loved how the narrative was so self-aware, and how it wrapped back to pick up on motifs and story threads that seemed fairly innocuous in the beginning. An incredible feat for Thailand. It's truly a pity that this is not readily available, either in its home country or abroad. This deserves preservation. [EDIT: Now on Viki!!]

  • Bad Buddy

    2. Bad Buddy

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    The first BL I ever completed. Imperfect, but so good. I’m a sucker for good Shakespeare adaptations and this is an excellent one. Even the product placements didn’t feel awkward - they added to the charm of the show. The ending made me tear up because of how perfect it is!

  • My School President

    3. My School President

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    Absolute joy. I have never looked forward to watching a show every week more. This show makes me so happy. Sweet, consistent, well-acted, with love seeping out of every pore. It has just the right amount of tongue-in-cheek cheesiness while still taking itself and its characters' troubles seriously. Though the music wasn't always my thing, all the songs fit with the story and were very fun and touching. Despite some small misses here and there, it still managed to be incredibly smartly-written. I was not expecting this show to be so good or to make me so emotionally invested. I don't know what else to say. This show is right up my alley.

  • Old Fashion Cupcake

    4. Old Fashion Cupcake

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 5 episodes


    I did not expect this to get ranked so highly, but I just had to. Cinematography wins me over every time! I just love these characters, the script, the screenplay with all its intelligence, how amazing the food looks, the DIRECTION, everything. I'm so happy these particular people came together to tell this story, of a man coming into his queerness at a later age. Any story that advocates for continued change past when it's expected of us to fully form as humans is a win for me. I do have a couple issues with the show, don't get me wrong, but ultimately this is just a beautiful piece of television. I can't exactly explain why, but it felt shockingly romantic to me - perhaps because this is a light BL from Japan, which is not known for this level of passion? I was genuinely happy crying/laughing at the end. That's when you know it's good.

  • Crash Landing on You

    5. Crash Landing on You

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    What a fantastic all-rounder. EVERYTHING is firing on all cylinders in this show. Every tiny bit of production, every actor, every member of the crew, every aspect of the script… incredible. The consistency of its internal logic is very very hard to pull off in any story, but especially one with as many moving parts as this. This show gutted and blew me away in equal measure. What a beautiful story of hope in the face of tragedy, illness, and separation. It’s rare to come across a show this intelligent, this purposeful about every choice it makes. Loved it.

  • Utsukushii Kare

    6. Utsukushii Kare

    Japanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    I think about this show all the time. So grateful it exists. Such a great portrayal of co-dependency that doesn't glorify or demonize its characters. My jaw dropped so many times. There's too much to say about this show; I could write an entire essay on how effectively it depicts trauma and the pitfalls and successes of communication. I love how fucked up it is while simultaneously being one of the more progressive shows I've watched.

  • Utsukushii Kare Season 2

    7. Utsukushii Kare Season 2

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 4 episodes


    The only second season of a BL I've wholeheartedly loved. Hira and Kiyoi's character development and progression from the first season is supremely handled. Their relational tension is almost entirely rooted in their respective self esteem/self worth struggles, something I have not often seen addressed in such an up-front, compassionate way. They fall apart and come back together and yet nothing is perfectly resolved. Brilliant. Both continue to be wonderfully complex and sympathetic despite their numerous flaws; Kiyoi became one of my favorite characters in television by way of this season (I did miss Koyama, my favorite in the first season). Hira, too, is so well done; it's so important that a character like him - one struggling with DEEP-set PTSD resulting in the self-concept of a pebble - exists on television, is wholly loved and allowed growth. Once again, Hagiwara Riku and Yagi Yusei act their asses off. This is such an interesting show to watch. I leave every episode satisfied. 

    I gave a round of applause at the end and yelled "YES." My good mood lasted for the rest of the day. Nothing more needs to be said.

  • 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us

    8. 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    Incredibly detailed, very well acted, intentional (and beautiful) cinematography, smart production design, and RIGHT UP MY ALLEY. Anything that emulates theatre is instantly of interest to me. What stole this show was the dialogue. Every word carried double (triple!) meanings and dripped with intent. Heartbreaking and powerful. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the score for this show. Gorgeous and fitting. Finally, a Thai show with sound editing, mixing, and soundtrack that don't grate on me!

  • Love for Love's Sake

    9. Love for Love's Sake

    Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes


    Incredibly poignant and well-written. Not many shows handle plot twists well, but this is one of those rare stories where it is done deftly. I felt so connected to the main characters, and even to Chun Sang Won, but those two main characters (or one, depending on how you interpret it) moved me beyond words. The fact that you can interpret this show in so many ways and have it still stand up to scrutiny is a reason I keep returning to it. Imperfect, but true to its central premise and characters. In the end, that's all I really want from a show, especially one which directly grapples with issues of grief, mental illness and suicide.

