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Master of My Own
4 people found this review helpful
May 18, 2022
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Strong Alone, Stronger Together.

This drama looked good because a YouTuber I trust recommended it and I was looking for something extra to watch. I don't follow anyone here but have wanted to see Kenny Lin since Princess Agents and this drama did speak to me. First time seeing Seven Tan in anything.

Pros: NM was by far my favorite character and the entire storyline of hers was probably the most properly evolved out of the entire cast. I'm in the business field myself though not in investments nor corporate anymore plus all of my nearly 3 degrees are in that as well so I understood what I was watching. I loved how strong, intelligent, capable, steadfast, and true she was regardless of her situation at work. She wouldn't let any naysayer keep her away from her ultimate goal. And then gave that up to start almost from scratch to help the ML. She used every opportunity wherever she was to network and find people to work with. It was a very smart way to cultivate real workplace relationships.

My second favorite character by far was her boss Ms. Shi. If I had a boss like her in my corporate days, I probably would have never chosen to switch careers. This woman was the epitome of what an actual boss of any corporation, big or small should be like in both the workplace and outside. Very fulfilling character; job well done. The ML was flawed to high hell. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, which did explain a lot and although you really wanted to deck him especially after episode 11, he did start to evolve thankfully after that and only through really realizing he was being a prick because he had feelings for our FL.

All of the side character friends and coworkers gave the series the much needed comedic relief and support it needed many a time. I liked the positive ones. This wasn't a romance drama unless you count the longing looks of the ML at FL and the last 5 minutes of the last episode, which was totally fine by me. It really didn't need the romance, it was doing just fine as a corporate drama with some comedy.

Cons: While the show had a decent pacing, the timing was quite weird. It shouldn't have taken 11 episodes to show how much of a pompous jerk the ML was; could have been just as easily done in 5. Also placing the main meat and potatoes of the story in the literal last 5 episodes was way too much. The spreading of the drama could have been done way better, but that's a fault of production.

The only problem I had with NM was that after the incident, she didn't immediately break up with SWR. She needed her boss's guidance to help with the situation. Here she was ready to fight grown men at work for her client and for her best friend, but for herself she went all deer in headlights; that was the only time I wondered if they were really going to dumb her down but thankfully she returned to her old self immediately after. Just the slightest inconsistency in her character that one time.

The antagonists were like a mean, whiny evil. What they actually did was done unseen to the viewers. Though the main big bad, SWR was a good antagonist, with DV and some form of mental issue that wasn't discussed; his entire existence seemed forced. Even his supposed redemption was a cop out. Ok so he turned himself in after a heart to heart with NM but he was so brutal to her and others before, using her every step of the way. It was a bit messy for this big bad hunter after its prey that he was. Turn the hunter into the hunted instead. But they ran out of episodes so it was what it was.

Would I recommend it? Yes, if you're looking for a strong female that always goes against the grain but still does it by working very hard and learning quickly. The drama was good and funny, just keep the timing situation in mind.

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The Mutations
3 people found this review helpful
Jan 9, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Bad Fish, Monsters, & Sauron's Eyeball, Oh My! (Last drama of 2023)

So Chinese sci-fi huh? Only have ever seen the ML so know he can carry his own weight. The story started strong and the monsters were convincing; didn't end strong though. I'm glad it was only 12 episodes long and that it had some semblance of a finish though suspension of disbelief was necessary. This really was about bad fish, monsters, and Sauron's eyeball, oh my! Honestly gave it the rating I did purely for entertainment value.

Pros: The storyline had a very promising start. The ML, Shen Rong, and Bo Yan were the strongest characters in the entire series. I do wish they explored more into SR's background and history as well as those of the real origins of the Heng Masters and how the "Lord" aka misty alien thing that was really Sauron's eyeball created them in the first place. It wasn't just the semi-mortal fish; needed to be fleshed out more. The CGI was decent especially when it came to the monsters. I like how there was a mystery that was solved little by little by our characters. Music was good and OST's fit. The historical/post apocalyptic feel was there. The beasties were pretty cool looking though.

Neutral: First time I'm using this section in a review but I feel like the character of Angelica was neither here nor there. The actress is stunning but whether or not she was actually needed; I'm completely neutral about it. Maybe to show a tough woman among a horde of men. Her presence doesn't affect my score at all.

