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Back in 2020, I watched The Untamed for the first time, it was great and interesting as a fan of both leads. But I missed a lot of the storyline because of the length ( I fast-forwarded it ). After some months, I kept seeing about the edits, plot-twists, and major spoilers, I was surprised, How did I miss those important facts?? I re-watched the drama for a few times and tried to understand that it was a MASTERPIECE. Not just a popular bromance drama but much more than that, the reality behind the fake masks of people, sibling bonds, friendships, brotherhood, and the judgemental society.This was the first ever drama I rewatched, and it was absolutely worth it. The connections between plot to plot, the excitement of the thrilling journey, and the innocent-looking but actually the villains with the deepest secrets and darkest part. The acting was excellent, the storyline was impressive and the OSTs are masterpieces by themselves. And of course, I did enjoy the bromance between leads, and the portrayal of their tragic story was impressive.
Overall this drama is one of the very rare dramas without any cringe moments, useless characters or nonsense plot twist. Everything was perfectly amazing and will be in my heart forever :D
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One of the best drama for me!!
First the story-line, it's great and solid, well packed and the ending wasn't rushed. And this is the best chemistry I've ever seen in any drama, I feel like the leads are real marriage couple!! Every actors and actresses are talented, and they really choose the perfect pairing, every single character shined with their plot and emotions, I've watch some dramas of Song Yi and I wasn't really satisfy but here she improve soo much!! Bai Jing Ting did a awesome job here too with his character and shout out to actor Liu Xue Yi for portraying the emotions very well. And the cinematography is really suit with the drama, I like the costumes and accessories and the OSTs are really great too!! This is one of the best drama for me and definitely in my Top-3 list!! ( Overall 9.5/10 )Was this review helpful to you?

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Best 2024 Drama So Far!!
You want a typical ROMANCE with misunderstandings between the leads? Than this is not for you!! This is a story of the friendship between the young men and their strong team; finding justice for everyone.The storyline was pretty solid and interesting, although the main case was solved slowly throughout the episodes, it doesn't make the drama any less exciting. Most importantly; I love the "cat" plot along with their team's bonds the most! They are so funny and heartwarming to watch; although WQ, SGQ, QQZ were a lil bit annoying to me at the very first episodes, their character development is fantastic, and they become a lot better :D
The acting was amazing, every character did a great job portraying the emotions and situations (Especially Ding Yuxi). They acted so well that I even forget the other plots when watching the flashbacks d: And Roy Wang (as Yi Zhi Hua)'s acting is amazing that I freak out every time I see him on the screen yet, I understand his feelings and his past. I wanted to hug the positive characters and slap the negative characters, so i guess that's enough to explain their acting skills.
While watching the drama, I laughed, loved, hated, cringed, and cried with the leads a lot; therefore I could easily connect to the characters and the plot :3
For conclusion, I'm officially a fan of cool boss cat DYX and cutie patootie ZQ after finishing the drama. Also, I absolutely adore that they sing the ending song together!! And, If you could handle BROMANCE (No no, not BL) and love detective works than this is the perfect choice for you so better give it a try without worrying about those stoopid ratings given by antis. Have a nice watch! :)
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The storyline, the acting, the cinematography EVERYTHING is impressive. Seo In-guk's acting skills are amazing and I felt the sorrow of his unluckiness and the other characters! Most dramas that gather all the outstanding famous actors don't go well, but this drama makes it stand out every single performance!! I absolutely love the chemistry between Yi Jae & Ji Soo, and this drama portrays life & death beautifully, also of course, So Dam nailed it too! Even in only 4 eps, I felt connected to each of the characters and their past shows how outstanding, and this drama keep me hooked! I am waiting for Part-2 :)Was this review helpful to you?

