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Club Friday Season 14: 3 of Us
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 9, 2023
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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There Are Way Too Many Wheels on this Car

Only watched this for Yin Anan Wong and I have to say from last summer to this miniseries, his acting has improved a lot. I do however in the future wish he would get a role of the protagonist for a change. Not saying Rico Suave here wasn't a delight to see but I don't want him to be typecast as an antagonist before he really had any experience in mainstream entertainment. Because this miniseries is an anthology, my manner of review will be different than usual. Based on a true story usually means that while dramatization exists, the basis is real and therefore I will discuss each character as I saw them psychologically.

Mei - The original 3rd person, played the victim a lot and though I understand different cultures have their roles, she blamed way too much on karma instead of taking responsibility for her own actions. While the start of her relationship with Thiu was anything but consensual, pretty much every other thing she did on her own, had very little to do with bad karma and a lot to do with very poor decision making. She could have taken herself out of both equations at any time instead, she just dug herself a deeper hole. I was very glad that it took the car accident and her dear friend to finally make her wake up to the truth.

Thiu - Master manipulator and I have no idea how he wasn't in jail for sexual assault. If it really happened the way it was portrayed, then he got Mei drunk and forced himself on her when she essentially said no and tried to leave a few times. After that, he kept forcing himself on her even at the office, I had no idea how she felt love towards this man. Was it desperation, a weird version of Stockholm syndrome, you start to sympathize and love your attacker? His actions towards his wife were nothing short of verbal abuse. The man had zero concept of being in the wrong. I would classify him as a sociopath.

Atom - For someone who loved one night stands with random women, this walking STD still had some pride and wherewithal to take care of his own girlfriend though he was jobless. His relationship was salvageable because he and his girlfriend were both equal train wrecks. They both had vices that used other people for their own gain. He and Mei got the most out of whatever they had; they used each other and then it imploded. One could see it coming from a mile away. Would he really change? Who knows?

Khim: One loud mouth diva who made some kind of nasty masks that harmed others and considered herself an online influencer dishing out advice she had essentially no right to give. While Atom cheating on her left, right, and center wasn't a good thing, she could have just broken up with him and called it a day. Instead she turned herself and Thiu's wife into APEX predators by hounding the woman both men were seeing. One bad decision led to many others. Who really needed the confrontations, hair pulling, attacks and whatnot? It was really trashy and could have gotten her in trouble with the law had Mei decided to press charges. One of the reasons I think her and Atom would work out because they were both low class people.

Oil - While in the beginning I saw her and the baby as the only real victims in this story, her introduction to Khim, brought out a very nasty side in her. Who brings personal life to work? Even if it's an affair, get HR involved, don't show up unannounced and start a ruckus. She ended up being no less toxic then Khim. I hope for her sake, she divorces that hot mess of a husband and takes him for everything he owns, then it'll be revenge. She needs to think about her baby not threatening to throw acid on someone. That's a very harmful and unstable threat and makes Mei look like she was the only problem in that situation; when her husband started it all. Three sides to every story; his, hers, and the truth.

The miniseries was obviously very low budgeted because it seemed like actors either wore their own clothing or at least paid for it. Production used cheap locations and surroundings for places like the office or hotels. None of the places looked like real lived in homes. The car "chase" was laughable honestly, they were going no more then 20 mph while Khim swears she's flooring it. While the story itself makes sense as a cautionary tale, it's still very obvious that the Thai entertainment industry is new in comparison to others in the region. I hope for future works, they get more investors and better ones. Wish there was less screaming and yelling in each episode, definitely don't binge this unless you want a headache. This is an interesting miniseries for people studying psychology or psychopathy; you learn a lot about human nature.

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The Journey of Flower
1 people found this review helpful
Jan 24, 2021
58 of 58 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
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My Honest Opinion

I watched this in December of 2019, and gave a review on YouTube. I know folks loved this, so I'll probably be in the minority.

