Qi pa : I am a little tired. I am going to sleep. Kui Mulang : Go Ahead. I am here. The above dialogue sums up their relationship. Kui mulang provides trust, peace and security to qi pa with his warmth of love.This episode was pure feel good, paying dividend to the viewers who have invested their time and energy in watching the series. After yesterday's episodes which were full of action and suspense, today the creators resolved the issue quite quickly.... It was explained by liu jun in earlier episode when qi pa sucked poison out of li xiong's hand and he did not convert to wolf form at night for few days that qi pa had the holy pearl for 5 years in her body, it must have changed her physiology... They used the same logic to save kui mulang, although qi pa had lost the holy pearl to suhe, she still had her uniquely affected blood, she merged her blood with kui mulang and voila, kui mulang got enough power to kill suhe, take back the holy pearl and defeat all enemies. I think the series did not have budget to film elaborate fighting sequence so the fights are always quick but interestingly depicted. After the resolution of external conflict, like rain on parched earth, our main leads have a moment of relief and sweet confession of their love... They can finally plan their future now that the hanging knife of kui mulang's health has been removed from the equation as he has consumed the holy pearl and will live a long healthy life and continue to save the people of beast city. Sudden death of Ma Yingxiong in previous episode was jarring... But it seemed apt the creators would go that way... Both citizens of daxia, qi pa and Ma Yingxiong were depicted as superficial, flaky and frivolous interested in their foppish appearance and attached to wordly pleasures, however in the end when everyone including kui mulang were at the mercy of the enemy, it was both of these Daxian who proved to be more righteous and loyal , managing to save the beast population from annihilation and destruction... Beautiful lantern tribute was paid to Ma yingxiong, it was poignant and heart felt, it managed to portray grief for a life lost but also there was hope for the future. As expected kui mulang forgave his brother and haitang after giving them some minor punishment, I knew kui mulang would always be soft towards his blood relative and especially when his brother was showing remorse and regret... Afterall blood is thicker than water. Other side couples got their happy ever after... Time to give kui mulang some romantic moments, qi pa had designed a haute couture couple dress, with a flower ? embroidered on kui mulang's dress and a wolf ? on hers... kui mulang was momentarily speechless at the colour selection but when has he ever refused qi pa anything? so he agrees to wear the dress... Time for much awaited wedding night? ??❤. Last scene in daxia, kui mulang and qi pa are going for their honeymoon? to Europa... Both are dressed in ancient western clothes... But somehow kui mulang with his wig , shirt, trouser and hat looked like dracula visiting Transylvania and qi pa looked like young mina (dracula movie) ?? They both are very excited to travel the world moving on to new adventures of qi pa and kui mulang. The Beast King finally gets the love he so desperately wanted and gets to ride into the sunset with his beloved... May their love continue to prosper.If you are interested in reading my reviews/ summary on all episodes together, open the link below. https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lang-jun-bu-ru-yi/111037-episodes-review-musing-thought?pid=2704447&page=1#p2704447
...beautifully progressing love story... I loved both the episodes. Qi pa DOES love kui mulang/ li xiong, finally she has all the key answers that the viewers were aware of since the beginning of the drama.... Her inner turmoil of loving both li xiong and kui mulang was very sensitively put forth in these episodes... Qi pa is no longer the same childish princess who was trying to escape, she has accepted the mantle of the queen of the beast city. What most of the viewers forget is that all the facts that we were made aware of since the beginning, were revealed to qi pa just some time ago... This is called DRAMATIC IRONY.. Viewers were aware from the first episode that kui mulang the upright king is dying without the holy pearl, so it is but obvious that they are getting frustrated with qi pa's refusal to accept him.... To get the holy pearl there should be true love between two people... They should be soul mates... Falling in love