Cons: It's Spanish not Portuguese! Dear lord, even those of us who don't speak either language but have been around either can differentiate between the two. That was a pain in the ass and while Angelica was where she was, the rest of her men and the ship and that storyline was also unnecessary.

There were many unanswered questions like:
1) The meteor arrived 20 years prior but didn’t create a tsunami? Ok suspension of disbelief ✅. 
2) How did Shen Rong get infected? From that water wife gave him to drink? 
3) How much time was SR away from home that the islanders started getting infected? Because clearly not the case for when SC was still a baby. We get a timeline of 20 years since meteor touchdown and then 2 years since SR’s return and villagers already infected and mutating.
4) When did mainlanders start getting infected? 
5) How did CSY get infected; never told us. 
6) When and how was the cult formed? Why was SR's wife chosen to lead them?
7) Again what happened to that HLH kid? He fell into the water and disappeared. Did he drown? Did the Sauron eyeball thing integrate with him too?
I'm sure I'm missing other questions that I can't remember now but who knew Mordor and Sauron were alive and well, off the coast of an island during the Ming Dynasty; that was pretty ridiculous honestly.

Also, I feel that ML was pretty gullible thinking his brother was still alive while being with the "Lord"; yes twins have ESP but it never occurred to him until the last 15 minutes of the final episode that this was all a set up? He's supposedly so smart and that felt off even for him. Whether he really survived at the end as SC claimed, we'll never know but he's now hanging out with Sauron's eyeball whatever that means.

Too many green screens as characters would often stare off at something not there or react in a way that didn't really make sense or there's a delayed reaction to what the audience saw.

Would I recommend it? Only if you like sci-fi and have nothing else to watch. It was entertaining, I'll give it that.

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Maiden Holmes
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 11, 2023
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Watch for the Romance

I was recommended this drama a while back but forgot about it and then was reminded again because I'm watching Tiger & Crane with ZLH and this was his first drama. Though called Maiden Holmes, there's less emphasis on the case solving and more about the Romance of the leads. So watch for the romance.

Pros: I love the Fab 5! Their dynamic is great from episode one. You've got the FL who pretends to be a man by cross dressing to clear her family's name after being what she thought to be the sole survivor of that massacre. Her detective skills are pretty good and she has solved many cases. ML is the prince who is ousted from office by his rebellion seeking uncle (also the main villain of the piece). Thankfully his brother was the new emperor and had a good relationship with him where he could help him out. SFL is a genius doctor and SML is a great martial artist though can't read the room for nothing is quite dumb most of the time. Adding on is ML's teen aid who's a great cook. The chemistry between the leads is obvious especially when the ML turns those seductive eyes onto FL, it's like ok it got a bit warm in this room. Furthermore, the kisses are real! And there are enough of them. For ZLH's first gig ever, he was hella convincing especially in terms of being intelligent and trapping the bad people. The entire group really complimented each other. Misunderstandings if not immediately cleared up, are done so in a smart fashion. There are a few baubles with FL temporarily seeming to lose her sensibility but she regains it more or less quickly. Good fight scenes when they happened.

Obviously a lower budget production but it worked out. The villain was obvious from the get go. The one moment that made me legit shed a tear was when ML's guard sacrificed himself to protect his prince towards the end. That guy was awesome the entire time and it really brought forth their strong friendship. Comedy was decent.

Cons: The cases though leading to the main antagonist weren't very strong and they could never bring someone in alive. Once our group had the evidence, the evildoer was either disposed of or killed themselves. Every single time to the point that it was laughable. You were just waiting for it each time a new case popped up. Also while the SFL thought the FL was a dude, she developed a crush on her and that whole thing was rather cringey. Suspended logic also was a must for a lot of things; like the cave thing because they had to figure out their misunderstanding and realize they were soulmates from a young age, add a really great kiss at the end and then it was worth it lol!

The showdown in the last two episodes was relatively lackluster as it just had the villain walk around the throne room yakking about his plans only to be outsmarted by the ML.

Would I recommend it? Only for the romance of the leads and the moving along storyline. It's a good in between series especially if you like an intense seductive ML ;).

