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Parallel BL Universe


Parallel BL Universe
Color Rush korean drama review
Color Rush
0 people found this review helpful
by CheyenneSun
Apr 3, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
Would i watch it again? Not really. Don't get me wrong, i like it... I didn't expect to like it this much actually. It's a good drama... Not great, lacks some depth, but its good. Chose it to pass the time and because the synopsis sounded interesting but didn't had high expectations. In the end, it surprised me. This guys just feather kissed in the last episode and yet i felt the thrill all trough the show. They created breathless tension just with the looks and little touches and i was always holding my breath when it happened. It's a cute drama, worth the watch but in the end it's not that good to make me want to come back. And don't get me started on the 2nd season. Why ruin a good story by making a 2nd season when one of the main actors didn't return and trying to force another main character in?! Anyways... This one-good. 2nd one-at your own risk.
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