The story would have benefited if they had written in more of the book after her death and actual resurrection. The pain and suffering he goes through. Btwn the horrendous amount of makeup they put on him to make him look like he was closer to 50 was a real disconnect between the two main characters. Wallace Huo (Bai Zihua) was basically an iceberg the entire time. I read an article where they interviewed him and he said that it took him a while to get into the right head space for this part romantically speaking because of the 8 year age difference between him and his costar, the ever amazing and talented Zhao Liying (Hua Gian Gu). That it felt like an uncle and niece or father and daughter relationship. That’s how it felt on screen. Plus the coldness of his character, total lack of development, and the aging makeup didn’t help matters. The writers essentially shot themselves in the foot by not showing or having someone say that “love and duty can co-exist” as that’s a line from the book. Maybe have Zhu Ran explain it to him during his monologue after FL dies. That all Bai Zi Hua had to do was open his heart and love her. He wasn’t a monk and therefore celibacy shouldn’t have been that big of a deal in comparison. That the “fated calamity” was designed not to kill but to teach them to love. That perhaps failing was really the win to the “fated calamity” curse as opposed to what they were made to believe. Like with what happened to Wu Guo and Yun Ya; all he had to do was acknowledge his feelings and allow himself to love her. Falling in love, opening your heart and letting yourself feel would have saved everyone. I mean Zhu Ran came about somehow right? So Mo Yan had to have sex with his mother. Love or otherwise, Mo Yan was still allowed to be a Senior Brother. His life didn’t end. Neither did the world.

The biggest disconnect happened in FL's resurrection; it came out of nowhere with almost zilch real explanation. It seemed like the creators were rushing to finish the series so didn’t have time to give it any real semblance of an end and there was a lot of great material to finally develop the lead the way he had deserved to be developed. Maybe not go as far as “The Bet” but much of it could have been used and give it a real happy ending it deserved.

The best character out of the entire series was that of Holy Ruler aka Big Sister to his Little Thing. Ma Ke was a great actor, amazing development, and multifaceted to have him be loved more then the lead, in my humble opinion of course. I would have much preferred for Hua Gian Gu to end up with him even if it was in the sibling only love capacity. He was the only one immortal who literally did everything for her and protected her; ended up stuck in sleep until she died and he used his strength to help with her resurrection. Ultimately, for me, in the cluster-fuck of men who loved her and tried to protect her, Sha Qian Mo is the only one who ever succeeded at it each and every time with sincerity. Dongfang though he loved her, was blinded by revenge and that also put her in dangers path. So he doesn’t count. So for me the only real sincere one whose heart was always open for our heroine no matter the cost to his evil plans, was Mr. Androgynous Holy Ruler Demon Big Sister. I truly wish the creators had taken more from the book and adapted it in such a way that would have explained that totally disconnected ending or ended it on a higher note from the epilogues giving the iceberg the opportunity to melt and show emotions. Just my own thoughts of course.

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Gank Your Heart
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 27, 2020
35 of 35 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Must watch especially if you love “The Untamed”

I have searched for this show for nearly a month before finally finding it on some obscure website with English subtitles. I have been a fan of Wang Yibo since first watching him in "The Untamed" in mid-December. When I first read the synopsis of this show, I wanted to see him in a different type of show instead of a costume drama. As he's a gamer and motorbike racer in real life, it only added to the intrigue of how he would play this character. He didn't disappoint. Though I know zilch about games, he was ridiculously good and made a believer out of me. The entire series made me laugh at times and cry at others. The entire cast did a wonderful job and I wish more international fans could see his performance in this series. The reason I gave it a 9 and not a 10 was because I wish the romance aspect of it was less drawn out and all of the villains had better understood connections. Otherwise, I would and will recommend this show to people who are looking for something different. Wang Yibo at just 22 years old is a promising and courageous young actor that will continue to flourish with every role he's in. I look forward to seeing more of the Chinese Michael Jackson (yes ppl, he's really that good at dancing) in the future!

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Mr. Bad
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 10, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Sweet On & Simple

What drew me in was the original storyline and my first ever "Sweet On" series. Though very similar to "Dear Diary", this actually made sense. By no means is the screenplay perfect or even close to award winning, but it was sweet on & simple. Never seen anyone in the cast before other then adoptive mom of NX who played a very beloved character in LOF; actress is very versatile in both modern and costume roles.