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I Am Nobody
3 people found this review helpful
Sep 24, 2023
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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It Was Nifty

Really had no idea what I was getting myself into because other than BWJ, I've never seen any of the other actors. Plus I've never seen nor heard of the comics or donghua this was based on. So was completely flying blind going into it. Another thing that was keeping me from starting it, was that zombies were mentioned and that's a genre I take a hard pass on. Thankfully the zombies--if you can call them that--were far from The Walking Dead or Resident Evil. They were there for maybe 2 to 3 episodes and looked more like something out of MJ's Thriller with too much makeup. They were comedic and not too bright.

Pros: What I really liked was the unraveling of the mysteries, the growth of friendships, having each others backs, the fight scenes, and the really awesome CGI; had to be my favorite part. It was nifty. The ending fight scene was probably the best because everyone that mattered even those that turned over a new leaf were part of it. Chief Taoist was like the granddaddy of awesomeness when he added icing on the cake. Over all, I hope season 2 explains more and has characters not just disappear and reappear randomly, but are given justifiable entrances and exits. FBB is my new favorite robot girl. From the protagonists, I think everyone was pretty great.

Cons: The ML annoyed me a lot; I won't lie. His goofiness was too much at times while other times he'd just walk around pouting like a 5 year old kid who didn't get any candy. I did ffw a lot because much of that comedy wasn't for me. I preferred when he acted and spoke intelligently. I feel the writing was stilted at times. Plus, each time character was charged with something, the mandarin writing on the screen and subbing overlapped and you couldn't understand what was written.

Would I recommend it? Sure, why not? Especially if you know the donghua it's based on and really like awesome looking CGI and unraveling fantastical mysteries plus group dynamics.

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The Silence of the Monster
3 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5
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Modern Vintage

This plot intrigued me. It was different than your run of the mill romance with a touch of weirdness. It wasn't a perfect script or acting by any stretch of the imagination, but it had something unique and attention grabbing. I was unfamiliar with the cast but really wanted to give this a try. It really was a modern vintage.

Pros: Out of the 4 leads, I have to say I liked HCF the most. Even though he started out a bit stiff, he was always aiming to improve and once he fell in love the man was a goner. Their chemistry was very cute (do wish they knew how to kiss better lol), I found myself rewinding all their together moments; just melting cute. Two live together in a cinematography masterpiece and the women blow in by fate. The way we learn about each person's backstory slowly, opens each character to us in both good ways and not so good. Costumes, OSTs, imagery, surroundings, were sometimes straight on point and other times missed the mark.

Though there were 3 antagonists total, the one who lost his mind was the most prominent and understandable probably more to the audience than to the characters until the ending 4 episodes. Plus he was HCF's master so harder to let that sink in. I really liked the case solving in the first portion of the series and how many people they actually helped. But as time went on, it seemed all of that was forgotten. The comedy and the bonds in their community were cute and funny and added that time, in a way, stood still there. I liked SY when she was balls to the walls no nonsense speaking common sense but then she would turn around, her eyes would start rolling around on her face like they were escaping somewhere, it left you wondering where the smart young woman went. Time to visit the cons.

Cons: The script had way too many loose ends. Continuing with SY, why must women constantly in these dramas forget they have an inner monologue instead of just yammering away in public nonstop and then looking all shocked when someone catches them? It never fazes to amaze me. I wasn't at all sure the casting of Xiao An was a proper one as she had a stone cold face even when she cried. I didn't feel much of a connection nor chemistry between her and Robin. He was great as a melodramatic performer to the point of eye rolling but she was just a block of granite.

Then there was Shifu and his total break from reality from his getting out of prison until when he orchestrated the kidnapping first of Robin, then of SY. Why didn't HCF go straight to the police? The same people who he'd helped and vice versa all these years. Plus who was that guy in the park that HCF was supposed to meet if Shifu wasn't already dead and SY rescued? A ghost? It made no sense. How does involuntary manslaughter get you 6 years in prison? Shifu had Robin kidnapped, drugged, beaten, then kidnapped SY nearly killing her, but when he and Robin fight and he ends up dead, could have gone either way there, Robin still must serve time in prison? Something is seriously out of whack with their laws. Many loose ends that didn't get solved though there was a happy ending.

Would I recommend it? Despite much confusion, a young cast, and many loose ends, I still would because it really was a nice and easy drama. Plus it was very entertaining and a new concept one. Not to mention when the leads are together after they're official, they're too stinking cute! So give it a go.

