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Lucky Point


Lucky Point

The Couple thai drama review
The Couple
7 people found this review helpful
by Lucky Point
Nov 27, 2021
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers
I love MON the first time I saw him on "Key Love" and always has followed him ever since. Country boy was the last one I saw. And I loved it. I notice there is a sequel but didn't see his name on the cast. It would be wrong to leave him out. I will watch anything that he is on. With his cute adorable face, he's easy to fall in love with. His smile, innocence, and boyish looks make him appealing to both sexes.

Is it me or was that Oak that took their picture at the end? Lol.
I'm surprised he wasn't cast those two seem to always pair up.

The only thing I had a hard time seeing was the bed scene. The darkness made it a guessing game on who is on the bed. Lol. Wish it was longer. I did love the holding hands at the end, made me say aww. Overall, it was decently made. Especially on the budget. The screenshot was good as it can be. The cast was good. The acting was naturally real. As long it has MON I'm a happy guy. Great job!
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