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The Master's Sun korean drama review
The Master's Sun
2 people found this review helpful
by K H-C
Dec 26, 2022
17 of 17 episodes seen
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

Finished it, but not sure why

Using my personal rating system of "loved," "liked," "meh," & "nah," this was a definite “meh”.

Usually, I divide out my reviews into ‘things I liked’ versus ‘things I did not like so much’, but since I really didn’t like much about it (except for a Seo In Guk in his early twenties...) this review will not have a liked section. Which is weird, since I finished it anyway—though with some serious fast forwarding starting at around episode 14/15.

I had several issues with the script/character portrayal. The way FL was portrayed/written, it was as if she’d just started seeing ghosts the day before, not five years ago. Her constant screaming, startling, etc. would have made sense if she’d only been living like that for a few weeks or months, but not for years. Humans adapt, even in high stress environments. The other thing I don’t get is why she didn’t just turn it into a business. Granted, this is my understanding from KDramaland only, but it appears that she could have gone into business as a shaman or medium and made some legit cash instead of becoming a hermit. She had the support of her sister who believed her, so why didn’t they just go into business? And why did the dude who supposedly was able to help her out not show up until five years later!? That was never really well explained. Because the female lead was such a hot mess all the time, it was difficult for me to believe that ML fell for her. Their chemistry/connection felt forced.

And why was Auntie so against the FL? The dude was clearly not interested in any of the women she constantly threw at him, so what was the tragedy when he finally picked someone for himself!? So much of the drama felt forced/cliché in a lazy-writing way. Once the mystery about the ML’s past got solved, then the drama really fell apart. I hate it when a lead disappears without a trace for a couple of years and then comes back to find the other lead still pining. And their separation really didn’t make sense. The whole thing just didn’t make a whole lot of sense—hence my “meh” rating.
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