  • 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii

    10. 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Yes, I even liked the side couple, though Tsuge's slapstick antics occasionally got to be a bit much for me. Cherry Magic is so delightful. I related immensely to both Kurosawa and Adachi, and all the side characters were lovely and added a lot. I am so glad this show exists. We need more shows about people who don't have sex or relationships until (relatively) later in life.

  • The Untamed

    11. The Untamed

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 50 episodes


    The sibling storyline between Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng ensured this made it into my favorites. Overall, the acting, characters and story are fantastic. The story isn't necessarily unfamiliar in terms of the archetypes and beats it hits, but the end result is, to me, awesome. I do feel bitter about the ending because of how it was censored, but it didn't break the show. Neither did the sometimes weird CGI and cinematography. I binged this SO HARD and do not regret one second of it.

  • Last Twilight in Phuket

    12. Last Twilight in Phuket

    Thai Special - 2021, 1 episode


    An ode to a place, to fleeting youth, to love in the face of change and growth. The future is uncertain and scary, but the arms of your lover so warm, their kiss so sweet. Gorgeous, much better than it has any right to be.

  • Light on Me

    13. Light on Me

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    Probably the only time I've genuinely enjoyed a love triangle. Smartly written, incredible production design, WONDERFUL characters, I was continually impressed.

  • Blueming

    14. Blueming

    Korean Drama - 2022, 11 episodes


    A beautiful story of self-acceptance and finding home in others after a life of neglect and abuse. I related to both characters in many ways, but I saw a lot of my college self in the main character’s insecurity. Direction and cinematography are fantastic, even with the lower budget. This story spoke to me as someone who gravitates towards character studies, as it purports itself to be. However, though this didn’t rely on a plot to propel it forward, the narrative as character evolution was strongly defined and beautifully brought to life. I was missing this kind of indie sensibility; very glad Blueming gave me a taste of it again. Also checked all my boxes as a story about film students!

  • Beyond Evil

    15. Beyond Evil

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    A well-written show always wins me over. Add compelling characters, a plot with real stakes, and top-notch acting and I am hooked. Though it may seem a conventional police procedural at first (and does still idealize "good" law in a way which doesn't gel with my personal values) the show does so purposefully to drive home one of its main themes of "mirroring" - that is, the second half of the season mirrors and flips the first, just as the characters are mirroring and reflecting each other and their environment. Other strong themes are deftly woven into the story's fabric and brought to their inevitable conclusions. My favorite theme by far is the power of community to heal. It is impossible for us to survive or thrive without letting other people in.

  • Go Ahead

    16. Go Ahead

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 46 episodes


    Far from perfect (Cdrama-typical gender essentialism, purity culture, slightly skewed ideas of romance/consent, colorism, etc.) but by far one of the best, most coherent treatises on intergenerational trauma and family dynamics I've ever seen. Every character is so consistently written and phenomenally acted. I'm always leery of stories attempting to tackle trauma since so few seem to truly understand it, but these screenwriters ABSOLUTELY do. Concepts of filial piety and what constitutes "family" are fully interrogated across some very different relational dynamics. I felt so seen and represented by He Zi Qiu's and ESPECIALLY Ling Xiao's stories and approaches to their respective traumas and family responsibilities. The mothers in this show are treated with absolute respect despite their frankly horrific behavior, and it's done in a way where I don't feel the writers are excusing them for their unhealthy (or, even, outright abusive) parenting but are rather fully explicating the impact trauma has on both the person experiencing it and those around them. No one is a villain, but no one is a hero, either. Even Li Hai Chao, the best dad ever, is allowed mistakes and admits to flaws in his parenting. Absolutely committed to its message and characters. So thankful to know this show exists.

  • Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka!

    17. Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka!

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 11 episodes


    Never expected this to be so great, but it is!! A story about a middle-aged man questioning his biases and healing frayed relationships with his family (and expanding it) - this touched me deeply. It so smartly handles tricky subjects without disrespecting the journeys of characters other shows with political goals may have demonized. The writers hold such characters responsible but don't treat them as anything less than human. Queer topics take the forefront, making this personally resonant. This is a family-friendly show I legitimately love.

  • The Eighth Sense

    18. The Eighth Sense

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    So immersive and incredibly nostalgic of old-guard queer films I used to watch growing up. The characters are (mostly) great, especially the friend group; Jae Won and Ji Hyun are two of my favorite BL leads of all time. Jae Won in particular really spoke to me as a character struggling with depression, guilt and trauma. He was incredibly relatable and phenomenally well-acted. A modern throwback in every sense, I am interested to see where Korean BL and queer media goes from here. This is one of a small collection of authentically-queer KBL we've seen recently, shoring up for (hopefully) a wonderful movement in the future. They are ready. We all are.

