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Malaybalay City, Bukidnon


Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
4 people found this review helpful
Jul 2, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


For me, Tharntype is one of the most accurate BL series that I have watched. I love their small gestures of sweetness and being clingy to one another. I have watched quite a lot of series and I can say that n nothing can beat Tharntype in terms of accuracy in terms of how a same-sex couple acts. The episodes are also not saturating to watch compared to other series. They have tried to mix in other elements also that made the series very interesting and a 'complete-plate'. And the plot twist, the plot twist! I was really in awe. I love how they have hidden the snake in the series and when you expect that everything is doing well boom! It exploded everywhere. For me, this is a god-tier series that the world deserves to watch. Although they have replaced every character from its parent-story (Love by Chance which is everyone also needs to see so that you will fully understand it's side stories), it still played well. I mean, Mild playing the character of Techno is everything. He is the ultimate example of a wingman to the protagonist. I also loved that they didn't replace Kengkla to play No's love interest.

Overall, Tharntype is a must watch, I just hope that someone will share their Vimeo account so that I can watch in HD its movie prequel (this is a shoutout actually :P) Although it's in youtube but I don't want to ruin my viewing pleasure by watching a 360p movie... hehe baka naman meron pong gustong magshare :)

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Until We Meet Again
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 16, 2020
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I can't move on from this series. I am so in love with their characters and how their corresponding actors played the role. It was just so good. It is a masterpiece that everyone deserves to see. I also would like to mention how on-point the musical scoring was; perfect! Boy Sompob's singing, though lacking with tackiness in the English language, is very suitable for the scenes. More of like this please or perhaps, reprise the series having Pharm and Dean focus more on their now and future rather than in their past :) Looking forward to Prem and Wins turn next year. I hope it would be as beautiful as this one.

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2 Moons 2
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 20, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Do not think twice, watch it immediately. It'll be the best decision you will make for a BL series.

After getting through the hesitation of watching the 2nd season because of the change of actor, I think, I made a good decision in pushing through. I think I like better Yo, Ming, Pha's actor here especially Yo's actor, I think he is best suited for that twinky -hopeless-romantic-loverboy type. Bas is cute and all, but Earth's performance shows that he is more suited. I think actors from the first season are quite bland and blank in terms of acting, quite poker-face actually. Of course, they would have a special place in my gay heart because it wasn't for them, I would have not encountered season 2 actors and for that, I am eternally grateful. Khob khun khrap.

I also like how thoughtful whoever's in charge of this production because they have recapped the entire season 1 in the first 4 episodes so that the viewers will get used to the new actors playing the roles. I think if they went in immediately with season 2, watching will be awkward and meh. So Khob khun khrap to the in charge. That was quite a smart move actually. For me, I learned to appreciate and love all the same all he new actors because of the recap and I am now ready and excited to watch the rest of the season because the new actors' presence have kicked in already in me.

Also, I have to mention, baby Earth Teerapat awfully looks like Saint Suppapong's shorter twin. Such an adorable boy just like Saint himself.

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My Gear and Your Gown
2 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Started good, ended-up lousy!

I was very excited at first when this was announced because finally, our boy JJ will finally have a main role credit under his profile here and the main actors who are quite new seem promising, BUT, it turns out, this is just one of those BL series made to launch an actor to the BL industry, and to make money for the concerned production companies. The story is quite promising and interesting given the fact that it's very generic, but I feel like the production failed to give justice to how the story was executed and unfolded. At first, I was very giddy because I thought Pawin and Marc are very cute together but later on, I got bored. You know, it has been past half the season and they are still in high school bickering about nonsensical things. Like hello, you only have 12 episodes so you might as well use that shortage to take things like an intense roller coaster ride but with what I have seen, I felt like I was also riding a roller coaster... but with only 1mph speed. You know how that feels. I also felt like I went to a horror house where the ghouls are very corny and not even funny. I will not mind if the events in the show will unfold hastily, that's fine, as long as the experience was given justice but with My gear and Your Gown, I felt ripped from my WeTV subscription. Also, I felt that the twist in the story where Itt was actually Student Number 900something who would antagonize Pai upfront was actually secretly rooting and loving him; I felt that that was a good twist, even though again it's quite generic (some things don't get old you know) but for me, they failed big in relaying effectively that part. That's where I get the title of this review LOUSY! It lacked creativity and tackiness. They could have done something better for that and have told that part of the story in a way that will take the audiences' breath away. I normally get past lapses in a show/series that I watch and appreciate what's good but I just can't forgo this one. I think this series has a pretty good message: teaching people safe sex and monogamy to prevent STDs, the importance of education, the importance of parent's support and understanding a queer child, and a lot more but again, I felt that the production failed to relay these important takeaways EFFECTIVELY! In the show, there would be scenes that don't make sense, there are also events that aren't sequenced logically. I FELT THAT EVERYTHING IN THIS SERIES FAILED IN EVERY ASPECT OF EVERYTHING THEY HOPED THAT THIS WOULD TURN OUT TO BE except to introduce Marc Pahun and Win Pawin as new and upcoming BL names. I liked more how Pawin's character in The Stranded was designed and executed.