with each other is JUST THE FIRST step in the journey of being soulmates... To be perfect soulmates one has to let go of doubt, ego, pride, insecurities, jealousy, hatred, lies and fully trust their partner. At this point even though kui mulang and qi pa love each other they still have extra baggage of other emotions weighing them down. Qi pa upon learning that kui mulang married her for holy pearl is full of doubt and insecurity, she believes kui mulang wants her only for pearl, after lui jun clarifies to her that kui mulang will die without the pearl, it is her LOVE that makes her go to kui mulang to offer to kiss him.. But she lets her pride get in the way when kui mulang asks if she ever loved him. Kui mulang , eventhough loves qi pa allows his ego and self hatred for forcing qi pa get in the way so he rejects qi pa's offer to kiss him, he doesn't want her pity. But as the series has already taken a step in the right direction and the protagonists have fallen in love with each other, they will have to deal with the extra baggage of negative emotions they each are carrying to become each other's soul mate. It is good that qi pa is going back to her home, a little absence makes heart grow fonder and both should get a chance to miss each other to realise how important they are to each other. I am fully satisfied with how last few episodes are progressing... They met, they will part to meet again and become more stronger together and now the outside forces are getting stronger... The king and the queen of the beast city will soon be tested.If you are interested in reading my reviews/ summary on all episodes together, open the link below. https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lang-jun-bu-ru-yi/111037-episodes-review-musing-thought?pid=2704447&page=1#p2704447
Rong Yu now comprehends words and follows Jiu Ling's instructions. Jui Ling overhears the old lady who is giving them shelter for the night's conversation with her neighbor. Even though the old lady is poor, she did not hesitate to give shelter to these two people in need. At breakfast Jiu Ling gives the lady a gold ingot for her kind help. Rong yu who is still childlike feeds Jiu Ling portidge with his spoon, Jui ling teaches him to put food in his mouth instead of hers. After changing their dresses to mix in the crowd, Jiu Ling along with Rong Yu take leave from the old lady. On their way to find a carrige to take them near their destination, they meet the painter who made Rong Yu's sketches for livelihood. Jiu Ling leaves Rong Yu in the painter's care. After giving Rong Yu his favourite pancakes with fragrant powder sprinkled on it, she leaves to inquire carriage availability for their journey to her master's place hoping to find a cure for Rong Yu's condition. Inside the office, Lord Rong is waiting for her, he slaps her and forcibly takes Rong Yu away with him. Rong Yu keeps shouting for her and jiu ling also tries to reach him but both are separated. Jiu ling is sent back to her house. Rong Yu becomes depressed by this separation and doesn't eat anything, looking for the same pancakes jiu ling used to give him on their journey. Jiu ling writes a letter to her master begging her to come treat Rong Yu, but her master refuses as she has an old grudge against astrology tower ministers. Jiu ling also writes a letter to her senior, telling him of the adverse effect of his medication on Rong Yu. Inspite of being hurt himself, her senior decides to send her life saving herb to cure Rong Yu. Meanwhile, jiu ling realises the need to become strong so that nobody takes away her loved one again so she earnestly starts learning martial arts with her elder brother's help. Rong yu's guards who created diversion are brought back to Rong mansion, Lord Rong allows them to continue to be Rong Yu's guards but punishes them. One of the guard takes punishment for both, he is branded on his cheek as punishment. Jiu ling sits outside Rong mansion, other courtiers come out from the house making fun of Rong Yu. Jiu ling beats then. She is seen by Lord Rong who is a little impressed but decides not to intervene. Jiu ling is also seen by Rong Yu's guard who approaches her and asks her to meet Rong Yu. Rong Yu is taken by the guard to their window overlooking the house next door, Jiu ling is standing in that courtyard. Rong Yu waves at her happily and starts eating food. Jiu ling also spends more time in that courtyard talking vis gestures. She practices and Rong Yu happily watches her. Both are happy to see each other even though they cannot meet.