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Insect Detective
3 people found this review helpful
Feb 27, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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An Underrated Gem

Personally, I decided to watch this because I'm a fan of Ma Ke or Kyle Ma from his Journey of Flower days. I personally think his character saved that show. But here I wanted to see him in something modern and more of a detective type series. All three of our leads did a fantastic job and the stooge detectives were funny and sincere in their practical adoption of ML. The ending was sad as our ML lost both his brother and father on the same day and just as he met/reconciled with them. I had expected it but the emotions were still very real. ML reminded me of the young version of Gil Grissom from the original CSI (for any Americans that may read this); first super awkward young scientist on bugs but gradually warms up to everyone and they all want to learn from him and protect him. Ma Ke plays SML with a dark secret that he keeps from his youth that he was basically used as a tool to kill someone when he was barely a small child. A lot of interesting twists and turns and feeling bad for SML because both brothers got the short end of the stick with all of the conspiracies swirling around them and people constantly wanting to harm them or blackmail them. This is a psychological show and a serious who-done-it. I really fell in love with all of the characters except that one woman doctor that did end up dying but I didn't feel sorry for her because she just stuck her nose into SML's business way too many times and it led to her undoing. Ultimately though, everyone behind all of the murders were either arrested or killed. I would highly recommend this because it just grabs you by the hooks and keeps you. Only real negative was the 5 versions of the same flashbacks. Very unnecessary. But do give it a go if you're into detective shows, with many winding parts, and secrets getting revealed.

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Marvelous City
2 people found this review helpful
Jan 13, 2021
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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A Beautiful Documentary on the Hometowns of Stars.

I only watched this one episode because of Xiao Zhan. I don't understand Mandarin and don't know the other actors, otherwise I would have watched the entire thing. It's a documentary where people talk about their lives within Chongqing and Zhan talks about his there and meets up with random ppl who take him around. I love the history of an industrial city growing and evolving through time, food, and its ppl. Furthermore, Youku on YouTube has already subbed the first episode so I would recommend it for you to watch, especially if you know the other artists.
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The Living Dead
3 people found this review helpful
Apr 14, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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Way Too Rushed and Needed More Development

It’s not as good as I thought it would be but it’s cute. I loved the WWX voice addition towards the end to remind WN of who he was. I do feel the ending was rushed and so was the start. Could have worked with more development. But seeing the two of them together and destroying evil together was great. It was very discombobulated; like the directors were trying very hard and in a short amount of time capitalize on the success of the original series. The only things that were pretty good were the special effects.
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Wonderland of Love
6 people found this review helpful
Nov 27, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
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Wonderland Power Couple

Finally a good series for XK. I've watched two misses he was in and knew if only the story was good enough, he could have a better shot at winning. Though far from perfect, the story did carry itself and our leads had wonderful chemistry hence I dubbed them the Wonderland Power Couple.

Pros: I think XK is one of those actors that can have chemistry with a pet rock. Not to take away from JT as she nailed her character as well. But XK has the ability to go from deadly to smoldering gaze in a heartbeat. Their love story was epic because it began from competitors to confidants to lovers and the transitions were nice. I also loved their sidekicks Taozi, Ear, PY, the brothers in arms, her dad, Consort Xiao, the kid, general Han (another immortal that got sent off a cliff harpooned but reappeared to save the day) and even LYN with his guest magician appearance.

The only real villain was Sun Jiang; once his arc ended it was only dumb villains. The ending was overly dramatic but nicely done. I love all of the fight scenes. Fight scenes for me, make a show extra special and this one had plenty. The ultimate "big bad" was nothing to cry home about. But what was done extremely well were the deaths of ML's brothers in arms; that was prolonged agony on the audience as well as the FL's fake death as both sets took at least two episodes. Those two moments in the drama broke your heart and made you cry but they were done exceptionally well and made for the ending that much sweeter. Sets, costumes, and a few OSTs were memorable.

Cons: The father and brothers were dumb villains as well as Ms. Gu and batshit crazy LCF. I ffw'd them as much as possible. I also didn't like how the FL threw tantrums and blamed ML for shit that wasn't his fault even when he came up with solutions to help matters. It made her seem like a child. She and her father pushed him to be CP; but she still wanted to marry him, keep the Cui army from disbanding, etc, as they were knowing full well what the dumb as nails king was like. Even in the second to last episode before her miraculous revival, the king was willing to believe the corrupt minister over his own son that had been instrumental in every war and strategy success for the kingdom. It hurt my head watching that stupidity.

