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Mysterious Lotus Casebook
14 people found this review helpful
Aug 11, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Have you ever seen such a bond stronger than this? Have you ever seen a drama as good as this?

I was so drawn and inspired by the positive comments about the drama that I wanted to be a part of the experience. This is my first time actually leaving a comment on MDL, and I’m so excited that MLC will be my first drama so please go easy on me.
MLC was in one word exceptional; from the acting, the story, the fight scenes, scenery, and music. Completely phenomenal. And I don’t say this lightly, because dramas with so many episodes always have me worried that I’ll start losing interest and never make it to the end, but that was not the case with MLC. I was hooked after LLH first smirk, although the intro fight was great b/t LXY and DFS as well. I’m a huge fan of mystery dramas and the way the cases were investigated and solved for one big giant plot was nicely done. The crime-solving duo of LLH and FDB was an added bonus reminding me of Sherlock & Watson.

Plot: A lone young hero who was a legend and brought the martial world to a common stand fought against an adversary responsible for his senior’s death. The battle was fierce as the seas raged and danced against the boat, one fighting to seek justice and the other to see who’s the best. But a winner was not decided that night as both fell into the sea injured and never seen again. The martial world became chaotic without the young hero, and time eventually forgotten his importance until 10 years later the martial world will be shaken once again with cases, conspiracies, betrayal, and twists no one would see coming. A doctor living a carefree life by the name Li Lianhua who’s searching for someone finds himself reluctantly in the mist of the chaos, no thanks to a young detective named Fang Duobing that drags him into case after case. The cases they solve seems to connects the past to the present, and with Di Fei Sheng alive the martial world may just once again need a hero, but can a dead hero save the martial world unless maybe he’s not dead. And is Di Fei Sheng the only threat?

One thing I definitely want to point out is the enjoyable writing of the story, the dialogues between the 3 male leads was really good. You never knew what to expect from them b/t DFS dry humor, FDB gullible/innocence, LLH sarcastic wittiness. And the women characters were written very well showcasing them strong and capable including JLQ. There were sprinkled hints of romance, but it neither overpowered/ ruined the drama. Although it was sad to see them fall in love with a dying man, even I couldn’t resist his charm and “I’m not easy to sway” (quoting my friends on that).

As for the bromance OMG don’t get me started ?. When I started the drama, I was on the LLH and DFS hinted close bond band wagon excited to see their interactions with each other especially with LLH in a bride dress getting picked on by DFS and FDB, and then LLH and DFS sharing wine in the wedding chamber teasing BL fans, because FDB came off as more of a child and them seeming like his parents if that makes any type of sense. Gradually though my feelings of that changed I enjoyed LLH and FDB interactions the most throughout the drama and even went back to pay more attention to their interactions. And the little subtle teases they gave BL fans with FDB waking up to LLH face so close, FDB getting upset that LLH and A Fei shared a secret, that LLH chose to skip their moon date for the woman, and even going as far to question how did LLH get drugged (quickly admitting he just drunk from the same cup as the princess and nothing more). Then there’s the always running from the marriage and its always away with LLH?, getting angry when LLH tells him maybe he should settle down, and the verbal declaration FDB has said many times over in the drama “I can go where you go, where would you like to go?” FDB is always planning their future together. Even FDB’s mother pretty much outs him in front of LLH saying how FDB talks about him a lot and praises LLH, even going as far to quote FDB “didn’t you say you found a bosom friend in life, and it was worth traveling to the martial world. You said you only wished to travel with him again.” They even have pet names “old fox and young fox” lol, or all the touching FDB boldly does and let’s not forget LLH gave FDB a piece of candy. Of course that doesn’t seem like much, but the only other person he has given candy to was QWM. Hint Hint anyways dialing back the fangirling……..

