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Pinoy BL Series


Pinoy BL Series

Nov 28, 2020

Influencers (2020) Episode 2: Unlocked

While there were things to like about Episode 2: Unlocked like the discussion of cancel culture, sex roles, bottom shaming, outing, etc. and the tribute to other Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series, there were exaggerations in terms of script and acting that were too distracting. Romeo's character Cholo was right when he said "You're both influencers and you can't even widen your understanding." There was a lot of animosity between Ram and Migo that wasn't justified on the screenplay. Their disagreement was such a minor issue. Chollo, Leon, and even some of the supporting cast members overacted on this episode. There were too much shouting and unnecessary hand movements. Production technicals were largely satisfactory though. Cinematography was also fine with some cool camera shots. Editing was ok. While there was a "Medical Advisory" inserted, I would just like to point out that peeing on a jellyfish sting isn't an effective treatment. There are also questions about the effectiveness of using vinegar for treating jellyfish sting. To be honest, I don't know how to feel about Migo urinating on Ram's jellyfish sting, lol! Anyway, let's see what the next episode has in store for the viewers.

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Nov 28, 2020

Better Days (2020) Episode 5

At least Better Days was conscious about the unequal power relations between Kian and Aron. This was clear when Aron was cooking for Kian and his friend and when he was cleaning up for them after meals. I felt the boss-house help tension on Episode 5. And it made me anxious. With only one episode left, I honestly don't know how they'll settle this issue. Both Kian and Aron require some growing up. Kian is quite childish and spoiled while Aron needs to have confidence by achieving something for himself. But even with all the unease that the tension between Kian and Aron brought, I still found this episode adorable. Kian's annoying but he's really cute. Aron's nice... plus, he cooks, lol! I loved the funny and tender moments during the last scene at Aron's room. Benedix and Chesther really fit their roles perfectly. Production technicals on this episode was solid. Based on the preview for next week's episode, the finale will be dramatic. I'm hoping that even with all the drama, this series will have a feel good ending.

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Nov 28, 2020

Oh, Mando! (2020) Episode 4

Barry and Mando are both problematic characters. Ever since, I'm drawn to flawed characters because they're realistic and relatable and most of the time, redeemable. There's no question about it, cheating isn't right and what Barry and Mando did behind Krisha's back was awful. I don't know how they'll resolve this issue but I hope they don't make excuses for Barry and Mando. Episode 4's script was good. Professor Siwa's lines were realistic. In conservative Philippine society, people still get fired for being gay, and in Professor Siwa's case, for being a transwoman. As pointed out by other commenters, since Professor Siwa's a transwoman, after her revelation, she should have been addressed by her students as Ma'am or Madam (or the gender-neutral Professor), not Sir. Even the post-credits incorrectly identified Joel's role as "Mr. Siwa." Acting was excellent. Kokoy's a gem. I was worried about Alex but he held his own on this episode. Both Alex and Kokoy looked extra gorgeous. Production technicals were quite good. Overall, I'm satisfied with this episode and I'm ready for some reckoning next episode!

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Nov 28, 2020

Swap Test (2020) Episode 6: Synonyns

While Episode 6: Synonyns wasn't as bad as the previous episode, it was nonetheless, still not a good episode. On this episode, Gabriel got sick and Giorgio's taking care of him. They kissed again. But aside from these, there were also a lot of illogical and unnecessary scenes. I was particularly annoyed with the scene that featured Gabriel's ex-girlfriend and neighbours. It was nonsense. Dialogues intended to be funny weren't funny at all. The slapstick by one of the neighbours falling down the stairs was quite bad. Acting was largely tolerable though. Audio-visuals were still the same. Almost halfway through this series, is it still ok to hope for some improvement?

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Nov 28, 2020

Safe Haven (2020) Episode 14: He's a Stranger

Episode 14: He's a Stranger featured a time jump of two months. Dave has work now and he's been happy corresponding with the mysterious Knight who turned out to be Terrence. With Terrence revealing himself and confessing his love for Dave and with Dave also expressing his love for Terrence, this episode could have been the finale. While obviously rushed, this episode was able to resolve most of the issues presented on this series. Screenplay for this episode had cheesy lines and repetitive dialogues. Acting was the same as previous weeks. Production technicals were also the same. With most issues settled, next week's finale will probably have a happy ending for this series. Let's see!