Rong Yu's brain is affected by the poison so becomes childlike
Rong Yu is in a coma and Jiu Ling has hurt her hand unable to perform basic functions with it. After she had been beaten by Jiang siblings in previous episode, she forces her father to tell her about Rong Yu's condition. Upon realising that probably the medicine her Senior gave her to make Rong Yu indifferent to her was poisonous and the real reason for his present condition, she decides to take Rong Yu to her master, Xuan Tian Sanren on Mount Wuhua for treatment. In the meantime Jui Ling's elder brother apprehends Jiang song min for attacking his sister and takes him in for questioning.. Jui Ling's brother was very ruthless and domineering, ready to get justice for his sister... Great sibling bond. Lord Rong, Rong Yu's uncle comprehends that Jiu Ling was responsible for his nephew's poisoning so in anger he burns the engagement annulment decree from The Emperor and resolves to make Jiu Ling suffer. When Jiu Ling and her father come to Rong mansion to ask permission for taking Rong Yu to Jiu ling's master, Lord Rong understandably refuses. Jiu Ling in a desperate bid, kidnaps Rong Yu with the help of his two helpers. On the way to her master they are ambushed by the soilders looking for Rong Yu's wereabouts. Jiu Ling and Rong Yu hide while the other two helpers divert soldiers' attention. Jiu Ling then carries the unconscious Rong Yu on her back, she ties him around her waist with a stole as her hands are defunct due to her injuries.. As they progress, Rong Yu starts waking up. Rong Yu wakes up fully but alas has lost his mind, he has become foolish and behaves like an innocent child, always hugging Jiu Ling and sticking to her like glue. Jiu Ling reluctantly takes care of him, teaching him basic functions... Probably the vicious poison has affected his brain and needs to be detoxified. Jiu Ling and a childlike Rong Yu continue on their journey to Jiu Ling's master for treatment.
A famous performer, Ye Xiaolou has come to Jianglin city. The tickets for the performance are hard to get and there is a long queue. Guo Zhen Sheng manages to acquire two tickets so he can watch the show with Ru Yu. However his cousin Hu Nana arrives unannounced, she has nefarious plans to marry him so that he can be a provider for her. Guo Zhen Shen and Hu Nana had a past but she married someone else, now after being widowed, she is looking for someone to remarry. Hu Nana tries her best to create a misunderstanding between Guo Zhen Sheng and Chun Family. Hu Nana also resorts to petty blackmailing, while having the last meal before she leaves Chun residence, she opens the window and accuses Guo Zhen Sheng of molesting her. Ru Yu and her three daughters rush to Guo Zhen Sheng defence. Ban Xia reports this incident in the court, officials take Hu Nana for questioning on harassment and defamation charges. After Hu Nana is released, she quickly packs her bags and departs the Chun residence, looking for other cousins who could support her. Guo Zhen Sheng invites Ru Yu to watch Ye Xiaolou's performance along with him. Upon reaching the venue, they notice that Ke Ling and Fourth prince A-si, Lu Buping and Pei Lan, JinRong and Shi Zi are also present there. The family tries to hide from each other. After the show all family members eat awkward dinner. Ban Xia casually brings up the topic of Ye Xiaolou's performance and hopes they could go together to watch it. Everyone is silent not making eye contact and one by one they leave the table leaving behind a disgruntled Ban Xia.
Ban Xia keeps doubting Shen Wang Yuan. She wants to expose him as a fraud. However Shen Wang Yuan is her match in verbal arguments and always has a reasonable explanation against Ban Xia's accusation related to his identity. Shen Wang Yuan consults Guo Zhen Sheng because he is itching all over his body. Guo Zhen Sheng informs Shen Wang Yuan that it's flea bites, gives him medicines and also suggests bathing. While Shen Wang Yuan is taking a bath Ban Xia mistakenly walks in and sees him naked. She asks Shen Wang Yuan not to reveal this embarrassing incident to anyone. But Ban Xia's guilt makes her suspect that everyone around her is talking about her. Frustrated she herself reveals that bathing incident in front of her family. Later Shen Wang Yuan is approached by Steward, Mr. Xin who wanted to hire him as a tutor for his master's children. Shen Wang Yuan leaves the Chun residence for the new job, refuses to take travel money offered by Mrs. Chun and gives Mrs. Chun a book as a thank you gift. Ban Xia's attitude towards him softens due to his parting actions. Jin Rong wants Shi Zi to make their relationship public. She wants to marry him and settle down. Shi Zi informs her that his father, Lord Ning wouldn't approve of their relationship. Jin Rong is confident, she could get his approval. She is invited to Lord Ning's banquet, he is happy to have her as a guest but after the party when Shi Zi brings up his marriage with Jin Rong, Lord Ning opposes the idea. Jin Rong listens to this conversation from behind the doors and is very upset at Lord Ning's rejection of her as a daughter in law.
