Give it a try!
I for sure had fun watching this- for me I loved the bright colors and over all fun feel of the set and outfits. I also really enjoyed the cheeky/ raunchy- drama as well as the over all spicyness of the mom. She is a really great role with a whole arch thats not just surface but also has emotional trauma. There is plenty of topics to talk about and I am sad that no one here has said anything. Cuz for me this show has a Ton of heart. And this drama takes you on a ride of these peoples lives- the good, the bad, and the loss. Yes this show is hilarious, yes they try to shook us with lines, and yes there is horrible english actors( lets not even talk about that role xD). But for me I'd recommend this type for anyone who's looking for something fun but not a love love rom/com. BUT I do love the old couple- points for him for being able to spin her around xD BUT is it 18+? If you watch teen movies with adult topics like sex.. you'll prob be fine. Violence & profanity- solid PG13 not really anything worth talking about, I believe very few bad words and a knife thrown?
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