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The Blood of Youth
2 people found this review helpful
Apr 10, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

What's not to like?

I really enjoyed this excellent production -yes, some of the other reviewers had some valid criticisms but these had little impact on the overall quality. Excellent cast, fascinating journey in first half, admittedly a little more repetitive in second half, but refreshingly free of std palace harem machinations, focusing more on the dynamics between the friends, and different people in the martial arts world. Strong plot mystery which holds its suspense till the end - not who's the baddy?, but what choices will ML make?

Well-designed sets & costuming, also Good script (at least in English subs that I rely on). Only niggle is Wuxin receding too much in background towards the end. Maybe another season with him as main protagonist?

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The Mad Sword
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 17, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

complex parable under simple story

I enjoyed this for its simplicity - very few characters compared to similar wuxia movies, and no extravagant sets or CGI. But the story it tells cleverly leads you through something of a mystery, where the identities of the main characters only become clear to the end. It then emerges as a parable showing that the line between good and evil can be blurry, but at the same time very distinct, depending on the circumstances. The modest production enhanced the message. Also nice to see some less frequent faces.
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Ongoing 20/20
0 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2024
20 of 20 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 6.5

Clearer synopsis to get you to watch

When a series opens with a scene where blood is found within an empty carriage, the freelance investigator finds a mysterious map inside and starts off on the wrong foot with the official detective, my curiosity is piqued and I have to carry on watching. When it appears that both leads are more closely involved with the mystery than expected and the plot thickens, I have to carry on watching. I like mysteries, so might be biased.
The subtitles are spotty, but enough to get the gist of the story, so as long as you don't mind genders being inverted and people being called "it", it's easy to fill in the gaps.
Look, it won't win any awards, but if you want to pass a lazy afternoon watching a bromance revolving around a mystery with a basic plot, and a lot of typical tropes, go for it. I have seen much worse and the two leads are nice-looking men with lovely smiles (yes, both smile, but one hardly).

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The Strange Doctor Tang Shenwei
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

More engaging than expected

The synopsis of this movie sounded rather unpromising by focusing on the real Tang Shenwei's achievements, and I expected a lot of pompous propaganda about how much better Chinese culture is than the rest of the world. (There is a bit of an untrustworthy enemy included, but not too heavy.

Nevertheless, I took a chance on it and it was surprisingly engaging. Of course, the movie is probably totally fictionalised, as the only real bio info I could get didn't mention any of the exciting events. But throw in a good-looking foreign princess, unsympathetic bosses, and family tragedy and it ended up quite an easy watch. Not a groundbreaking work or wildly exciting, but nice characters and good acting from the ML (pity about the mustache in the later part of the movie). Decent subtitles, and a nice pacifist message. I watched it on CCTV6 China Official Movie Channel

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Feb 3, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

A most enjoyable spoof of the genre

The previous review is so negative that I almost didn't watch it, but Deetsy must have still taken it far too seriously, despite cautioning you to take it "very, very unseriously". So bad, it's very very good!

I think the movie was intended as a spoof (the vampire and the mummy? Dead giveaways!). Obviously low budget, but bad CGI doesn't do any harm when the intention is to point out the ridiculousness inherent in the wuxia genre (which I love, but the way, but it can become very stick-in-the-mud at times).

Once you see it that way - it is hilarious, the slapstick hiding subtle humour and double entendres delivered in such a deadpan way that you have to be on your toes to catch everything. I think the actors must have struggled to avoid corpsing in every scene.

Prince Seahorse pokes fun at the magic and martial arts of far more serious movies and subtly undermines gender stereotypes. The interaction between the ML and Mo Ya is full of innuendo and the ML having instant sex changes inverts the romance theme completely. The movie also riffs on modern tropes such as the television game show presenter giving the hyped-up run-down of the masters at the academy (the three male masters are all deliberately ridiculous) and old-fashioned electronic music when the master "heals" Mo Ya . Powers and spells are instantly transferred at the wave of a hand - hello?

I might watch it again just to check what I missed in the first round.

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Water Margin Heroes: Chai Jin
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 7, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

Down--to-earth portrayal of folklore story

The two children at the start of the movie captured my interest and I continued to watch due to the down-to-earth production that had some very nice sets and costuming, without the extravagant embellishments of many other productions. Mostly unknown actors, some a bit wooden, but reasonable work and an engaging story centred on greed versus idealism. Real cinema aficionados will probably find this movie uninteresting, but I enjoyed it for not being pretentious and having few of the repetitive tropes in so many wuxias.
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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 26, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Brilliant - well, I think so

It took me some time to get to watch this, despite reading rave reviews elsewhere, partly due to doubts about the story-line and concern about a snot-and-tears drama with a tragic ending, which I dislike, and partly due to access (cannot afford multiple streaming subscriptions). But a family member finally signed me onto Netflix (thanks, sis!) and the wait was definitely worthwhile.

