
  • Last Online: 1 day ago
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Spain
  • Contribution Points: 9,457 LV19
  • Birthday: October 25
  • Roles:
  • Join Date: September 26, 2020


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Living Japanese Composers

List of Living Japanese Composers found on this page, sorted by age from oldest to youngest (those of unknown age at the end).

87 people
public list
Dead Japanese Composers

List of Dead Japanese Composers found on this page, sorted by date of birth.

36 people
public list
South Korean Composers

List of  South Korean Composers found on this page, sorted by age from oldest to youngest.

14 people 1 love
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Taiwanese Composers

List of  Taiwanese Composers found on this page, sorted by age from oldest to youngest.

2 people
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Non-Asian Composers

List of  Non-Asian Composers found on this page, sorted by age from oldest to youngest.

1 person
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Chinese Composers

List of  Chinese Composers found on this page, sorted by age from oldest to youngest.

1 person