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Move to Heaven
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 13, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


Since from Frist trailer i knew the fact that this drama going to be a masterpiece. You can actually feel that vibe from the trailer itself. It's been almost 2 months now after it got released on Netflix but it took me some time to watch and finally i finished and just want to say something about it. This is really an awesome experience, i don't know How can a kdrama make you go through all the human emotions every time you watch....? I mean there were always something the magical behind all the kdramas still i can't figure it out that. But anyway Move to heaven is a must watch drama.

So as always am not going deep into the story and plot which you can understand after you watch the trailer. So you knew everything that's going to happen from the trailer. But still it's a wonderful experience. Here everything was so perfect. And 2 things that clinch you till the end. One was the performance of Tang ju Sung & Lee je hoon and the other thing was the writing.. each and every scene and that dialogues are really heartwarming.

10 episode with short duration can say around 45 min each was a feel free watch experience. There was not a much dragging or boring sequences. The finale episode was so touching.. for a moment i thought of i don't want to end this drama. Its a pure masterpiece. Definitely you must watch this if you are a feel good slice of life drama lover.. Go god this made day❤️ i can't forget this experience for a long....

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She Would Never Know
3 people found this review helpful
Mar 9, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.5

One time Watchable

Nothing particular about this office rom com but it was a decent drama experience to me and not a cent percentage satisfaction but totally it's a watchable drama. Following every kdrama cliche without missing anything but there was no big love triangle between 2 main leads

I always very interested in office rom com stories, so apart from the romantic track the other business things the drama dealing was my first curiosity in the start and also the other side stories they bring, so firstly going to the side stories,there was a beautiful family bonding between the main lead and his 2 elder sisters which was so relatable. Every time am so happy to see them together. The uncle nephew bonding is also nice to see.

It has love triangle but not in that usual manner, may be they not forcefully pushing that part because they may felt it unnecessary, but the 2nd heroine is a kind of very stubborn type girl who not yet ready to give up her love. So it's a kind of annoying in so many place.

One thing about kdrama that it doesn't matter how it was started or even there was something big attractions in the middle of the drama also not could be enough to judge the overall show and but exactly the real important thing is how they properly conclude everything they started and here the result was not very impressive. Practically there was too many very boring sequences coming in the finale 3 Episodes which every kdrama fan should predict easily.

Chemistry between Roowon and Won jin-ah , also the side love story and some beautiful romantic scenes in the middle Episodes was only some good factors that i can point out now. This drama is not a must watch drama but a Watchable drama atleast for the cast.

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Birthcare Center
3 people found this review helpful
Nov 26, 2020
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

A Must Watch Drama..!!!

This drama was unique and worth watching for all the viewers with a heartwarming and Beautiful narration which gives you a total refreshing experience till the end. So the whole story was focusing on a entirely different atmosphere, which we haven't seen much before in dramas and that was the main attraction here.

Birthcare Center is a postpartum care center for all mothers who just give their delivery. Simply its a mother care center. They say it's a paradise for all the mothers who has no idea of to do what next after their delivery. So here the story is mainly focused on a married couple at first pace, there the wife was a working women in fact a managing director of a big concern and she got pregnant unexpectedly one day and frankly her whole world went upside down after that with stressful days and all, after all the struggle finally she give birth to her child and then she entering into postpartum care center.

And the story really begins, There she met other moms and the main story again splitting with them and they also becames the main character for the rest of the Episodes. They all coming from different backgrounds and slowly become close to each other, then the story eventually moves between them.

So many factors that i found really interesting throughout this whole drama. They wonderfully managed everything with some really funny narration at the same time there includes some intense emotional scenes with strong characters and also trust and understanding of each other by the couples etc.. which was something really beautiful to see. 

Another important factor it was only an eight Episode drama. So the narration was really fast apart from some other long dramas, without any dragging. Especially the last 4 Episodes was the soul of this drama.its kind of feel like improving Episode after Episode and grow more into our hearts. All the characters are relatable with real life and there are some Beautiful life quotes which was a good life reality they showed.

