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Chicken Nugget korean drama review
Chicken Nugget
1 people found this review helpful
by ryu
May 28, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Oddly Enjoyable.

A really unique series. Initially watched it for Ahn Jae Hong and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was created by the creators of "Be Melodramatic". Despite that, the two series are worlds apart.

Story: Unpredictable. Can't call it a waste of time since you don't really get anything of meaning out of most other dramas either. It's perfect to watch when you just want to have a laugh.
I was disappointed in myself when I cried during this series but the writer should definitely be applauded for being able to make a series like this be emotional.
I loved the montage of them talking about "Be Melodramatic" and going as far as to use the OSTs.
The scene of Baek Joong applying anti-septic was hilarious!

Cast: The cast definitely surprised me since most of these actors are well-known and also really good actors. A number of the actors had acted in "Be Melodramatic" as well. Each actor suited the character they were playing.

Music: Pretty good. Some of the songs are in my playlist. (Specifically the theme songs of Be Melodramatic. If it isn't obvious, I really liked that drama.)

Rewatch Value: Not that high.

Overall: Not everyone is gonna like this series, but I found this hilarious. It's different. As someone else said, this could be described as "Peak Comedy".
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