Reallyyy cutee!
Two words: really cute! This drama is just cute. I can't say that is an amazing, fantastic kdrama because that isn't true, but at the same time I enjoyed it. The main problem for me is that it doesn't have a plot. All the 16 episodes are about the love story that I loveed but I wished there was something more. But if I have to be honest, I was a sucker for them. Their romance was on point and their chemistry was so good that I wouldn't be surprised if they are a couple in real life. It's definitely a good rom-com with really funny side characters and good romance.Now, moving on the actors. So I personally lovee Junho, he's super handsome and an amazing actor. His first drama that I watched was The Red Sleeve and I fell in love with him so bad, so I was super happy to watched another project and also with Yoona. To be honest, I don't love Yoona as an actress. There's something in her acting that doesn't convince me. She's not be a bad actress but I don't love her acting performance. All the other actors where good; nothing special, just good.
So, I would definitely recommend this kdrama if you wanna start watching them and also if you are searching for a light rom-com that makes you smile like a stupid.
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Let's start with the acting of the main leads. That was wonderful and now Lee Do Hyun and Go Min Si are some of my favorite actors of the new generation. Their characters and themselves are really different and the fact that they can play a role like this so well is amazing (I really enjoy Youth of May too). Song Kang is a really good actor but the type of character he played was not my favorite but he did a really good job! To be honest I was really impressed with the acting of everyone, even the support roles, and the children.
The plot was very interesting and the action scenes with Warriors by Imagine Dragons were so energetic. The monsters were really well made and realistic to the point that sometimes I was scared by them and the writers were really original with the choices of the features of the monsters.
This is the only drama that I rewatched and it feels like watching that for the first time every time, even a scene that I cried every time I rewatched that I cried but maybe it's only me because I cry very easily. Now I can't wait for the second season because I have so many questions that I want answers to and some theories that I want to be resolved. In the end, I really recommend this k-drama for all the people that want a really good horror drama and some different from the rom-com ones; and it's a really good starting for being a horror/thriller/crime dramas watchers as it did for me.
(Sorry if I made any writing mistake but I'm not a native English speaker)
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