The master, Guo Zhe Sheng overhears a few sedan bearers gossiping outside the Young Lord's mansion. They were criticizing the Chun family's behaviour of the previous night. After going inside the master finds Pei Lan, Ban Xia, Ke Ling upset, he mistakenly presumes they are upset due to previous night's events. He tries his best to console and cheer them. Later it is revealed that it was the death anniversary of the girls' father hence they were in a melancholic mood. He gets upset at having forgotten his own master's death anniversary. However Mrs. Chun acknowledges his contribution in taking care of her family and forgives him for his role in her husband's death. All girls appreciate the master's role in their upbringing.Jing Rong gets the young Lord jealous at The product appraisal hosted by her with his hush money. Shi Zi goes to his own mansion to meet Jing Rong where he is informed that the Chun family's home has been almost repaired so they will be leaving his mansion. Shi Zi being love struck tries to convince them to stay but he is horrified upon learning the Chun family ate his very expensive foreign fishes.
Special Episode 25 (alternate reality- what if, These characters could restart their lives )
What if life gave these characters a reset button and they could restart their lives anew......Life is full of choices that define us, our lives are the sum total of all our decisions... One wrong turn can plummet our life to hell and another right turn can elevate it..... This episode is in NO way "Redemption" of any character but a reflection of what ifs?...... I hope all these characters in some alternate universe made a befitting choice and enjoyed a lifetime of happiness.
Ru yu may appear to be the strict matriarch of the family but it would not have been easy for her to take care of four little girls while being the breadwinner. .. We get a peek into how well she is handling her family knowing everyone's weaknesses and strengths.... She keeps everyone is balances and checks. Ban xia overhears her mother, Ru Yu gossiping about the family with her friend. She takes offence to being the subject of discussion... During a heated argument, Ban xia challenges Ru Yu and offers to manage household in a better way. Next morning at the breakfast table, Ban xia convinces everyone to vote for her as the household organizer.... As everyone believes her promise of a better life under her management they unanimously agree to her getting control. Ban Xia being more book smart than street smart draws out a theoretical plan and allots everyone their new assignments. Pei Lan is given duty to help in the pharmacy, Jin Rong is giving moping duty and later kitchen duty, Ke Ling is conveniently absent during all chores, Master is given washing clothes duty.... Needless to say everyone blunders at doing unfamiliar odd jobs. Ban xia reluctantly hands over the management back to Ru Yu, being a competitive person she is upset that she failed at the task. Ru Yu approaches her and pacifies her, reminding her that human beings are fallible wanting to do things their own way. We also get a glimpse at Jin Rong's childhood... At an early age she had become a caretaker of her younger siblings Ke Ling and Ban xia as their mother went out to earn money... Her desire to marry a rich man stems from those difficulties, Jin Rong wishes to give her sisters a good life from her dowry after marrying a rich man.
True test of relationships is during time of adversity... Only people who stay by our side, protecting us during most difficult period are the people who love us.... This family may appear to have difference and clashes but they close rank and are fiercely protective of each other. Ban Xia who was eager to make amends with her mother and sister, left eagerly with them for shopping. She forgot to switch off the stoves on which medicine was brewing. Their whole house caught fire and burned down. Bu Ping who was at home slipped and fell unconscious while trying to douse the fire and almost became a casualty. Shi Zi had sent Li Teng Yu to kill Ke Ling. Li Teng Yu being too cowardly to kill, left an unburned torch at the Chun's residence, he had planned to make an excuse that he tried to burn their property but was unsuccessful.Now that Chun's residence had actually caught fire, Li Teng Yu was apprehended and Shi Zi was also implicated. Unaware that she herself was the reason for the fire, Ban Xia decides to go to the highest authority to punish the culprits. Other members of the Chun family find out the real cause of the fire was Ban Xia's negligence. However they close their rank to protect her, keeping it a secret from her. Inadvertently Ban Xia finds out the truth, being an honest and upright person she reaches the court to confess her negligence demanding punishment. All her family reach the court and convince her to withdraw her confession as loss of money could be recouped as long as all of them were still together.