This series would have been much better if it was only 25 or 30 episodes long, where you didn't have to deal with the stupidity of the useless loser villains that just made a mess of virtually everything. ML could be CP and marry FL and not have the rest of that garbage happen. It's like logic fell apart after the real villain was killed. Even father and son reconciling felt off because father was a hot mess. I spent a lot of time ffwing and just watching for the leads and the good guys.

Would I recommend? Despite the second later half being a mess; the leads and most of their friends pulled off a very watchable series. I hope XK gets even better scripts in the future as do the others.

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Have a Crush on You
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 26, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.5
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All Over the Place Drama w/a Hard Nosedive Finish

It had a good premise and started out decent but then just literately took a left and it left. The drama was all over the place. For those who know how I rate and review, I always wait until I finish watching. Well after episode 31 and the return to Africa things took a nosedive. Anyways, let's do this.

Pros: My first favorite character was the kid! He was smarter than all of them combined. Great child actor and very believable; like a mini old soul. 2nd favorite character was SML, he was the most consistent and even funny. I've seen him in several costume dramas so first time seeing him in a modern and he was the one to watch. His relationship with SFL was goofy and cheesy but a worthwhile watch. I'm very glad he got his own chance to prove himself towards the end; that was great to see. While I enjoyed all the doctors and others as well as their lives outside of the hospital, I wish more of that was explored. OSTs were on point as was chemistry of the leads. It was watchable where you didn't have the need to fast forward or at least not too much. A lot of people had an issue with Xue lawyer guy, but I thought he added humor and care for FL when ML slacked off and even if he didn't win her over, he always took care of her no matter what. If nothing else, he was a fantastic friend and protector. Sadly, other than that this drama had no other pros.

Cons: The African arcs were beyond unnecessary and really poorly done. The blatant disregard for the continent as a whole and its people as third world monsters who could only rely on savior China for peace or treatment was pathetic. One doctor could stop a war? Give me a break. Propaganda wasn't even trying to be realistic. The fact that they were neurosurgeons but could only diagnose and treat cancer was laughable. There are many diseases these doctors could deal with but c-dramas have developed a flavor for cancer and that's what medical dramas (unless they are disaster relief) all show. It's like no other disease exists except cancer and they're number one at treating it.

The flashbacks in the beginning though I understood their purpose were very cringeworthy; FL was basically stalking the ML the entire time up until out of nowhere she confessed and wham bam boom they're getting married. It was so creepy. She basically bent over backwards to get him and their marriage was just as weird. This series would have been more then enough with only 30 episodes, with the leads getting hitched before her father passed. The fact that they kept putting it off to add that secondary African arc and his incident not to mention the illegality of a director of a hospital taking an unconscious ML back to China without telling his fiancée and the last 3 episodes of whatever, everyone searching for him as his family who begged her to save them at one point, kept her in the dark for months and 45 minutes of the last episode of him having amnesia and remembering how to be a surgeon but not her? Are you kidding? After everything, that's how this series ends? Just no.

Would I recommend it? Nope. The awful African propaganda, the amount of illegalities and inconsistencies plus that dumb as nails ending. Had potential but almost immediately went haywire. Way better medical dramas out there to watch.

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The Journey Across the Night
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 30, 2023
26 of 26 episodes seen
Completed 6
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
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Psychological Thriller with Incorrect Diagnoses

Picked this randomly as it looked like a different role for Joseph to take on and though it does need a second season, I understand why it didn't do well over there back in 2020. Not sure why it has the horror tag as other then a few jump scares, there was nothing scary about it. It's a psychological thriller but with a very wrong diagnostic for the lead.

Premise is that the lead may hereditarily inherit schizophrenia at age 24 like his mother and brother did but they never really explored what the disease actually is or what the symptoms are. ML did have a mental disorder but it wasn't schizophrenia, it was multiple personality disorder or MPD which has completely different symptoms then schizophrenia and isn't known to be a hereditary disease but one that is caused due to childhood trauma. Instead of focusing on this main topic and really probing it deeply, the series focused on the ML, his idiotic love interest, and best friend who also was acted out way too over dramatically solving mysteries like a bunch of detectives all over Hong Kong. The HK scene was nice to see.

