A Lovely Remake
You Are The Apple of My Eye is a Japanese remake of a Taiwanese movie and it is a wonderful coming of age/slice of life type of story of high school life, close-knit group of friends, and first loves. Yamada Yuki plays Kosuke, the martial arts enthusiast who finds studying and going to school mundane and useless, until he meets and falls in love with model student Mana, played by Saito Asuka. Their relationship is complex as they are the exact opposites of each other and so their romance has always been rocky from the start. This line hit me hard, though. “Thank you for falling in love with me.” How many times have I heard that in my lifetime?! Too many! Hahahahaha.... Our teen years really are the best days of our lives but the growing pains, heartaches, and lost chances also suck big time! I love Kosuke's interaction with his friends the most. The four of them are probably the best characters in the whole film. I'm glad I decided to watch this despite my initial misgivings. I might watch the Taiwanese version next.
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