This is a slow burn slice of life drama revolving around the main characters' marriage contract plot, included in the story are two other couples (their friends) and their everyday lives and how they go about it. This won't make you laugh or cry, instead this drama will make you think or feel for days to come. Episode 1-3 were fine but episode 4 to episode 10 was really slow (at times boring) and this is where the bulk of the slow burn is at, it got better for me at episode 11 onwards until the end.
I usually finish a drama within a a day or two of binge watching but this one took me around 2 weeks (too slow for my taste hence almost dropped it many times), but I'm glad that I didn't because what kept me around were the stories of the secondary characters which I genuinely enjoyed. Despite the difficulty in watching it, I have no regrets and I have enjoyed it a little bit although this isn't something that I would watch again but is somewhat memorable.
Overall, if you have limited time like me and have to go through dozens of other dramas in your list then I suggest that you skip this one otherwise if you have a lot of free time and nothing better to do then I think you should watch this drama and it should have a lasting effect on you.
I usually finish a drama within a a day or two of binge watching but this one took me around 2 weeks (too slow for my taste hence almost dropped it many times), but I'm glad that I didn't because what kept me around were the stories of the secondary characters which I genuinely enjoyed. Despite the difficulty in watching it, I have no regrets and I have enjoyed it a little bit although this isn't something that I would watch again but is somewhat memorable.
Overall, if you have limited time like me and have to go through dozens of other dramas in your list then I suggest that you skip this one otherwise if you have a lot of free time and nothing better to do then I think you should watch this drama and it should have a lasting effect on you.
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