Pei Lan is puts on a decorative hairpin as it is her birthday... But none of her family seem to remember it, everyone is selfishly going about doing their own work and assigning more work to Pei Lan... Only Bu Ping notices such disregard by Pei Lan's family and points it out to her. Then suddenly her mother wishes her birthday and all of a sudden, Pei Lan's face transforms to radiance... The family keeps a birthday party for her, but it seems they have invited their own friends to socialise and again Pei Lan is left holding the short end of the straw. Her knight in shining armour, Bu Ping offers to take her away to Dali... Pei Lan being a dutiful family refuses to leave her family. At last after the party winds doen, Pei Lan and her mother have a heart to heart... Ru Yu hands over a jade bangle to Pei Lan that was a family heirloom... Ru Yu tells Pei Lan to start speaking up for herself... All family give Pei Lan a small personal gift each. Pei Lan later tells Bu Ping that she considers him a family member and his place in her heart is 'second', first place assigned to ger mother and sisters. Bu ping is happy to get the second place.
This episode focuses on Pei Lan's frugal nature... It was hinted that even in the past, family had suffered food poisoning due to Pei Lan unwillingness to dispose off anything. Pei Lan makes food out of spoiled preserved vegetables, her mother unknowingly eats it and suffers from diarrhea at an inconvenient moment while she was trying her hand at matchmaking. Even though her master and her third sister advice her to throw away bad food, she is reluctant to do so. Later while trying to purchase vegetables, she comes across some mushroom but considers them to be pricey. Taking up the vegetable vendor's sarcastic suggestion, Pei Lan goes to the mountains to pick up mushrooms herself to save money. Being inexperienced, Pei Lan picks poisonous mushrooms... Once again her master, who is a doctor advices her to throw away those but frugal Pei Lan not only eats them herself but also feeds clueless Bu ping some. Both of them end up being poisoned... Pei Man's family decides to teach her a lesson to break her habit of feeding them spoilt food just to save money. The whole family pretends that Pei Lan is on her death bed, she is also misinformed that Bu Ping died due to food poisoning. Leading to hilarious death bed confessions by pei lan. When Pei Lan wakes up the next morning finding that it was a hoax and Bu Ping was also alive... She is back to her helpful self having learnt a valuable lesson "being too frugal may kill you".
It had quite a serious note compared to previous episodes... But I liked the father daughter bonding in this one.. I love it when ancient Chinese series shows a supportive father.. This one has just an adorable father of the FL.... He has trust in his daughter's ability and encourages her radical ideas. A good dialogue from ep 13 regarding FL radical views for the ancient martial art world.Xing chen's father asks her what kind of martial arts world would she want? Xing chen's response: "I want a world of equality. In this world women can be chivalrous heroes, and also happily embroider at home. We can duel on stage, and also raise children at home. We can practice sword play in dresses, and also roam in men's clothes. In this world there is only right and wrong, no gender or age barriers. Everyone can pursue their paths. "
Loved the message in this episode... 1. Being weak doesn't mean you are useless... Be resolute never give up and victory shall surely be yours. Xing chen says if it doesn't work once, I will try 10 times, if it doesn't work 10 times I will try 100 times and so on.. Attagirl!!!👍2. Loving someone doesn't mean mollycoddling them or putting them on a pedestal, it means allowing them to progress in spite of the hardship and helping them achieve their true potential.. Difference between Bing he and Bu ting..... I am appreciating this drama more and more as it progresses.Egg and stone indeed!!! ❤PS: I agree with everyone talking about explosion 💣💥 in the tunnel in episode 10.How NOT to breathe poisonous gas 😉
