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Jack o' Frost japanese drama review
Jack o' Frost
1 people found this review helpful
by DerpMideko
Apr 1, 2023
6 of 6 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

A Melodramatic BL Drama

I quite enjoyed the 'Jack o' Frost' drama. I thought the drama was wonderful. I also thought the drama was melodramatic. The story was intriguing and engaging. The cinematography was melancholic. The music was lighthearted and a little moody.
All the actors acting were natural, especially the main actors. The main actors' Honda Kyoya and Suzuki Kosuke acting were natural and realistic.
There were heartwarming, emotional, and bittersweet moments from the first episode to the last episode.
In some scenes, the camera was shaky. I don't know if the shaky camera was intentional or not. If the shaky camera was intentional. Then I think I know why. I'm going to assume the reason why the camera was shaky at times was cause of their rocky relationship. In simpler terms, the shaky camera represented their rocky relationship. And with all that said, the drama ended on a good note.
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