Sweet and Sorrowful...
It's a powerful family combination of Sugiura, Takenaka, Ayase, Ichihara, Ryunosuke, and Rina. Each one a perfect member of this family that loses their mother. Full od suprises, and adorable quests for Hojo-kun.
The ending was a little odd, for it's not entirely an ending, but it's rejoiceful, however this drama left me at the brink of tearing, and you have no idea what's going to happen next!
This drama is perfect for a family, it shows how powerful the relationship of a family can be when they stick together. Problems can always be forgotten but family is always one!
The ending was a little odd, for it's not entirely an ending, but it's rejoiceful, however this drama left me at the brink of tearing, and you have no idea what's going to happen next!
This drama is perfect for a family, it shows how powerful the relationship of a family can be when they stick together. Problems can always be forgotten but family is always one!
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