Relaxing and Chill
To be honest I like FL and ML here in this show. They both actually handled matters maturely and most importantly they talk it out whenever there's roadblock and disagreement. They would hold onto the doubts on their own thinking for few days but at least they will eventually open up to share with each other. I love this kind of open communication relationship. Is healthier this way, rather than guessing here and there, tons of assumptions. Both FL and ML have their own priorities, but it will be like pealing a banana skin, slowly revealing bit by bit. Is nice show and there's hidden value for you to learn and reference from - for your love relationship (which i recommended my gf to watch it lol)Was this review helpful to you?

Great Romcom For Weekend
I'm so glad that I did not skip this show. Usually I woudn't waste time watching anything lower than 8.0 jdrama because might be some typical predictable plot romance show. You will be surprised that the show's value should be way much higher than 7.0 rating.FL is pretty, you just can't stop watching her expressions and wonder what she would react next. Finally I can see some non-puffy six pack ML in jdrama. Most of the jshow, ML is way too thin (for my taste lol).
Anyone who loves no drama, chill, romcom, not lengthy - you should watch this. Definitely worth your time to binge on the weekend.
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If you like Tom Cruise's Edge of Tomorrow, then this show is definitely your cup of tea. Good plot even entire whole show was just about one single event. Not too many episodes, able to finish over a weekend. In the beginning, ML is overly conscious and scaredy-cat; really pissed me off but eventually he learned from FL. My advise to those intend to start this show, watch it without logical mind, otherwise you will think this is lousy drama (and start giving bad review). Be open and stay neutral , you will enjoy this very much actually. Was this review helpful to you?

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Getting more and more interesting..
Each episodes/story of individual repesented morale and value behind their struggles in life.I didnt know why I wiped like crazy person over the first lady story (highschool trauma). It was real good moment when ChoiJoonWoong hugged her and gave the encouragement words. That's exactly the kind of mental support we want. Without realizing, as any human being whom been stressing about life - we all actually just wanted to hear that kind of simple words. (Curious what he said? then start watching this show! Lol)
Also, there were times, I really do feel like slapping that CJW. He's just too reckless! Sigh.. but that makes his personality outstand in this show. So I'm gonna suck it up. Moreover, I can wait to find out the history of Ms. Kim's sin and death..
But well, yeah.. Is good show and worth your time :)
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