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Love You Seven Times chinese drama review
Love You Seven Times
0 people found this review helpful
by Miifu
26 days ago
38 of 38 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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A Good Drama, But Not a Great One

I will be overtly critical of the drama, however, I don't mean to diminish it's value as good. It has it's flaws, but I still managed to complete it, while relatively enjoying it. Of course, that may just be my love for Ding Yu Xi speaking.

Now, I believe Love You Seven Times' biggest flaw is the start.

The first life is charming, as many seem to agree. It is short, and sweet, while establishing the lead dynamics. Of course, from there, it is a downhill trek.

The second life feels draggy, and only really gets interesting around episode 10. Not to mention, the female lead was just silly, and dare I say, a little annoying. Why is XY so worried about being killed by CK if she knows he agreed to the love tribulation? Not even agreed, but urged for it. Not to mention, it was his character pursuing her. Of course, it's a key arc in the development of both leads, so it's not as if I don't understand the necessity of such a long introductory tribulation, or even misunderstandings and conflict. I don't believe that erases it's faults, however.

The third life, however, was my personal favourite. Of course, watching CK deepen his feelings for XY was great... But the real charm was the chemistry flowering between Qian Ren, Qian Mou, and CK. I found myself wishing we could've seen more of their banter in later episodes.

The rest of the lives, I had no particular comment on.

Now, story aside, the characters often fell a little flat.

It felt as though, a lot of the characters weren't fleshed out at all. Zu Hui and Jin Luo's development was abrupt, and frankly felt a little forced. Jin Lian and Zu Hui's just fell short of something great, and fizzled out into nothing. The three, are great characters, but with how much the story had to focus on, it sacrificed a lot of potential. Hao Xuan, as the main antagonist, felt a little cookie cutter. His aims, and ambitions more than bland. Of course, the inferiority complex could've been great, but it was never really fleshed out beyond, "my brother was born with everything, while I was not". Overall, Immortal Li, and Red Thread Master were one of the few characters I think stuck with me. Xiu Ming didn't really stick out to me in any way.

In conclusion, the story has its flaws, but it had great potential to be something great. Though, in my opinion, it did not achieve that, it's still something good.
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