Pros: Favorite character actually was hard because it was a combo of XWD, mom, and YQ. Each had their own strengths as in the ML was convincing in all of his mannerisms, I even loved how he didn't blame his existential crisis on the FL. He acted very mature about it. Mom was great; she was a supportive parent not an obnoxious/controlling one like SML's dad who wanted to choose who his son was with. She was loving, caring, gave great advice even if she wasn't NX's biological mother. I really appreciated her character and the fact that she was an independent woman, not relying on a man to be happy; 2 couples were enough here. YQ, she was the bomb! Best female boss I've seen since "Master of My Own." She was a bit slow in matters of the heart but I think ultimately she did things her way with the help of those around her. Her relationship with NX was wonderful to see; she wasn't just her semi-boss, but a great advisor, and good friend.

Other favorite characters were the FL or NX though I do have some gripes with her and those I'll discuss below, LZC was the eccentric, immature man whom evolved when he had no other choice but to grow up. The fairy dude was ok...kind of weird though. The story flowed more or less though it definitely had some dragging moments while the leads were trying to figure out how to get together or even kiss. Many people in the comments didn't like the second leading couple but I disagree; I like that we had like this almost kid like attraction and then a more mature adult one with life experience. And yet in the end, both sets taught each other something and were very close. No toxic ex's, no clingy one-sided crushes.

What I also liked about the story was that it incorporated the PTSD/ panic attacks of NX and how XWD ultimately helped her heal but it wasn't rushed or some falseness was created from it. It is a real disorder that takes different ways to heal. As someone with PTSD, I was pleased with how they handled it. The comedy was a hit and miss; when they tried too hard with the slapstick, it didn't pan out but otherwise many things made you giggle. XWD's two disappearing acts were a bit eek-inducing (the first time especially) but there was literally no angst here. It was all about living in the moment and growing both apart and together so once they reconnected fully and neither separation lasted too long, they were stronger together.

Cons: My largest pet peeves in this entire series were, for starters, NX's nonstop talking to herself out loud. Didn't matter whether she was alone in her room or in public or at work; it looked so childish and dumb that it made me cringe. They tried to make it funny when she was caught but it didn't look that way at all. Every other character was equipped with inner monologues, but not our girl, she would just yammer away and I wanted to reach into the screen and duct tape her mouth. The other thing was her clothing; we're supposed to believe this is a college graduate who is working in a corporate environment even though it's for an author, but she goes to work looking like a middle school student. Even if she couldn't wear heels, they could have put her in flats. Standing next to a well dressed leading man like XWD made her look like his sister not his girlfriend. Glad she slowly evolved wardrobe wise later on but still. Production really screwed up there.

The whole childhood friend talking to XWD in his dreams arc was completely out of left field and never explained. Why all of a sudden was this introduced? And if this was all part of making her heal from her PTSD trauma, it could have been gradually brought on. It was thrown into the final maybe 5 episodes and then once he returned the second time, totally forgotten. There were no warning of time lapses in the show though those happened twice; first time was when XWD disappeared after their official first kiss (which by the way, I have no idea how that first kiss even symbolized unforgettable love, but no time to properly flush that out in 24 episodes, I suppose) and the second after they got married. One moment it's their wedding night and they are enjoying married life, the next they have what looks like a 4 year old daughter playing with the second couple's child; talk about a whiplash. Ending shouldn't have been that rushed and the OSTs were all relatively bland and forgettable.

Would I recommend it? If you want a simple rom-com and don't mind the nonstop yammering of the FL, it's an easy yes. This had zilch angst and was very easy on the brain. Watch for simple pleasure.

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A River Runs through It
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2021
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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The Road Long Traveled

A coming of age drama that spans a decade. I won't repeat the synopsis nor what many others have written. I was pulled to this drama for WRC and he didn't disappoint. For a 24 year old, his acting is actually quite good. He has a very good sense of range of emotion. His past characters have all been arrogant yet sexy men, and here he brings that essence with him. But at the same time there's an immaturity, yet loyalty to those his character considers to be a good friend. As the 5 best friends go from high school and into college (well 4), they face more challenges but also the story grows in angst. This part I felt could have been tapered down a bit. Even when there is unrequited love in a series with 36 episodes, with multiple characters, and a group friendship dynamic, more of it should be shown.