I have to give Joseph or LJ a hand for turning into essentially Eric Draven in the last episode when he finally learned the truth about the professor he thought was there to help him was actually trying to get him to have a psychotic break. The second professor finally telling him the truth and that switch to the alternative personality which was foreshadowed since episode 1 with the half eaten green apple, either at the end or somewhere in each episode.

Other than the ML, the doctor assistant, and a character nicknamed Sharp were done well. I'll give some credit to the professor villain and best friend for at least always being there. I can't say any of the other regular characters were necessary. Ramming romance in there was awkward and extremely unnecessary. Not to mention the love interest character was very cringey and childish; she matured only briefly when going through her own crisis. Lots of plot holes like how did LJ learn to understand Cantonese in just 2 months?

Reason I gave this a higher score is essentially because of how much I loved Dark LJ wailing on the professor and his office and how they dedicated an entire episode to Sharp's passing. I was very angry with FL for running to change the stupid lightbulb leaving Sharp to essentially die alone in that hospital bed. Was that light bulb more important than his final moments? Maybe it was her denial but it was poorly executed. Wish they had given an entire episode to Dark LJ instead of the last 15 minutes.

Would I recommend it? As an in between series maybe and Joseph really did well in acting here as well as the actor who played Sharp. They were my favorites.

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Under the Skin
3 people found this review helpful
Nov 19, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Multifaceted Mind of a Sketch Artist

Had watched "Are You Safe?" with TJC and was very impressed with his acting so wanted to see more of him and this was recommended by some trusted sources. He didn't disappoint and this 20 episode drama really was a breath of fresh air in terms of sticking to a flowing storyline. Seeing his character use his strengths in the face of some pretty hard blows, was awesome. We really see inside the multifaceted mind of a sketch artist.

Pros: Favorite character was, of course, the lead SY played by TJC. Even in his hardest moments of dealing with a repressed memory and PTSD, he was this calming force. His iron willpower and acknowledgment that he was able to do amazing things was one of the many things that helped his character be as plausible as he was. I'm very much hoping there will be a season 2 given the open-ending with the same cast especially him.

The storyline never dragged, each character was there for as long as they needed to be. SY's partner or DC at the bureau definitely started off being a cynical grouch for all the right reasons but it was great that he thawed fairly quickly and their friendship was built on trust, respect, and even their rough history. All those hardships helped build them to be what they became by the midpoint.

Loved how interwoven the main plot was with the sub plots that were very well and handled properly; the antagonists were also placed very well and even the big bad behind the original murder that brought everyone together, was expertly placed and executed. All OST's, CGI, explanations behind how a sketch artist worked, and other procedural techniques were very understandable. It even had a few bits of comedy where SY would always fall asleep in the car as DC would be explaining a case to him or when he would bolt out of a room without telling anyone and people would just be left staring like "what just happened?" This was a great crime drama.

Cons: This drama was on its way to get a rare perfect score from me but it had just one problem I couldn't get beyond. SY was a sketch artist, a fantastic one at that, probably a prodigy in art and in his field but when they gave him a gun, strapped a vest on him, put him in the field, or had him interrogate suspects, get evidence for them, basically made him a Jack of all trades, it was very unrealistic. There's no way a sketch artist in any police department of any country would ever be a detective, interrogator, etc. Everything else was wonderful but that one portion just took a bump down; they should have just kept him in his element; even teaching makes sense but not that. Like when did he get training? He never went to a police academy.

Would I recommend it? 100%! That one negative doesn't negate an excellent story, characters that make sense, no forced anything. If you like good acting, great writing, and crime dramas, this show is definitely for you. Very glad I watched it.

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When We Meet
3 people found this review helpful
Nov 11, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Rare Occasion When SML & FL Deserved Each Other More

This drama has been a proverbial elf on a shelf for 2 years. It's low budget with a fairly unknown cast. Personally watched only for XYL, who played Ma Zi Xuan and not only did he deliver but plowed over pretty much every male character and some of the women. This to me was a very rare occasion when the SML and FL deserved each other more and fit way better; though thankfully wasn't a love triangle. I've never seen a doppelgänger drama before so the plot fascinated me as well.

Pros: Very proud of XYL as MZX, as he was able to show a very broad range of emotions from best friend and protector to vulnerable, wearing his heart on his sleeve while crying his eyes out where your heart just ached for him. And then of course as the mafia boss type just wailing on people and getting justice for the woman he loved as well as the man he would always consider his best friend. Though he didn't get the woman he loved, he still was able to be in the lives of the two people he helped protect and their son as the cool uncle. I hope this series allows for XYL to get better and more versatile roles because he can definitely handle them.