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One of the best k-dramas
Psychopath's Diary is humorous and at the same time, suspenseful along with the best performances. I saw a short clip of this drama a few months ago and I knew it, this is what exactly I'm finding in a drama. And here are the things I enjoyed the most.1. Yook Dong-shik ( His emotions were on point, I feel what the character felt. Even though this is the first drama I've watched from Yoon Shi Yoon, he has become my fav actor now )
2. Unnecessary Dramatic background music ( I love it every time, that one whistle music played, it was hilarious and matched perfectly with the plot )
3. The Side Characters ( Every single actors done a great job, especially Park Sunghoon. His acting was amazing that I wanted to slapped him )
Overall this is a 10/10 for me, I loved, LOVED it! And gonna be exploring more Dark-Comedy genre. ( Ngl, ML is a little too dumb at some point, but that's what makes the drama alive )
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Lovely chemistry with a cute plot!
As soon as, I saw the drama posters, I immediately decided to give a try for this one and It was WORTH it! The story-line was quite solid, with a strong chemistry between leads. Acting were decent, and everyone did a great job portraying their characters. Even though most audience were complaining about the DYX's screentime, I don't have much problem with it( may be because I'm not a fan of any cast here ), the side-story were pretty enjoyable too. YCY's acting also improved a lot compare to her other dramas, so it was a nice, sweet and fun watch. I was really satisfied with the ending too, the only complaint I had is the CGI and some effects, in some flash back scenes it looks like they made in Powerpoint transitions! 😭Overall a nice watch + As You Wish: Love You Seven Times was funny & entertaining too!
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Enjoyable Watch :)
This drama is cute and warm, idk how to say but everything is so sweet EXCEPT for their relationship.Good Points:
1. Love the friendship between the classmates. ( It was cute even though some of them are annoying b*cthes )
2. Funny and awkward moments. ( I laughed a lot every time, and it was fun. But the legendary car accident scene gave me headache tho. )
3. Hee Gyung & Jun Woo's love story ( They have soo much CHEMISTRY and I shipped them more than the leads)
Bad Points:
1. Relationship ( As a team Seojun, I understand Suho is also a great choice but the main lead relationship was full of misunderstandings )
2. Main Storyline ( The story was pretty basic, and nothing else if there's no romance trope )
3. The message?? ( More of the another episode, the real purpose of it become hidden and hidden, when the story was too focus of the love-square plot, the drama tends to forget about the beauty standards and FL's insecurities )
Overall a nice drama and I enjoyed it but not a must watch. And if you're a Team Soejun like me, you'll even end up suffering.
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Unpopular Opinion :>
Starting from Part-1 of DAS, I was impressively amazed by the unique storyline, because most "fantasy" is only time-travel or zombies. But this drama totally stood out from others, when I started this drama I loved how the performance of each actor were amazing, there are some idol actors and they did a wonderful job too. It is sometimes fun, sometimes sad and sometimes worried but the feeling I got while watching this is indescribable. Although most people hate Part 2 for the ending, I love it because of how different it is from others. As someone who is obsessed with sad endings, this is not just "sad" this portrays many life lessons. I liked their friendship, and the adventure but what I love the most is the tragedy of this drama, of course, it's acceptable for a high-school student who worked extremely hard their whole life for their future ahead, and when everything got ruined he might become crazy. This is a masterpiece, and I love how the last 4 survive and go on different paths, it is life, no matter how we were too close at some point, one day we all will be on different ways, have different futures, and a different endings. I didn't wrote any review for Part-1 cuz most people have the same opinion as me but I wrote for this because of my different thoughts. :)Was this review helpful to you?

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A Hit or a Miss?
When this drama was out, I couldn't patiently wait for the next episode, because of the plot twists and the story which made me nervous. The acting was great and the storyline is interesting with multiple theories but I was disappointed with the bad ending. About the characters, most are straight-up dumb, and their decisions are too childish, the only reason that this drama was exciting is because of the MAFIAs. Although this is not the best, I really enjoyed the feeling of having uncountable questions in my head, yeah, it did answer most of those questions in the end but it felt rushed.And also, Where are their parents and family members?? How do Se-eun's parents manage to kidnap them for the stupid video game, only because of the reason they ignore their daughter?!?! Like seriously, they also are the same, they should've comforted and supported her before, not just blamed other kids who have their own life to care for.
Overall, this is not a bad drama, I enjoyed it through out the show even though I don't like the end. This lacks storyline but the performances were nice, a gud drama to watch if you love this kind of genre.
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