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Love You Seven Times chinese drama review
Love You Seven Times
2 people found this review helpful
by Momina
Aug 30, 2023
38 of 38 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

Seven Dramas in One!

I was looking forward to this drama for many months. I read the book partially and didn't finish it because I wanted the ending to be a surprise.

I can't compare the ending of the drama to the novel obviously but I will share my thoughts on the drama as it's own.

The Main Leads:
Their chemistry is amazing. They have many cute and adorable moments both on and off screen.

The Story:
It's an amazing concept of finding one's true love again. However, I feel that may an extra 30 mins, a episode or a special clip would give a better insight about the ending-It's not confusing but as a viewer, you want a proper closure and not just one where everything wraps up in 2 mins with the leads.

I think this is a problem not unique to this drama but Cdramas as a whole. That's why I gave it a 9.5 stars when I've been giving every episode a 10 star up until the semi rushed ending.

The OST:
There are some nice OSTs in this but I don't know their names. Without any spoilers, my favourite is the most dramatic sounding one so guess it.

The Shengling Duo:
I just wish we got more time with these two on screen together.

You have to endure the annoying prince aka Xiu Ming. This guy is handsome but I don't want to be distracted in the drama plus I didn't like his character but I did feel sorry for him once or twice.

I couldn't care about Jin Lou's love story tbh.

Would I watch this again? Probably
I just wish there was more episodes for each lifetime because honestly, each lifetime would've been epic as a separate drama.

I am so looking forward to watching this pairing in another drama.

Lastly, to all the people who bullied YCY for her acting, she has improved and just because you are behind the screen, it doesn't give you the right to do that. Critic, yes. Bully, no!
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