Overall birthcare center was a must watch drama you can watch and finish with a smile and also with full satisfaction. Definitely give it a try if u have time

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10 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2021
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 4.5

An Average Drama for me

Honestly i expected little different type of a drama. Dp was may be not my kind of a drama, Overall it was a pretty average dramatic experience for me. I saw so many people were praising this drama a lot, but i felt a different opinion apart from them. They started the drama really well and my expectations was on the highest level but after a few minutes from there, it going really dragging and was a repeated stuff which we seen so many time before. I mean the emotional connection didn't get.

Not a single excitement but i desperate to finish for jung hae in he was one my favourite hero. You can read from the plot that D.P people finding run away soldiers. Its really hard to see people who came to serve for the country has to go through all the bad bullying situations. The making was really amazing and its slow paced. But I can't connect so emotionally to so many scenes, emotional scenes were not that refreshing.. the story narration doesn't has anything to offer to you, to stay thrilled or interested.
They just showing that Korean Military experience was horrible.

The positive thing i find was the last episode looks very decent. I have to skip some scenes in the middle because i felt very bored. Even the comedy scenes doesn't look funny to me.. These all were my thoughts.. But its only has 6 Episode so its a feel free watchable drama.

Overall Average only for me

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Doctor Prisoner
4 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2019
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
First of all i would definitely say that it was a worth watching experience for me in all means. But i don't fully satisfied with the finale episode but it was ok. Another good drama backed by a brilliant screenplay with outstanding making.. almost each and every episode was interesting and thrilling. Its a revenge story and the way they narrated was brilliant as well as confusing in some parts in the middile.

There are so many connecting stories are related to the main plot. Nayije the main lead was exceptional with his performance and also the all the negative characters. Yes it was an open ending climax for sequel.

I think it's a bery good drama and you should give it a try

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If You Wish Upon Me
5 people found this review helpful
Oct 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

A Watchable Slice of Life Drama

Definitely its unlike for a kbs drama. They must followed tvn's style, but somehow they made it, but to ve honest u can't beat the best in this business, so i can't label it as a best but overall it was a good watchable drama in the end.

I liked the story and the way they narrated the screenplay. It was perfect for this genre, even for a small scene can change the whole mood of the drama. So many good episodes. There were some lagging and slowness but actually everything all together looks super interesting after every Episodes. The important thing was i didn't get bore even after 12th episode, u can feel the emotions in every episode and it look so refreshing.

Performance is amazing. Especially this side of Ji Chang Wook i always love to see more. Finale Episode is also heartwarming and beautiful. I Liked the way they ended everything..also romance was good as well. If you like slice of life feel good dramas then you can definitely try this out..

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Jan 8, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

chemistry was good...

Not up to the level of part 1 but surely a finest quality maintained part 2. Hats off to hong sisters for an amazing fantasy story. Yet again they proved that no one can beat them when it comes to this genre. Amazingly written beautiful screenplay.

Part 2 was so rushed that I felt. Also Naksu couldn't beat the bold mudeok's performance and charisma she created in Part1. It's about the actor not about the character. Just because she is super good looking doesn't mean she can climb up to the level of mudeok. Of course she did her part decently but mudeok always comes first.

The story is the main important part which i really enjoyed apart from anything. Every episode was a different experience from one another. So many characters also have very complicated situations, tensions, and even more beautiful fantasy elements. For example jinyoon relics, the four seasons, the magic of mages, Soul ejector, the kings star,ice stone, Fire bird and more... Also there are some beautiful romantic scenes with some nice osts..

Lee jae wook and his strong comeback after the disaster Do do sol sol la la sol was 🔥 also others. Everyone was superb. I don't know how you will feel when you binge all at once. But it was a wonderful ongoing experience for me.

Overall Alchemy of Soul is brilliant. Maybe you guys have different opinions about the Ending, As i said earlier compared to part 1 am not completely satisfied with part 2 but it was decent. Maybe they rushed things or lost the flow in the finale Episodes... Anyway.. definitely give it a try...


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3 people found this review helpful
Feb 11, 2022
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Excellent screenplay and execution...

It's not easy to keep that balance till the end in a time loop series then a movie, so many things have to look after each time when you enter into the loop, also kept the viewers at the edge without losing their interest and it must be thilling as much as it can. Reset probably one of best example for a perfect time loop drama. Every time they wakes up from the loop it doesn't lose the excitement and thrill.