It's more difficult to review something when you have enjoyed it as thoroughly as I have, than just venting about bad or irritating things, but there are a couple of reasons I found this excellent other than the other positive reviewers whose views I endorse - it manages to successfully blend, comedy, romance, the supernatural, and thriller aspects into a cohesive whole, without it being jarring. You can watch it superficially if you want, or it can get you thinking on various topics such as how the world has changed over history and what it must feel like to experience such change, and whether it makes you feel that everything is just on repeat, or whether you still experience change as fresh and new.

I like the way the 'not-normal-human' characters are fully-fledged people, with a range of emotions and growth during the series. For example - to those dissing the Reaper's acting - I felt the reserve sat well with the character and the emotions he displayed were well-conveyed. The way the ML and GR oscillate between staid old men and nervous teens was funny, illustrating how people can feel awkward and unsure of themselves no matter how old they are!

I will definitely rewatch in the not too distant future.

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Strong Girl Namsoon
1 people found this review helpful
Sep 11, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0


I started this about a year ago and dropped it within the first episode, only to be pulled back through YouTube clickbait, deciding to give it more of a chance, and found it very very entertaining. Leave the film critic in your brain behind and just relax to have some deep belly laughs. Ignore all the reviews and just enjoy it.

If you suspend disbelief and accept it for what is - a live-action cartoon, it becomes very enjoyable. It's a battle between the forces of good and evil, all the superheroes being women, from a dysfunctional family that still manages to stay together despite all their disagreements - what's not to like? It's a bit of a spoof of Marvel superhero movies with an inverted Adamms Family - Morticia becomes a red-headed do-gooding siren in leathers on a fast bike, Wednesday becomes a cute 'not as naive as she looks' returned orphan from Mongolia, there is the fat brother, the weakling uncle, the formidable grandma (shades of Kung Fu Hustle, one of the best cult movies I have ever seen), the quite normal dad who is a little bemused at finding himself in the midst of all the chaos, and assorted other support actors, with a brooding, mysterious, conflicted villain that one almost hopes will get redeemed towards the end.

Of course - it IS all over the show, with a lot of secondary characters each with their own quirks, and considerable ham acting, but it does not take itself too seriously. You can see the actors mentally winking at the audience.

Having watched Bong Soon (?) some time ago, I can't compare side by side, but I enjoyed that very much too. This one is not bad, just very different. It's a pity so many people just make it out as garbage, and it got so many bad reviews, because there's a bit of a cliffhanger and the series has potential for follow-up seasons, IMHO.

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Wonderland of Love
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Excellent acting & engaging story.

Excellent, can definitely recommend it. A good mix of political maneuvres, romance, battle, comedy with excellent acting by most of the main cast. The plot is clever, often coming up with something unexpected, akeeps you engaged, and gradually unfolds a few mysteries as it goes along.
It starts just after a rebelling general, Sun Jing, killed the Emperor and the Crown Prince to take the throne. The protagonist, Li Ni is the outcast son of the Emperor's brother and lives on the border as a soldier in charge of repelling invasions. When he hears about Sun Jng's uprising, he decides to fight his way to the capital and restore the throne to the Crown Prince's missing young son, Li Xuanze. The story follows this journey and the aftermatch, and pits several adversaries against each other in shifting alliances - Li Ni's West-Pacifying army, Sun Jing's supporters, the Cui army protecting Yingzhou from Jieshuo invaders, and Jieshuo invaders themselves. Through it is woven encounters with the "Commandant" of the Cui's army, a feisty, beautiful, very skillful fighter. She is the strategist, with Liu Chanfeng at the head of the army. Their relationship and the involvement of Li Ni is the driving motif behind the plot.

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Dropped 6/100
General History of China
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 7, 2023
6 of 100 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Pedestrian propaganda

I thought I'd manage a few episodes at least, as I am really keen on learning more about China's history and culture. However, the droning voice of the presenter and exhortative language with random visuals quite put me off. Not recommended if you are genuinely interested in the country's history - it seems to contain only lots of empty rhetoric, and is quite pedantic and propagandistic, instead of the interesting description and detail of how Chinese civilisation started and developed that I expected. Probably aimed at a Chinese home audience, who know most of the history already, but would like to watch lots of panning sentimental shots and philosophising about the greatness of the land and its people. By no means a BBC level documentary, and not a speck of humour to be seen. Maybe they should have got Michael Palin to present it...

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