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Cupid's Last Wish thai drama review
Cupid's Last Wish
1 people found this review helpful
by Felipe
Mar 27, 2022
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

A fun show if you're mostly interested in seeing Earth and Mix

Cupid’s Last Wish was never a masterpiece. But the series had it’s moments. It’s undeniable that the chemistry between Earth and Mix is outstanding, and the series gives them a lot of moments to explore that. I'm sorry if this review ended up being a bit of a rant towards the end.

For those that were unhappy with the single kiss at the end of Tale of Thousand Stars, CLW delivers a lot more on that front. It also gives, in my opinion, very true EarthMix type of interactions, specially if you watch their show EMS, on Youtube. The content fighting and bickering is peak EarthMix behavior we see outside of the cameras. I also think that the casting of Mix and Jan as siblings was perfection. They look alike and Jan was great in the scenes where she had to behave as Win. Unfortunately, we didn’t see much of Mix playing Lin. But, at least, we got A LOT of moments of Mix playing sassy and bossy Win.

The journey to get the water across the country was nice. I think the show managed the use it well as a way of explaining the relationship between Win and Korn. It was also fun to watch very different locations, from forests to the beach.

My main issue with Cupid’s Last Wish is the “final twist” with the mom and, overall, the last episode as a whole. The mom is by far the worst character in the entire show. By the end of last episode I’m pretty sure she managed to get a spot int he worst BL moms list. She embodies a very rare combination of worst characteristics a character can have. She is: dumb, annoying, old-fashioned, homophobic and get’s in the way of the main couple. All of that while barely being on screen.

Her plan also doesn’t make sense. She manipulated her very sick husband to give 1/4 of the farm to someone outside of the family, so it would breakup Win and Korn, and allow her to marry Korn and Lin, so the family would control the farm again. To make it even worse, she kept the plan going even after BOTH OF HER CHILDREN ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF THAT PLAN! In my opinion, that means she was more worried with the couple being together than with her family controlling the farm. The icing on the cake is that she tells everybody what she did, and they just hug her like it’s not a big deal! Did they not hear the part where she took advantage of her dying husband or the fact that the farm was loosing money because Win was a mess after his fight with Korn? Or how that fight, which was part of her plan, almost killed her children?

Since all that reveal and development happened at the start of the episode, I couldn’t really get on board with the rest, Yeah, using the farm as a touristic attraction is a nice idea. Sure, I like that Lin and Non are together. I’m obviously happy that Win and Korn are together. But it’s all overshadowed by the mom. Also, cowboy Win and Korn arriving on their horses to greet the tourists was very cheesy.
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