Liu Jun contacts Hong xiu to get her advice on qi pa's likings because kui mulang wants to propose to her. Hong xiu who was dejected earlier as she had assumed, Liu Jun had fallen in love with someone else, perks up. Hong xiu informs Liu Jun that as per qi pa when a man proposes in her home town there would be a grad ceremony, it would have candles, cluster of flowers, light gauze, white curtains and shiny stars. While Hong xiu and Liu Jun are discussing the specifics of Daxia's customs, qi pa flees from the palace to meet Ma Yingxiong. Qi pa feels that as Ma yingxiong is in the beast city, she can escape along with him when he returns to Daxia... She intends to tell kui mulang to send Ma Yingxiong back to Daxia before the marriage ceremony and she will hide in a big box that Ma yingxiong would take back with him... She also plans to take Li xiong along with her as she mistakenly still believes that he is the shadow guard of Daxia. Harried Hong xiu and Liu Jun find both qi pa and Ma Yingxiong together, they pretend to be bidding tearful goodbyes to each other. Haitang impersonating chun'er gives delibliating powder to Ma yingxiong so that he could esape with qi pa and weaken kui mulang. Kui Mulang has restricted entry in imperial garden for others that night as he has planned a big proposal for qi pa... Hong xiu brings a blind folded qi pa to the garden and leaves her with kui mulang... Kui mulang leads the blindfolded qi pa inside telling her he has a surprise for her... Qi pa quips back "why so mysterious? "... Kui Mulang lifts Qi pa in his arms and carries her inside to show her his surprise.... He has decorated the room with flowers, candles, light gauze, white curtains just as Hong xiu had suggested earlier.. Kui Mulang ardently asks qi pa if she was satisfied with his preparation for the proposal... Kui Mulang requests qi pa to give him a chance and they could get to know each other from scratch... He gets down on his knees and proposes:Kui Mulang: will you marry me and be my queen? Qi pa: I doKui Mulang is overwhelmed as he did not expect her acquiescence.. Qi pa uses this opportunity to request kui Mulang to send Ma yingxiong back to Daxia before their wedding, unsuspecting kui Mulang agrees to this. Kui Mulang who is in euphoric mood due to qi pa's acceptance reveals to Liu Jun that it all feels unreal to him. Next morning, Li xiong goes to see qi pa, he smugly comments that qi pa looks happy and want to know if the reason for that was kui Mulang's proposal... Qi pa breaks his heart by revealing her true purpose.. She discusses her paln to escape along with Li xiong... Pitiful Li xiong world crashes. In a dazed state he listens to jubilant qi pa's plans (tilting of camera show his inner despondency and dismay) Kui Mulang trudges back to his chambers and reveals qi pa's plans to Liu Jun... Kui Mulang firmly informs Liu Jun to arrange Hu Die to hide in the big box to deceive Ma Yingxiong and escape from it later. Kui Mulang : I want to get qi pa back and send Ma Yingxiong back to Daxia. Unfortunately, Eunuch Ruo overhears their plans and informs Jing Muhan who in turn arranges to inform the master mind... Pseudo Chun'er gives Ma Yingxiong debilitating powder..... Kui Mulang invites qi pa to taste dishes for their wedding reception... Qi pa is eager to escape so give polite responses to keep kui mulang's guard down.... Kui Mulang in an effort at sincerity;Kui Mulang: The wolves only marry one person in a lifetime. After I marry you, I will treat you wholeheartedly. Qi pa coached by her mother, mumbles to herself that all men are liars... Making some excuse qi pa leaves... Inspite of his heartbreak, kui Mulang can't help but smile at her over the top pretenses.... Kui Mulang really indulges qi pa and loves her to bits. (This episode was quite heartbreaking for the viewers to watch inspite of a perfect romantic proposal due to all lies and heartbreak of main leads... However in this series the creators always applied healing balm to the viewers frayed hearts by giving them pay off later... In episode 30, the last episode there is a parallel scene to the proposal scene in episode 10 where viewers are soothed by witnessing a true love confession) 1. So mysteriousEp 10- qi pa is blindfolded and led by kui Mulang to see the surprise he has prepared... Qi pa retorts 'why so mysterious? 'Ep 30- qi pa closes kui Mulang's eyes and takes him to her chambers to show him the surprise she has prepared.. Kui Mulang wonders 'so mysterious'2."Are you satisfied? "Ep 10- qi pa wanders around the decorated proposal room to admire it. Kui Mulang asks her my queen-to-be "Are you satisfied? "... Qi pa courteously replies that she didn't expect him to propose to her. Ep 30- qi pa wants kui mulang to confess his love, kui mulang charmingly says " The only thing, I want in this life is you. I love you". Both qi pa and kui mulang giggle like shy children who have just been gifted a box of candies... Both of then blush after qi pa lovingly kisses him on his cheek... Kui mulang adoringly looks at qi pa and inquires "Are you satisfied?".. This time she genuinely nods as her heart desires his commitment and everlasting love.If you are interested in reading my reviews/ summary on all episodes together, open the link below. https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lang-jun-bu-ru-yi/111037-episodes-review-musing-thought?pid=2704447&page=1#p2704447