  • Romance Is a Bonus Book

    19. Romance Is a Bonus Book

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    Love all the characters and their interactions. The cinematography, editing and humor are great. I appreciate the time taken with character development and motivation, and I'm always a sucker for this kind of setting.

  • To My Star

    20. To My Star

    Korean Drama - 2021, 9 episodes


    Though a comparatively simple show at first glance, the depth of character in both Ji-woo and Seo-joon is what makes this a must-watch. I relate to both characters in many ways, but the way they wrote and portrayed Ji-woo's anxiety about entering into a relationship rang SO true. Furthermore, the beautiful way these characters complement each other is only achievable because of the writing and acting. Since I am someone who is particularly drawn to character, I can forgive this show its simple story because all of the characters are so interesting and are so consistently written and empathetically acted, even the ones who do not have as much depth.

  • I Promised You the Moon

    21. I Promised You the Moon

    Thai Drama - 2021, 5 episodes


    Though not as strong as the prior two installments, this show carries the legacy of ITSAY to a fantastic conclusion. The WRITING of this series blows my mind. It's so difficult to carry characters across three different versions and still keep them feeling consistent and well-rounded. Oh-aew and Teh both grow as people yet still are imperfect and often irrational. I loved how the setting influenced the story; the CINEMATOGRAPHY is still fucking gorgeous. Also loved the friend groups, especially Oh's. It was really nice to see another gay couple as well as other queer people in their circles, and the way they approached queerness made perfect sense for their respective groups. Do I wish Teh had apologized more/better? Yes. Is it consistent of his character not to know how to properly express his feelings or make amends? Yes. I like their indication in the end that their relationship still needs a lot of work, but their love and care for each other is what keeps it going. Sometimes, chemistry can't be ignored. No, love is not enough, but it powers effort.

  • Oh No! Here Comes Trouble

    22. Oh No! Here Comes Trouble

    Taiwanese Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Super well-written treatise on grief and how it feeds into and off of obsession. I'm always going to be gritting my teeth a bit at any story that centers policemen but Chu Ying was a very well-written character despite being a cop (either a terrible or prototypical one, depending on how you look at it... or she may be both). Yi Yong and Guang Yan are both also GREAT, with fantastic arcs. All the characters in this show, actually, are well-rounded and well-acted, supported by an interesting plot that balances the supernatural and "case of the week" elements to ultimately inform Yi Yong's arc and process of grief. His mom might be my favorite character, actually. I desperately need a season two of this show, there's so much yet to be explored.

  • La Pluie

    23. La Pluie

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Special in that this was the first time I attempted to write any sort of major analysis of a show on Tumblr, in the form of live-blogging all episodes via a deaf lens starting with the second. The show itself is a PHENOMENAL deconstruction of not only BL and the soulmate trope in romance, but of the romance genre itself. So much to unpack, truly, and not just if you go in with that intent. Overall really solidly acted, with some great characters, and an intriguing story and worldbuilding premise. Patts Protection Squad, unite!!

  • Laws of Attraction

    24. Laws of Attraction

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    So fun. Great characters, a slightly inane but well-plotted story, and fantastic camp elements made this SO GREAT to watch. I had to rope my best friend into the action. The two leads work so well together, as does the rest of the cast. Such an earnest production it looked like everyone had so much fun doing. Sharpie tattoos were a highlight.

  • Lovely Writer

    25. Lovely Writer

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    Here DESPITE the horrendous, literally headache-inducing sound effects. Great characters, great acting, fun premise with really incredible scenes (the "coming out" dinner stands out as one of my favorites).

  • We Best Love: No. 1 For You

    26. We Best Love: No. 1 For You

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    The chemistry between the two leads is bonkers, off-the-wall good. I also kind of love the production, though it's not what would jump out at anyone watching. The story is... interesting but their relationships with each other and the supporting cast all make this one of my favorites. Love it, unreasonably so.

  • He's Coming to Me

    27. He's Coming to Me

    Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    Did not expect to like this nearly as much as I did. It's a great all-rounder, solid in story, script, acting, production, and that SCORE! Post-production effects were also awesome. Really loved this. Very upset it's so underrated.

  • His

    28. His

    Japanese Movie - 2020


    Wasn’t initially going to put this on the list, but as I sat with it I fell in love with it more and more. 

  • Our Dating Sim

    29. Our Dating Sim

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    A wonderful fluff-fest with emotional follow-through. It's so great to see a light show like this take its characters  seriously. Abandonment is not taken lightly. Usually, the one who has the crush "first" in Kdramas has their feelings and storyline prioritized, but this show decided to appropriately balance the emotional impact of embarrassment after a perceived rejection with the absolute trauma of being ghosted for seven years by your best friend/crush. It's so nice to get a super cute show that still has depth.