Also, I felt that the ships in this show are forced. It's like food that you don't like that your mom keeps on shoving to your throat otherwise bad things will happen. I felt that way with how they chose pairings for loveteams in this series in short, there was no enough chemistry to make things work. JJ and Neen's pairing was cringy. Like, there are ships like them; an older girl and a younger boy, but this one's a wreck plus JJ's acting hasn't improved. It's still very obvious plus the trying hard yet funny English words that he is trying to blurt out are very ridiculous. Fiat and Aun's couple also is quite weird on-screen. It just didn't work. The fuck boy who suddenly took interest to a perfectly good boy vibes? I get that, but, again, there is something off with how they interact---no chemistry maybe? Finally, Marc and Win who at first is giving that generic BL couple progress, enemies at first, lovers in the end but with how slow their story went, the chemistry got lost somewhere before the middle season until it turned out bland. This is also my feelings towards how they ended the show. I felt like the ending is very bland, awkward, and useless. They should have just hurt us by making Itt and Pai separate because Pai can't get over with pressure and expect for a season 2. That would be more acceptable than an expedited ending. It seems like they just made everything right there and then without a clear storyline because everything is 'shittyly' done. And I just need to take this off my chest and sorry for mentioning this but I think the way Win cried in front of his parents during that scene at the table is very cringy and appalling. Having said that, every character acting in this show, except for Neen and Fiat's, needs a whole lot of improvement. Over-all, my expectations failed me just as how A Chance to Love failed also at giving LBC a sequel. I know that these shows were announced together as a joint project with WeTV but turns out, the way they told both stories was very lousy and crappy.

I will edit this review if ever I can think of good things to point out about this series.

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Ongoing 1/5
I Told Sunset about You
5 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2020
1 of 5 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

When I say god-tier shows, this is what I have in mind! (A 10/10 score is an understatement!)

I have started watching (Thai-produced) BL series just this year and I have quite a lot of watched shows under my belt. Some of them are very promising and engaging, others are just piles of cliche put together to create a series that is an obvious fan-service. Then this series came. I wasn't expecting how big this will come out until watched its trailer just recently. TBH, at first, I was just here because I couldn't get enough of Billkin and PP's couple from My Ambulance. Honestly, I was just here because I am a big Billkin fan but that changed astronomically.

After watching episode 1, I was really speechless and dumbfounded. Saying that it was beautiful was an understatement. It was more than beautiful. Everything was perfect! Everything was ethereal!

Although the plot is quite simple but dang! it's the reality. It's the story of every broken friendship whose ties were severed by pride, silence, and time. This is quite relatable because everybody went through this. What I love about this show is that, although the plot is simple they still managed to make it very interesting and lovable through the perfect execution of everything. The scenes were perfectly shot, the views were selected fittingly, the photography was very good, the colorist did an excellent job in selecting the perfect hues and temperature so that the scenes will effortlessly invoke "feelings" in viewers, Billkin and PP's acting improved so much since My Ambulance, the conflict in the show was perfectly stitched together without adding too much unnecessary dramas and finally, the musical scoring; the musical scoring was ON-POINT!!!! They really did a good job in choosing where to put certain parts of a song so that it could effectively be understood and felt by the viewers. I just couldn't get enough of the soundtracks, both the original and the Mandarin version! (I am not Thai, I don't speak Thai, I am a Filipino but boy, did I regurgitated in memorizing Skyline.) It's very beautiful and deeply poetic. Whenever I listen to it, the song gives me that certain sad sensation and satisfying nostalgia; that although the song conveys a sad message, there is something to it that makes you wanna listen over and over again.

Nadao really outdid themselves this time and I hope, in the advent of I Told Sunset About You, producers will also notch up their productions. Now that many people are mentioning it, I hope they will give us contents that don't involve engineering students, tutors, university set-up, and the likes. Give us more of those content that touches the reality of today, not just lovey-dovey fan-service shows which is an obvious mule to promote products.

It may be very obvious that this show radiates sadness but I really really hope that this would give us a happy Billkin and PP ending since their love story in My Ambulance ended up before it even began. But for what it's worth, I will see this series through 'till the end no matter what end they may give us.

PS: I wasn't able to watch this from their official streaming sites. Unfortunately, I got my copy from those bootleg websites because a 12USD rent per episode is just so depressing to the pocket. If you have the cash to watch it from Vimeo, then do so.

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The Shipper
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 10, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Good and must watch!

The Shipper is one of those few BL series that I have watched that has less to no flaws at all. If ever you found one, you can easily get past through it. From the beginning to the end, everything was delivered clearly, each scene was stitched seamlessly. There is only one thing that I don't like about this series and that is the main character's death. I am all for happy endings and feel-good plots that's why I have reservations for main characters dying in the series. Like WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭 WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I was crying when I found out that Pan changed her mind so that Way will have a full life and finish what he needs to finish here on earth. I was actually half-hearted about that, like, how would pan live for the rest of her life as Way? How would she fill in Way's shoes when he is such a perfect student. He even won a national science olympiad. Luckily she changed her mind. Although I was very heartbroken about that like WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭, but I'm glad she did the right thing (but my heart was torn to pieces trying to rationalize this situation 😭😭😭😭) Over-all, I am very happy with the series. This is one of those series that I am dying to have a season 2 and speaking of which, what was that scene in the end? Was that a teaser for a second season.

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