The doppelgänger storyline was cool but a bit cringey when they swapped lives in the beginning and made decisions that would snowball the other's life in some direction. My other favorite characters were doppelgänger junior and his group of friends because though they start out as annoyingly voiced children, he especially grows into someone who is resolute in his decisions, knows right from wrong, and has a solid determination of who he wants to protect. Most of the comedy was appropriate.

For a 24 episode series, this had way too many antagonists, but the one that stood out the most and made your blood boil was Jiang Xia. Her thought process and actions were that of an obsessive lunatic only caring about that she got LM, forget what means she used. Her dirty, underhanded tricks and getting that petty Lo Man to help her was rotten to the core. However, that's what made her a great villain that one didn't really suspect until the later episodes.

Cons: The plot could have had way better structure and needed to tie up a lot more loose ends like; how did Lo Man get into cahoots with Wang Tong or Jiang Xia in the first place? What happened to her afterwards? Did LM also get better from the mental disorder? Because that entire portion was completely forgotten. Where was HYY and how did LM find her? She had essentially fallen off the face of the earth that even MZX with all of his resources couldn't locate her but a year later, she and LM were back together, she'd successfully published a book, and they were raising their son with the help of MZX. The timeline didn't make any sense.

LM was a ridiculously weak ML character. In the beginning it was understandable because he didn't have to face much other then letting his girlfriend down by not getting married with dumbass excuses but once the villains deployed their scheme all he could do was sit, get drunk, stare blankly at a wall and let others like his junior and MZX essentially fight his battles and find out what really happened. He was what I would call a wuss. In episode 21, when MZX ran to beat the stuffing out of him after the "alleged affair", the difference between the two men's reactions were staggering. Both love the same woman, but one is willing to go to the ends of the earth for her and to get justice while the other one is just a blubbering sack of self-pity. It really just brought home how much even though MZX could be extreme in his handling of things, his love and protection were pure, guaranteed, and never faltered, so out of the two, he was the best choice if there was one.

Putting a huge mess, breakup, investigation, secrets, and villains revealed into the literal last 4 episodes was very dumb. It should have been in the middle or not at all. Already had the doppelgänger story to work with. Furthermore, OSTs and other characters were very forgettable or annoying like Wu Sai's stuttering brother who took years off your life before he could get a sentence out. Editing could have been way better there.

Would I recommend it? Only for XYL and the doppelgänger's storyline. Otherwise, it's relatively a boring and confusing one. Though auto-translated originally on IQIY where I watched it, it is available for free on a YouTube channel now with proper subs thank the lord; so favorite parts are easier to rewatch.

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Legend of Fei
3 people found this review helpful
Jan 22, 2021
51 of 51 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
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An honest Review

This series had its pros and cons for me but I was happy to watch it and the ending was quite satisfying for our leads and other couples. So let's get into this review, shall we? I never read the novel but knew from fans who had that production deviated heavily from it but am not surprised as many series and films do on an international scale. Let's get the bad news out of the way first.

Cons: As a writer and published author myself, plot and character development are essential especially when creating a character or making a written one into a 3D version of itself. There were so many useless or underdeveloped characters that it was honestly confusing to follow the storyline sometimes. For starters, why so many villains? A proper series needs maybe maximum 4 antagonists but they need a base and development where you could see them progress with the series, not just laugh evilly, narrow beady eyes during conversations, and disappear without a trace somewhere towards the end with a soft explanation (ex. Yu WenZhi). I legit lost track of the bad guys and had to ask someone. Some were turned into bad guys but the attempts were lackluster at best. The two real proponents of evil in this series were Shen TianShu and Pathetic Clam. The two of them would have been enough. And of course Yin Pei's transformation but his entire storyline was very short lived and wishy-washy. Perhaps add the Eunuch but for more then a few episodes that killed Xie Yun's father as an extra.

So many great or interesting characters were never really explored or were given fast deaths like Phoenix, the lady in red as I called her who fell for ZF's grandfather or Old man Chonquio while useless characters like the 3rd prince and I don't recall his name weak kid who had a crush on Ah Fei but his family was massacred and he joined Yin Pei's cult of crazy were created to confuse. There are probably other characters too but they were so underdeveloped that I forgot all about them.

