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Interesting Twist To A Well-Established Concept

This drama does start off interesting. The whole older and mature protector vs. young and playful character archetype mix is pretty well-established in this genre, but this drama takes it to the next level by reversing the roles and making the female lead older and calmer than its male counterpart. It adds a refreshing twist to an alreday interesting plot-line. The cinematography is top notch and literally makes me wish I could jump into the screen and admire Tushan's dreamily serene and vast green landscape myself. I love the compilation of all three Tushan sisters with their own unique personalities and strengths that I can't wait to see blending into a real sister power throuple. The so far young and playful male lead, who fled to Tushan as a young boy in order to survive and now as a grown-up (with a significant power upgrade) wants to leave the mountain, adds an intriguing and fun dyynamic to the drama's introductory episode. You can already see how much admiration he has for his beautiful protector fox spirit lady, just by the way he looks at her. I can't wait to see how these characters grow and develope throughout the course of the story , though there is already a dark foreshadowing concering Dongfang Yuechu that leads me to believe that this drama might not have an happy ending. I guess we'll see.

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