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A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College chinese drama review
A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College
59 people found this review helpful
by Enigma05
Oct 15, 2021
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 6
Overall 6.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

"Power Hungry Man Can't Take No For An Answer" <---Should be the REAL title

Lord almighty, where do I begin? I literally just wanted an easy rom-com with no complications. This was not it. I have since heard that most dramas with names longer then hell aren't good; whether that's true or not, I don't know but it's my second time running into a drama with a long title that got this score from me. The plot essentially fell apart after episode 16. More than halfway through the story and all of a sudden heavy palace politics and a nightmarish stalker SML became the prime focus of this at first comedic and mildly inspiring story. When the SML's screen time eclipses that of the leads, I'd say it's a problem.

The screenwriter threw everything but the kitchen sink into this show; crime solving, setting ppl up, palace politics, the stalker SML, romance, jealousy, you name it. It should have been called "Power Hungry Man Can't Take No For An Answer" because that's what the majority of the series was focused on. He turned up literally everywhere at every moment and you were sick of him. However, giving the actor playing him his due, he was a very convincing creep. Literally the worst stalker in all of the costume cdramas I've seen. Characters like his make my skin crawl. Even his demise in the last episode was a serious copout given how much he lorded over the majority of the show.

Had I known it would turn out this way, I wouldn't have started it. The only thing keeping me from dropping it was that I actually liked the protagonists and when I realized they knew how to deal with the creep, I skipped a lot of his parts, plus got into a holding pattern twice by stopping watching the show just so more episodes could release and ppl could spoil when seeing him on screen would be less. When you stop watching a show twice, that's not a good sign.

I'm very picky with the dramas I watch. Usually I only watch dramas that have ppl I follow in them but since it's been very quiet on that front recently, I decided to try something new and though talking and laughing in the comments with other viewers was entertaining, this was a very poorly executed show. If it was going to make the creep the main focal person, then start that at the beginning. Make him the ML or something. Same goes for all the crime solving palace politics stuff. It's like the screenwriter remembered that this story was about a female student being the first to be admitted into an all male college twice after episode 16 and it was haphazardly thrown into small mentions here and there. You completely forgot that that was the main goal of the show; to be a more inclusive school.

Absolutely not a recommendation from me. Don't waste your time.
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