Li Shi Qing a Female student who suddenly woke up one day in shock from a bus, she thought she had a nightmare of her bus going to explode. But it was not a dream, after the bus crosses the river bridge it actually blasted, but she didn't die and she wokes up again in the same bus at the same time on the same day, yes happened once again, after river bridge crossed the bus blasted. she needed 2 or 3 cycles of loop to believe that she has trapped in a loop. Every time she wokes up, there was a boy next to her named Xiao He yun, When he also trapped in the same loop of her's things slowly getting more complicated. They both finally accept the truth, now they have only one intension, stop that bus and save all the rest of passangers before explosion.

Excellent screenplay, as i mentioned above its well balanced screenplay without any loopholes, also very simple narrative, you can understand everything easily, the development of back stories of characters and mysteries behind everything that relating to bus explosion,there are so many things to discover, Every episode was thrilling. Episode duration also short to around 38 min.

It's a must watch drama. Worth for every minute you spent, if you interested in time loop concept dramas then, highly recommended

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Imawa no Kuni no Alice Season 2
2 people found this review helpful
Dec 24, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Once again a Complete edge of the seat Experience

A Well made Sequel that promises an amazing experience to the viewers. The expectations were high and it was definitely worth the wait. The story starts from the point they ended in S01 and stright from the start it's keep getting better and better and which includes even more deadly games.🥵

Apart from S01, here they mainly focused on character relationships. Even for someone who didn't really get attached to the characters in S01 may change their minds after watching S02 for sure because it was wonderfully written. It also more logical when it comes to its ending. Never expected something like that.

Just like season one, Everything is brutal about the games without any mercy, Overall it's a perfect finale for an amazing experience. Completely Satisfied with the ending and everyone must watch.

Faar faar faaar better than that overrated Squid Game. I think a lot of people haven't watched this yet that's why they are praising Squid game like the best thing in the globe.🥱 I still feel this drama deserves more recognition than Squid Game.

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Nothing Serious
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 28, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

A quite beautiful film

The initial attraction must be the cast. Both the leads are superb and i heard this movie won the best screenplay award in Baeksang Arts awards so that also made me curious to look forward. In a one word it's quite decent feel good film to watch.

The plot is not a usual sterio type, it more modern a realistic kind of approach. Dealing a quite common story in modern world and for your awareness it's an adult film and not by too much nudity but it has something and that's not so vulgar they filmed it in a very decent way. Am not entering in to the story part, because u can read that from Google if you want. But better watch without knowing anything.

Because of the duration, you can feel free to enjoy, no unwanted complications or dragging.. the plot is also looks refreshing. Also the chemistry of the leads are quite adorable.

Not a must watch one, but definitely a worth watch one.. try it...


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Good Manager
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 1, 2018
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This drama defenetly will be a worth watching experience for all korean drama lovers. First of all i read the plot and it is not that interesting. So i felt like its an ordinary usual cliche office drama. But after i saw many critics reviews i just give it a try . But once the first episode finished am just speechless, brilliant execution with lots of humor elements especially with that title character chief kim.

You may feel that there is nothing new in the firstlook. But once you started the first episode you will defenetly continue to watch till the finale. Such an outstanding enjoyabe drama.yes basically it deals with office problems company issues with some politics etc. But there is no boring elements or laging portions. Every bit of the episode was awesome.

Acting is the another factor .The title Character Chief Kim was the back born of this drama. Exceptional Acting.His attitude, behaviour,style, dialogue delivery, humour sense,eye contact such as everything was perfect and mind blowing. Some of the other characters are also just brilliant especially that three main lead lady characters.. very cute attractive and humurous acting. Brilliant overall screenplay and the real soul of the drama was the Orginal Sound Track with Beautiful mixing of background score.

Just try it everyone,20 episode with 1 hour per episode. Its not a usual drama it has much more elements which will surprise you even more
Enjoyed a lot

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2 people found this review helpful
Oct 26, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

This is the frist time i ever cried after watching a Korean Drama with so much sweet pain along with some smile behind.This is a kind of Drama which left you some deep emotions. I proudly saying that Call Me Mother Aka Mother is one of the best series ever made in the world. It is travelling through all the human emotions. everyone will fall in love with all the character especially that littile kid And Her true Mother.

