Proceed with caution due to possible mild transphobia
While everything else about this show is great, as a cis person, I am kind of uncomfortable with how Chris Wu's character is kind of antagonistic and camp (compared to actual trans hostesses whose interviews I read). The character is clearly clever but having the one non-cis character in the show being antagonistic is not a good look.The mystery is gripping, and setting, costumes and makeup are on point. I kept watching one episode after another wanting to find out more about what happened on the night of the murder.
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The 3rd act is the best part
Personally, I am meh about the romance. My favourite part is the 3rd act when the Carp Fairy and Peony finally meet and the drama that ensues from nobody being able to tell them apart. And the Carp Fairy was the only character in disguise as someone else! *metaphorically ate egg tarts while watching that play out*Unlike practically every other story involving an imposer of some sort, the virtuous Carp Fairy, though an imposter Peony, did not befall a tragic end.
1960s CGI technology may not be at the level of the 2020s, but most of the physical effects were pretty cool.
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Ekin + Joyce + dog are the best parts of this movie
Ekin Cheng's character Evan is thankfully not the sexist person I was imagining from the robot girlfriend premise - at one point after getting his robot girlfriend 001 (Chrissie Chau who does quite well too) he speaks up for a lady being talked down to by a rich entitled guy.Joyce Cheng playing a different sort of robot girlfriend 003 compared to 001 and 002 is refreshing, but her character's nickname is a fat joke in Chinese, and she could have gotten more character development.
There's a cute doggie who does not die! And some commentary on the concept of human versus digital memories.
Unfortunately, apart from the heart-warming sisterhood between the robot girlfriends, and Evan's ex Janice being seemingly reasonable in the first half of the movie, the flesh and blood exes are basically catfighting the robot girlfriends - not very feminist as it implies actual woman can't be nice!
Evan's ending involving a girl wearing spectacles (representation for feminine presenting people who wear glasses!) is kind of cute, but the other two guys getting identical happy endings is too much of a coincidence.
In fact, this movie would have been better if it had been just about Evan and 001 with 003 as her bestie! The other two guys didn't really leave an impression on me.
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