I loved how they showed that no matter the difference in how long you’ve known someone it doesn’t mean a newer friendship couldn’t be just as strong. LLH was one of the most lovable characters I’ve seen in awhile, he was sarcastic, strong, smart, humble, loyal and extremely kind that it was no wonder he had friends old and new. And the bonds that connected LLH to others varied. The Sigu Sect believed in and respected him, SXY trusted and liked him, ZYF was loyal to him (honoring a 10yr old bet even though LXY had supposedly been dead). As for DFS and FDB, it’s a lot more behind the bonds they share with LLH. Mind you I still haven’t had a chance to read the novel so these are just my thoughts based off the drama, I’m aware that the 3 male leads are supposed to have tight bond but definitely see one bond stronger than the other:

LLH, FDB, and DFS share a few things in common, that connects through their bond. Besides all been handsome men ?They are all orphans, they aspired to be the best in the martial world, and stood by code that believed in. LLH and FDB were just and DFS although rougher never harm women and children (which he admits in one of the last 2 episodes). All were betrayed by SDG be it emotionally or physically.

FDB and DFS have come to an understanding of respect, and can both agree on how they both want LLH to live. FDB realized that DFS isn’t as bad as he seems especially when he shows concern for DFS well being when he faints, and DFS even shows concern ask LLH shouldn’t he check on FDB after SDG is killed.

There has been many times in the drama where they show DFS being a little crazy when it came to LLH, pointed out by JLQ alot and yes it comes off a bit obsessive times, it wasn’t because of some crazy love for LLH but an admiration of skills. Which DFS pretty much tells JLQ himself, that he hates her because she was a hateful person nothing more than tat. Had she been more supportive of DFS dream of wanting to stand at the top of the martial world and allowing DFS and LLH a fair fight he would not have disregarded her with such contempt. After all he did once save her, so he had to have cared for her at one point, but she just didn’t understand DFS as well as she thought and her herself turned into a stalkerish crazy b$#@#.

As for DFS and LLH, they shared experiences together that gave them a certain understanding and respect for each other. And although DFS wasn’t trying to kill LLH anymore and seemed to only want a fair rematch, he still saw him as LXY (his rival) and only ever referred to him as LLH due to agreement they had made. While LLH had already let go of the past and told him that he would not be capable of fulfilling his wish. As told countless times through the drama, showing LLH as a person trying to tell a friend you need to let this go. The drink they share in the wedding chamber is literally their first acknowledgment of a truce and being a kindred spirit. And again LLH trying to steer his new friend on a different path of forgetting to have a rematch, because he would not get one. But what can you do DFS is a stubborn kind of guy, very strong willed. It was nice how both stated the facts out loud admitting they’d never expected to be fighting on the same side let alone friends, but they are. Even if it took DFS a much longer time to admit that than LLH. More proof of their friendship is when shown through FDB pointing out that DFS gave up his dream ( which I need to rewatch and learn) to keep LLH (though again to have a rematch fair and square) alive by giving him the Stynx flower and when DFS at the end of the drama says they’ll be no one to replace LXY after he hears the letter that’s pretty much addressed to him as LLH admits to admiring DFS skills, I knew he was a big softie. I want to point out that the letter was signed LXY this and the broken sword was to tell DFS that LXY is really dead this time and he should move on from the past like he learned to do. Which brings me to my favorite bond ? FDB and LLH.

FDB starts off as somewhat a spoiled kid, but kind and just. And if DFS is stubborn FDB is ten times that easily attaching himself to LLH claiming him to be his first friend which was very cute in itself, b/t their age difference. While LLH and DFS had shared experiences together, FDB actually experienced things with LLH. These two journeyed and grew together though most is on FDB end becoming more competent, a better fighter and independent. While LLH actually learned that even though you need to let go of the past to enjoy the present it doesn’t mean you have to enjoy it alone. But what I truly love about these two is the care they show for each other. I feel like in almost every episode starting after episode 4 FDB is asking if LLH is okay with those big puppy eyes (even when he was angry with LLH he still cared and when his mother talked bad about LXY he tried to get her to stop talking). LLH shows his care through protecting FDB and trying to always avoid questions that talk about the future because he doesn’t want to hurt FDB (since he knew he was dying) as DFS pointed out once. Which is another difference b/t LLH, FDB, and DSF bond; LLH ad no trouble telling DFS that he wouldn’t get his rematch whereas he was always troubled when FDB spoke of their future adventures and cases. LLH also showed his care by verbally announcing FDB as his best friend. More care is shown between the two when FDB says he realizes that LLH had been mixing truth within in his lies showing that LLH didn’t want to outright lie to FDB, but to not have him grow so attach because he knew how much pain it’ll cause in the end. In the very last 2 episodes it showed just how important FBD was to LLH. From the moment LLH bargains with the emperor to not only save FBD’s father but to even release him from the marriage so he can do what he wants. Then there’s the solo practice scene LLH does where he sees DFS and his master, you would think why doesn’t he see FDB, but then you realize he doesn’t have to envision FDB because he’s always by his side.