Mother is the official remake of a Japanese drama released in 2010 and i think this is first time i Seeing in series that a remake is better then the original version.More over so far i didn't watch the orginal Japanese version but so many critics reviews are saying that the Korean Version is the best then the Japanese.

Mother telling a story of a 38 year old lady who took a littile 9 year old child and run away from her biological Mother because the child is suffering Abuse from her own mother. The Police and Media is chasing after them . From the first few eipsode the story is so normal and we have so many confusions so far like why she took her,what is her intention,if they caught what will they do. The truth is that they are looking for a safest Place to hide and not to show up ever again.

After the 8 the episode once we enter into the Main plot we will worry about them and also our feelings and emotions will defenetly travell along with them. Episode 11 To 16, I can't forget each and every moments of these episodes. Am speechless to express the Experience that i got while watching the finale Scenes. Its like an edge of the seat moments for me.

Here the presentation is a Deep Dramatic and realistic way. Pls watch it and experience with your true emotions.Over all It is a must watch korean Drama you will never forget, a worth watching experience guaranteed to all drama lovers.

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Business Proposal
3 people found this review helpful
Apr 6, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

A Perfect blend of Romance and Comedy

Even though there was nothing new in the story and screenplay still it make you feel good till the end. nay be the reason for this was purely the performance of the cast and an engaging screenplay without any dragging. I think it's been long time since i watched a drama with zero complications.If you love rom com's then welcome to the world Business Proposal.

The casting is brilliant, Our four main leads and their super cute performance was the best thing of this drama. Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Se Jeong, Kim Min Gue and Seol In Ah i want to just mention these four people, every single time when the two couples on the screen they brings magic with their super cute acting. Especially Kim Se Jeong, She was just amazing with her expressions.

Definitely a perfect rom com because both comedy and romance was perfectly balanced within the 12 Episodes. There were so many situations which make you laugh. This drama is full of happiness so just start watching without thinking twice because a drama like this was really missing these days.

- Zero complications
- Complete happiness
- Perfect blend of Romance & Comedy
- Super Cute Leads
- and A Worth watching 12 hours

This is Business Proposal for you 🥰

Give it a try


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2 people found this review helpful
Feb 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

It was Awesome till 12. But after that..........

Uncle maybe one of the best underrated drama if they reduced that into a 12 episode drama, for a 16 long episode drama, there is not much of a story that can expand into that long, some unnecessary dragging and also the duration of Episodes started to getting little long especially when coming to its finale episodes. But still it was a decent drama overall. At first, few episodes were really awesome. Because there was some strong situations which you actually feel more tensed and also joy while watching it.

Its mainly about the relationship between an uncle and his nephew, you may not feel so dragging, if you watch this at the time of it airs. But for a binge watcher i think its hard after 12th episode. Because after that the situation becomes less serious and intense😒. I don't know why they dragged the screenplay like that. If they want to makes this more emotional then no need to do this. It could have been better if they concluded everything in 12 episodes.

The only negative i felt was that dragging otherwise everything was perfect till 12th episode. The performance is the key. Especially that kid who acted the role of ji hoo. He was so natural. Our uncle was amazing.. and special mention to that teacher character, her acting was cute. May be that helped in the finale episodes.

Anyway I won't recommend this. You can try and figure it out. Why iam saying this because while watching ongoing, i lost the flow. And even after the drama end, i left 5 episode to finsh, for that it takes 5 long days🥲. Funny isn't..? dragging like crazy, got tired of seeing the same thing again and again....

Anyway strictly personal opinion


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Dropped 10/16
Legal High
3 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2019
10 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
From the start i felt very fresh and thought that it could be an interesting court comedy drama but too disappointed. Because there is nothing more funny only i can say that the main lead jin go s character was good and interesting as well as the heroin seo eun soo except those, the others are very boring for me..

Nothing we can expect from this drama. Throghout the way they presented was felt more over dramatic and cliché. Some combination scenes of main two lead characters are good and watchable. I think if there is a bit of romance or something like that it may be even more interesting. I dropped after 11 the episode episode

Its only my own opinion. This is drama was a bad experience for me and a total time waste

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