Both depict a high school aged female lead with a terminal illness and a bubbly persona, and male leads that don’t have any large reaction to learning about the illness. Acting is wonderful, and each movie depicts unique and meaningful friendships amongst the characters. Both movies have unexpected twists and turns with emotional voice overs/narrations.
Both are based on novels written by the same author, and the backdrop is the same academically illustrious high school, Zhenhua. There are several similarities between the two, the MLs and FLs have a lovely contrast in character, not in the same ways, but in both stories are initially presented as completely different people who slowly learn about their similarities to each other. The relationship of the ML/FL in All These Years also showcases how they relied on one another to get by troubling times. They’re both bittersweet but captivating stories. All These Years is a heavier story with a lighter ending.
Follows a tight knit group of friends through the trials and tribulations of adolescence. There are no typical drama tropes with intense love triangles or revenge plots. There’s a sense of nostalgia and the realism of each and every character makes them that much more relatable and endearing.