FDB has the strongest bond with LLH because he’s the only one who sees both sides of LLH/LXY, which LLH acknowledges when he tells FDB that if LXY knew someone understood him 10 years later he would be happy. And how even though FDB knows that LLH is LXY he still calls him LLH because he knows that is who LLH is now; just a carefree doctor who wants to fish and sunbathe. FDB is the only one who has seen LLH at his weakest and the only one who was comforting and trying to support him; telling LLH that it wasn’t his fault with SDG and that he shouldn’t carry such a weight by himself. His support goes even farther from literally carrying LLH to his master’s mountain to him accepting that LLH feels he must right the wrong SDG has caused and helping him do so. When FDB gets jealous every time LLH met an old acquaintance he was so adorable realizing there are things he doesn’t know about LLH. And the sadness you feel from him when he’s left behind by LLH every time is so sweet. Especially episode 13 where he says “Fang Duobing, Fang Duobing, are you abandoned again” abandoned seems such a strong word to use which shows just how important the issue was to FDB and how he lights back up when he sees LLH has not. No one wanted LLH to live as much as FDB, and LLH saying he was happy to have him as his disciple just made my heart melt. At first I was a little sad that LLH didn’t leave a letter for FDB, but I think that’s because he was the only one he didn’t want to say goodbye to and maybe even hoped.would possibly find him. I mean after all he left him Fox Spirt and the house, what’s not to say Fox spirit sniffs him out and finds him lol. And the letter was to just provide closure for DFS to move on, and to let the Sigu Sect and DFS know that FDB is strong and will probably surpass him someday. Plus LLH pretty much knew it was pointless to say goodbye to FDB because as I stated he is very stubborn and he wouldn’t have accepted it either way. FDB proved this by storming off the beach stating he’s going to go find LLH while everyone just stood there dumbfounded and sad, because to him LXY may be dead( due to not being able to practice martial arts) but that sarcastic lazy doctor LLH was definitely alive. Before DFS brings the flower, FDB sits with LLH chatting about the future showing that even if LLH is to die FDB plans on accompanying him to the end. FDB has so much love and respect for LLH proof in his words “I FDB accept only you as my confidant in this life” , that he’ll probably search forever for LLH until something of him was found which they happily provided in a bonus episode. And if that’s not enough proof the touching music played through their scenes is something that provides understanding of just how close they are or the words to one of the songs “Gathering and parting happens in a blinking eye, We share our affectionate words as we watch the moon, I only hope we think of each other and not owe other. ( I did think at first that this was probably for both FDB and DFS, but DFS and LLH only shared wine under the moon once, while FDB and LLH shared it a couple of times they even moon watched together and why play that music around FDB scene)

Ending: Was I sad yes, but I prepared myself for that. LLH held many things upon his shoulders and his only mission was to recover the body of his senior who pretty much was a jackass who envy LLH and turned out to just not her stupid crazed villain. Although I guess I would have gone crazy to if comparing myself to LXY/LHH, he had the looks, respect, skills, leadership, and then on top of that he was royalty man o man. Anyways LLH never once stated or made the effort that he was looking for a cure for himself, he just enjoyed the carefree life he acquired for 10years and finally came to understand what his master was trying to teach him. So since he was ready for death and let everything go so did I. I think the only thing I would have wanted to change about the ending was not him being cured, but more of LLH trying to sneakily leave FDB behind and FDB already ready to leave with him, and then add on maybe DFS not that far behind because he still wants his rematch.

I think I’ve said too much (rookie commenter here) so I’ll end it here with: Thank you Cheng Yi, Joseph Zeno, Xiao Shun Yao, and all the cast for a wonderful drama. It’ll take me awhile to move on to something else ?till then I’ll just rewatch it all over again. Good luck in your next drama.

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