Stop reading reviews and go watch this MASTERPIECE ! It is worth it believe me !Was this review helpful to you?

A great start !
This show starts in a great way ! Having started watching a lot of similar dramas but being disappointed after one or two episodes, I can say I have a lot of hopes for the upcoming episodes ! I just hope they didn't just blandly made a copy of Mouse since I really wish to be surprised at the end of the drama and not just say "oh okay I new it since ep2...".The casting is really good ,Jong Suk's acting skills didn't disappoint at all and I got to see another side of him here since I was kinda used to just see him in romantic types of dramas.
The other actors were great too! I just do not have any of their other dramas to compare their acting to, since I do not know them :(
I sincerely wish there were more of these type of dramas ... There are the only ones I am hyped and excited for the whole week just to see a new episode .
Thanks for reading this guys and if y'all have any drama suggestions I am here for it :)
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