The time lapses worked fine until the very last one which literally made no sense. I put full blame on the screenwriters. From what I understand, they were trying to create a happy ending from a sad one; and while I applaud that (the proposal was epic to say the least!), the separation of the leads should have been handled way better and not for 5 years. The disconnect starts in episode 33 and just snowballs throughout 34. 35 is well structured and quite funny and of course 36 takes the cake.

I loved Tao Tao's character because she knew her own worth and grew quite quickly and who doesn't want a best friend who hands the reigns of her own wedding to her two HS friends one of whom wants to propose to the other? She dropped her college boyfriend after he was less then committed but still managed to part ways in peace. They all grew a lot but I feel her character evolved the most.

What would have given this series a higher score from me would have been more of their group dynamic in college, less angst, no needless additions of the two completely useless characters to further make misunderstandings and separate the leads who then disappeared without a trace, and a more cohesive way to separate the leads for a period of 2 years max so they could both grow into their own selves as working, independent adults.

Shi Yi's reasons for going should have been because he was getting an amazing opportunity to study medicine, that he wanted to step out of his father's shadow, that he would always return even with the tweak that XJ didn't give him the answer he wanted; it's not like he had proposed to her, so what exactly could be expected? The ebb and flow of a cohesive transition was not there and it hurt the ending a lot. Cut ties and run and make sure she wouldn't get to him in time? I'm sorry but even writing 101 would stick a failing grade on that setup.

I would also have rewritten the Lin You arc because Chen Lang deserved way better then being left in the cold despite her and ex bfs history. Because she ended up with a foreign husband back in China; which made even less sense. She obviously broke up with her ex, she could have just as easily reconnected with CL and they could have conversed long distance until she returned and even he could have visited her abroad; that would have been a more mature and realistic way to properly close that out. That was another plot slip for the screenwriters.

I would rename this series "The Road Long Traveled" as a tick off the Robert Frost poem. Shi Yi's emotions and his ways of expressing them sometimes made me think the dude was bipolar but I understood that he frequently had the "talk first, think later" approach. But when he was proposing to Xiao Ju, I could tell he had grown a lot. My probably favorite moment of that last episode was when she said yes and he closed his eyes in relief. It felt like over a decade and 200 pounds were lifted off his shoulders. He finally got the girl he'd loved before he even knew he did; the first overtures came in episode 8.

Is this series worth watching? Sure! Does it have problems? Yep. But I'm still glad I watched it even when I wanted to smack them for their lack of balls or to stop being so angsty. Everything for just about everyone worked out in the end and the best part was that the 5 best friends that went to the Yun Hai beach after finishing HS, were all back together in the same room and still had that group dynamic that made them so lovable and strong in the first place.

So I say, watch it and form your opinions for yourselves. :)

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General's Lady
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 14, 2021
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Good Filler Drama

I watched this drama only because of CJX and because I heard it was an easy comedy with lots of romance. Also because I needed a filler in between anticipated releases. The positive aspect is that it definitely had the comedy and romance people spoke of. I understand in 30 episodes there's only so much a drama can do. I do wish it hadn't taken on so many plots. One or two and keep it simple. The annoying part was the constant whining of FL and hindering ML in practically everything. Though she's a strong lead, the way she acts many a time and the misunderstandings she causes, feels like it's emasculating to the ML. Both are strong characters but though the ML treats the FL or tries to as an equal partner once they get their feelings out, her actions always seem to hinder a situation. The only thing I would rewatch are their cute romantic moments if I was truly bored. Both lead actors have a long way to go as major leads especially when expressing emotions other then anger and happiness; and I would definitely recommend CW to get rid of the snaggle tooth; it's very distracting. Not saying everyone must have perfect symmetrical teeth but if you're going to play lead where you'll need to smile, that could be a bit problematic. Everything was very rushed, especially the plots, at times even the audience didn't know what was going on. I did like the martial arts aspect of it and that CJX got a chance to showcase more fighting skills. Over all, I wish the entire cast luck in their future endeavors.