  • Sing My Crush

    30. Sing My Crush

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    So wonderful, a great story of two men with different experiences of queerness learning how to approach their relationship and lives with open and honest hearts. The domesticity in this show elevated it in my mind beyond expectations, even with a simple story. Its characters are also really interesting, with motivations that will make you hate and love characters with equanimity.  Just such a wonderful, fluffy time with a truly relatable queer character at its center - someone who has been burned and threatened with his genuine queer attraction weaponized against him.

  • Semantic Error

    31. Semantic Error

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    So charming. Humor, dialogue, everything was so good. The leads have great chemistry, and I love all the side characters as well. Cinematography is FANTASTIC, as is the costuming. So many outfits I was jealous of. Choi Yu Na deserved more screentime - her character is SO cool. 

  • Life: Love on the Line (Director's Cut)

    32. Life: Love on the Line (Director's Cut)

    Japanese Movie - 2020


    Related so, so very much to Akira and his relationship to his sexuality. 

  • Triage

    33. Triage

    Thai Drama - 2022, 13 episodes


    A really great fantastical medical drama with super fun. compelling side characters. Crossing my fingers we can get better distribution. Triage deserves it.

  • Love in Translation

    34. Love in Translation

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    A wonderful classic rom-com in the style of a BL. Though the final conflict is dumb and contrived, I do not find myself caring simply because of the strength of these characters' relationships to each other. The familial, friendly, and romantic relationships are all so great and so fun to watch. Also some really great representation happening here with side characters, with a kathoey given a sympathetic storyline with the mains sacrificing for her, and a dark-skinned bestie who was on-par with other characters as comedic relief. Even those more archetypal characters still felt just as respected as any other person. Despite this show's flaws, it is just such a fun, light time.

  • My Ride

    35. My Ride

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes


    A WONDERFUL romance. Was not expecting to love this pulp as much as I do. It's fantastically paced, the comedy is (aside from one gaffe) genuinely good and well-timed, the acting across the board is great, and even the lakorn-esque moments didn't feel over-the-top. The characters are all great too, especially Mork and his uncles. I related to the way Mork dealt with (seemingly) unrequited love, too. The longing but complete resignation to a friendship, reveling in intimacy and accidentally fantasizing closer moments. So, so, so fun and sweet.

  • Papa & Daddy

    36. Papa & Daddy

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    DESPITE that ending that completely changed how I viewed Damian's actions throughout the series, this had to make my favorites. I felt so so so good watching this. Exactly the kind of queer affirmation I needed at the time of viewing. So thankful for all the sapphics in this show.

  • We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd

    37. We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    I have serious issues with the disability rep in this season but everything else is just so good, even the parts that raise my eyebrows a bit (the dubcon, specifically - great for characterization and ACTING!!! but not much else). And I gotta love the gay marriage rep, even if more time should’ve been spent on that couple!

  • HIStory2: Crossing the Line

    38. HIStory2: Crossing the Line

    Taiwanese Special - 2018, 8 episodes


    Here DESPITE the side couple. Thankfully, it is pretty easy to ignore much of their story, and they are relatively inoffensive for a stepbrother pairing. The main couple and charming story is what sold me on this. I love volleyball, and though I wish we could've seen the final game I am happy with this short and sweet sports BL. Yu Hao is my forever comfort character. <3

  • KinnPorsche

    39. KinnPorsche

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes


    My first BL - so I am definitely biased. This is, objectively, not a great show. The cinematography is fantastic. VegasPete are genuinely the best part of this show but I liked most of the other stuff too. It’s a pity the writing was inconsistent and the comedy felt out of place sometimes. Loved the ending for VegasPete (fully teared up!) and didn’t feel let down by the rest of the characters’ endings either, even if the story got really convoluted and nonsensical. Especially was annoyed that Porsche fully accepted his life in the mafia despite his brother’s wishes, but it is understandable from a character perspective even if I wish the writing had focused on that aspect of his character more. Also not a fan of the (multiple!) counts of of dubcon and almost-rape in the beginning episodes - these incidents were not entirely appropriately addressed. I was willing to move past it because the characterization and subsequent development somewhat supported those writer decisions, but I say this knowing that I generally have a lower bar for this show than I would if this were another piece of television. I accepted KinnPorsche for what it is, basically, which is an occasionally cringy, inconsistent labor of love and passion with horrible source material. Would love a season two focusing more on family repair, with more of an integration between all the stories (with more time given to Kim and Porchay - they both deserve better)!

    Edit: Do not want a second season anymore given the accusations of sexual/relationship abuse and general garbage behavior levied against one of the writers of the original y-novel and Build Jakapan.

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