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Kerala /Caratland/Dramaland


Kerala /Caratland/Dramaland
Second Chance thai drama review
Second Chance
1 people found this review helpful
by LoveTine
Sep 23, 2021
6 of 6 episodes seen
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.5

Short, light and not unhealthy BL

Basically, it is a light plot, almost straightforward. Story develops a little too easily, but given it is a 6 episode long series, that is almost inevitable. Neither flawless, nor ridiculous. Plus points for lowkey light thrown on toxic relationships.

Acting did not seem too good initially, but as I kept watching it grew on me - most characters have an individual personality and the actors/writers maintained it throughout. Initially, few actors did seem either over top or too bleak, but they were easier to like once it was almost established as the basic nature of those characters. (if that made sense)

The whole show is not premium rewatch material imo, there might be scenes that stay with you.
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