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The Wolf
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 23, 2020
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Finally: The Wolf!

Though I didn't wait like many people did for 3 years to watch the drama, I was anticipating it. Primarily I wanted to see Xiao Zhan in his first major role but I had also seen Li Qin in Princess Agents and Jade Dynasty, so I knew she had the acting chops. This was the first time seeing Darren Wang in anything. Though I had not like Lord Personality Disorder as I called Lord Bo and how he treated MZX for most of the series for supposedly her own good, I do have to give props to Darren for being able to switch from an ice cube to a stuffed animal and back again in the blink of an eye. I don't think many actors could pull that off. MZX was the only character that I wish was done better with development as she didn't really show her badass side until literally the last episode. The entire time she went from quite strength to powerless, to a sappy girl who let lord disorder get away with humiliating her left and right. It was very choppy. For his first major role, Xiao Zhan did a wonderful job. JiChong was friendzoned by the woman he loved but still came to her aid no matter what. Considering he didn't have many scenes, he was believable and well played/developed as both a bounty hunter and as the prince. Also given the fact that they filmed in a high altitude area where many developed altitude sickness, they did a pretty good job. I do wish many portions of the plot were better explained or handled. This drama is very angsty and heavy with a sad ending for both main leads however, if you're willing to go beyond that and understand the psychology behind the leads and their lives, it is worth the 49 episodes.

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Legend of Two Sisters in the Chaos
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 5, 2020
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Should have had less episodes.

The only reason I watched this drama was because of the two actors from TU; Zhoucheng Wang aka Marius Wang and ZiYi Meng aka Zoey Meng. It would been better if it had 30 episodes. Once the main antagonist was killed off, the plots just ran amok. The ending was depressing and haphazardly done; FFL supposedly kills herself by drowning but you never see the body, she just disappears into thin air and then the end, roll credits. The entire thing unraveled in the very last episode and the SML who was chasing after his mother's real killer never found out the truth, at least not on screen. He just stopped looking and that plot ended there for him though it was the main point of his anguish from episode one. This drama is supposedly popular by its votes on Tencent but no one in China has even heard of it. I really wish they made quality scripts for these actors. The only saving grace was the actual acting and the BGM. Everyone in the lead cast and some supporting members were very believable. I would only recommend this if you want to be semi depressed at the end. Onto the next and hopefully better.

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Jade Dynasty
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 30, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5

Xiao Zhan's Acting Talent is not a Joke.

I finally watched Jade Dynasty with Xiao Zhan and all I can say is wow! You had comedy, action, drama, suspense, all of it. Zhan's acting was superb; he is extremely versatile as an actor and that's so important. Beautiful job! His craft and ability to go above and beyond to get the job done was on display for every moment. After seeing this film, my respect for this young man has grown even more, I look forward to more amazing work from him. All of the other actors were decent, the 6 stooges he lived with were funny. The older cast was more believable on occasion while all three female leads did a great job. I do think this film needs a part 2.

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Dropped 13/43
Octogenarian and the 90s
3 people found this review helpful
May 2, 2021
13 of 43 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Gave It My Best Shot

I got barely through 13 episodes and dropped it. The storyline barely has any cohesion, the characters are all over the place, random other characters come and go, and it's very depressing. It might be interesting for families who want to watch other families struggles and the complete disconnect between the younger generation and their older counterparts. I feel this series would have gotten a better reception in the 1990s. It's supposed to be about a nursing home when in reality it's about an assisted living facility for the elderly. I wanted to watch because of BJT and his fantastic acting in YAMH but sadly this never came close.

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Dropped 2/37
My Super Hero
2 people found this review helpful
May 25, 2022
2 of 37 episodes seen
Dropped 6
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Couldn't Get into It

I tried really hard to continue watching but my mind would wonder. Maybe it was because of the constant voiceover of the lead, not letting something just develop naturally. It was like he was telling a fairytale he was living in and not in a modern world. I wanted to like this drama as it looked really funny and good, but sadly I just couldn't get into it. Does that mean it's a bad drama? No. Just not for me personally. I hope the lead becomes the man he is destined to become with the "goddess" he met. I also hope others who are watching, enjoy it.
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