I wanted to like it.
My theory is that they filmed a full length series and then had to edit it down to movie size. If it were a series maybe it would have worked. The story line had potential. But instead, there were so so so many scenes clearly missing from this movie! Not just poorly explained moments or plot holes, but full and partial scenes that were cut from the final film. This leaves you guessing and trying to fill in the blanks yourself.I wanted to like it but I wouldn't recommend wasting your time with this one.
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Annoying and Disappointing
I was excited to watch this drama since there was so much hype around it and it is considered one of the top kdramas. I was disappointed to be disappointed in the show.STORY
Like any show it needed drama and it made that "drama" out of insignificant, minor situations. Often feeling exaggerated, unbelievable and ridiculous. And while those three attributes are common in kdramas, they are not normally to such an extreme, genuine level. I sat there watching it thinking "why are you crying now?? Why are they making such a big deal of this? No one would react that way to something so small!"
Without any genuine, believable drama happening, this show was slow moving and boring.
Lee Sung Kyung spends far too much time sulking, pouting, yelling and whining.
Nam Joo Hyuk was one of the highlights of this drama, though that was probably due to having the only well written character.
The supporting cast wasn't very strong. Most of them were there just to fill space.
I definitely wouldn't re-watch it. While I wouldn't tell you NOT to watch it, I also wouldn't recommend that you watch it.
It's not a "bad" drama, but it was annoying and disappointing.
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I see this series has a good rating and has gotten some good reviews. I guess it's just not for everyone. If you don't mind slow paced dramas, that are mostly dialogue, you might enjoy this one. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend Kill It.
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The Chemistry!
So much chemistry!This was Park Min Young's first project after starring in What's Wrong With Secretary Kim. At the time people were still talking about the "chemistry " in that drama. (To such an extent dating rumours began to circulate.) WWWSK honestly left me underwhelmed. The leads felt mismatched and forced. I didn't get the hype. I didn't see the love or romance.
But this one!! Her Private Life! This is what everyone should have been talking about!
This is probably my favourite performance from both Park Min Young and Kim Jae Wook.
I will be honest, this was a little problematic in the first few episodes. Showing grown woman fangirling was refreshing. You have no complaints from me there. But there is "liking and supporting" a celebrity, and then there is a possessive, stalking, life wasting obsession. This show, unfortunately, tried to normalise the latter. (e. g. The fans reaction to the dating rumour.)
This was disappointing and a poor contribution to an already toxic situation.
But once you get past that it is a good story that is worth the watch. Family drama, childhood trauma, second leads, lots of sparks and fireworks. Everything that makes a good K-drama.
It got quite slow at the end. A lot of unnecessary staring and long empty scenes that didn't move the story along.
The childhood connection was completely unnecessary. It felt forced and didn't add to the story at all. They could have left this out and you wouldn't have even noticed anything missing.
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The main topic of Birth of a Beauty is one I struggle to enjoy in films and dramas, as it promotes plastic surgery for the sake of vanity. But this drama did try to emphasise inner beauty. It didn't do a fantastic job of that, it seemed to send out a strong message that life gets easier if you're beautiful. That being said, it still gets points for trying.
This drama wasn't overly surprising, a bit predictable, and could have been a couple of episodes shorter. But it was still enjoyable. Birth of a Beauty has good actors, well thought out charcters and clear character and story development. A little cliche but that's not always a bad thing with a Kdrama.
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If you've got the time, and nothing to do, it could be worth watching.
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The support cast was everything you could hope for. They were all funny in their own way and were great additions to the story.
It doesn't take too much brainpower to watch this series. It has some fluffy moments and some heart wrenching moments. It, embarrassingly, only took me a week to watch this, while I was sick. I'm Not a Robot held my attention (which can be hard to do.) and kept me entertained.
This drama is well worth the watch.
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