It was also sad that even though Xie Yun was the ML his backstory was barely explained in tiny flashbacks. I wanted to know; how did he get poisoned? Where was he? Why? Who gave that order? Why the worst poison on earth? He was just a kid. This was a fascinating arc which was never properly explored. Where did he learn his footwork from? How did Yu WenZhi know him and vice versa? Not to mention the whole mystery of The Color of Ocean and Heaven; no one knew what it was, but ppl got killed for it and I felt like I was in a game of "Clue".

Continuing on to costumes and scenery. This was probably one of the saddest parts; this production had such a huge budget and I wonder what it was used on? The forest surrounding the fortress and every other location was so fake it was cringeworthy. They were filming in Hengdian where there's great terrain all over the place; why not use that? There are trees and bamboo and forests that were perfect for every outdoor scene. Rocks and hills could always be built in. The leads ever changing costumes made me dizzy. Why so many? Pick a few really well made ones and stay in them. The fake facial hair was atrocious at best. I can now understand Zhao Liying's post on Weibo last year after filming wrapped showing two hamburgers; one was the real deal and one was half the size of the original with discoloration. The first was of the expectation for the series and the second was the reality.

Ok, now that I have everyone depressed, let's get onto the good news.

Pros: The primary reason I watched this in the first place was because I'm a fan of Zhao Liying and Wang Yibo. She was the first actor I saw in c-ent that I really liked in Princess Agents and she pulled me into this rabbit hole. Wang Yibo I first saw as many did in CQL a month later and so started following him as well. Knowing that this was ZLY's first wuxia drama since PA and since her pregnancy, I was very excited and she didn't disappoint. I wanted to see Yibo in a totally different character to the ones I've seen him play, now as a chatterbox with martial arts and sweet talk; he too pulled it off.

I loved their playful banter, their bond before love set in. Though he was the flirt, there was a difference between that and when he really started to have serious feelings for her. The same thing happened with Ah Fei, she was stiff at first always smacking him or pulling her sword on him which made for very comedic scenes, but it was obvious with her too when just liking him as a friend or traveling companion turned into love. There wasn't a hot and heavy romance but it was still obvious and most importantly they formed the bond of trust and friendship before love. Both actors gave their all and it showed. Does this mean they stop growing in their profession? No. Yibo still has a long way to go but with time and different roles, I believe he will be a wonderful actor; at 23 he's already accomplished so much that he's really a prodigy in many ways. Liying has done many different roles and I appreciate all the hard work she puts in, I look forward to more things from her and already added both of their upcoming works to my watchlist here amongst others. The other actors that impressed me were named above but sadly weren't given enough screen time to have their stories flushed out. The second leads held their own but Ah Fei's female cousin I wanted to strangle. She acted 12 and her voice was like nails on chalkboard; if it wasn't for Bonehead and the doctor dude with the snakes for some comedic relief, I probably would have skipped more if not all of her scenes.

To tally it up;
The winners were Ah Fei, Xie Yun, Shen TianShu, Pathetic Clam, Yin Pei, Madam Nichang, and Xie Yun's masters on Penglai Island.
Ok characters: Li Sheng, ChuChu, Bonehead, Poisoner snake dude, Grandpa Li, parents of Ah Fei, Mr. Bai, General Wen.
Sadly not developed: Phoenix, Lady in Red, Old Man from Qi School, Eunuch killer.
Everyone else had massive character flaws, were unimportant so didn't need to speak about them or they didn't belong and should have been cut. Not the best series I have seen but certainly not the worst and there were very cute scenes between our leads to rewatch.

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Heroes in Harm's Way
3 people found this review helpful
Sep 20, 2020
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5
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Bless and honor all of frontline personnel fighting the pandemic!

Though not watching on CCTV and without subs, most of it is pretty common sense, I'll rewatch on the 23rd once the subs go up. The 8th episode with the doctor who got ill and the entire co-op was yelling "Jiayou" brought tears to my eyes. Not going to lie that I came to watch for Zhan and though he only had 5 minutes of the entire two episodes, his interaction with others were very cute. This mini-series is to honor all those on the frontlines fighting this pandemic. G-d bless them all. May all of their courage be a blessing to everyone because we have to remember we are one world, one people under one sky.

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