A perfect kdrama! A must watch!
If possible i could guve higher ratingThr emotion rollercoaster in every ep is just different level
The messgae of each ep is unique and beautiful
There r many fast plot kdrama manyy!
But a kdrama showingbusbcharcater grwrh,actuall feels about hiw people with mental illness suffer,
How support is the good guidnace is importnat
The waybthese chracaters dek with their problems bug ir small, over come it , face it
You laugh cry swoon laugh cry smile
The chemistty of the leads are again something which will draw u to the kdrama! Best insvreen couple
Its just perfect and hard to let go
A unique convept well written and must watch for all
You sureky get the feeling if being healed
And people who hav seen it in 2020.. believe me fornmost of us this was the best escape from relaity
And this show got really popular while airing on etflix
Top 1 in 9 country
Top 10 in 26 country
27th un top 100 show (could raise)
Such milestone is huge for a korean drama with subs and no dibs
It created a 3rd hallyu wave
Perfcet acting by the cast!! Kim soo hyun amd oh jung saw just keep u gripped with their acting
Seo ye ji isnthe reason u will love the show
Best trionin kdramaland
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