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Nov 24, 2020

Strange Heart (2020) Episode 2

Kristof and Joshua are the boys' love (BL) couple of this series. Episode 2 was all about the pair. Script was a bit disjointed. Acting by Bonj and Dan Sy were quite tentative. Production technicals also need refinement. Similar with other Filipino (Pinoy) BL series, episode release for this series has been irregular. I hope they fix their schedule soon.
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Nov 24, 2020

Boyband Love (2020) Episode 7

I'm no longer annoyed with Mika and Rico. Their ridiculous scenes together were the only tolerable segments on Episode 7. At least they were a bit funny. The Danny-Aiden-Charm love triangle was irritatingly circuitous. Screenplay wasn't direct as well. Performance from the actors remained the same. So did the production technicals. The OST "Nagkulang Ba" (Not Enough) by Carlo Alvarez and Sean Tuesday featuring Gus and Arkin was ok. Last two episodes!
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Nov 24, 2020

Safe Haven (2020) Episode 13: Everything is a Mess

On Episode 13: Everything is a Mess, Terrence's initial plan to execute the dare that his friends concocted was finally revealed to Dave through Gigi. This led to the dramatic confrontation between Dave and Terrence. Dave disclosed his true feelings for Terrence while Terrence shared that he wasn't playing around with Dave's feelings. As a cliffhanger, Dave said goodbye and left Terrence hanging. The dialogues were cringy at times but generally ok. Acting at least by EJ Reuven was tolerable. Audio-visuals were poor. On some scenes, mouth movements were not even in sync with the vocals. Last two episodes!
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Nov 24, 2020

Amore (2020) Episode 15: Downfall

Joey helped Jimmy get back on his feet on Episode 15: Downfall. While I liked that Jimmy was pleasant again, similar to the previous episode, this episode didn't move the plot/storyline forward. There were long and repetitive dialogues that dragged this episode. And Jimmy referring to Joey as "wife" is so passé given all the progress made on other Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series. Acting by the main cast, especially by Drei, was ok though. Productions technicals didn't improve. Let's hope that this series improves this week.
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Nov 23, 2020

Unguarded (2020) Episode 1: Getting To Know Each Other,

On Episode 1: Getting To Know Each Other, with some prodding from Henry, Lukas reluctantly agreed to take in Mark Lee whose house got flooded during the typhoon. While staying at Lukas' place, Mark Lee grew closer to him. The pilot episode ended with Lukas kissing Mark Lee. The plot/storyline was simple. Screenplay was just ok. Acting, especially by Niko, was alright. Compared to Hook Up, production technicals of Unguarded were better. Since I'm really looking forward to One Night Stand, I'll stick with Unguarded till the end.
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Nov 23, 2020

Influencers (2020) Episode 1: Damn Space

In a lot of ways, Influencers is an improvement of the Filipino (Pinoy) girls' love (GL) series Chasing Sunsets. Chasing Sunsets and Influencers belong in the same universe. Chasing Sunsets' Farrah is the half sister of Influencers' Migo. Like Chasing Sunsets that dealt with mental illness, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), rape, etc., Influencers also had something to say about various social issues like cancel culture, sex roles, bottom shaming, outing, etc. Kudos to Camp Avenue Studios for always aiming not only to entertain but also to educate. Influencers is less preachy than Chasing Sunsets. Influencers still needs to embed social issues more naturally into the boys' love (BL) story though. The same can be said of its screenplay which also needs to be more natural. While watchable and better than their Chasing Sunsets counterparts, the actors of Influencers still need to improve their acting. Production technicals also improved on this series. By the way, this account, Pinoy BL Series, is appreciative of the series for including this account in its post-credits. Overall, Episode 1: Damn Space was a promising start for Influencers.

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Nov 22, 2020

Boys' Lockdown (2020) Episode 5: Community Spread

Episode 5: Community Spread was another happy and light episode. The swimming pool fantasy/imagination sequence was nicely done. It was sexy and steamy in a cute way, lol. Script was consistent with previous episodes. Acting was alright. Ali and Alec have good chemistry. I also liked that they're not super chiseled like Ivoy and Luis. At least we get different body types, lol. Audio-visuals were also good. By the way, I've noticed for a while now that the uploaded Youtube videos were better edited than the advanced screened videos via the Ticket2Me webplayer. For example, for this episode, the multi-screen layouts and unmute buttons were improved or fixed. Overall, this episode was a nice set-up for next week's season finale. With Chen staying over at Key's place, I can't wait for what happens next. By the way, for those who like this series, don't worry, I heard there's a second season.

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Nov 22, 2020

Why Love Why (2020) Episode 2: Captivity

Episode 2: Captivity adds credence to the view that Why Love Why is a crazy, satirical, and weird series. I don't know why, but I like it so far. I think this series has something to say, I just don't know what just yet, lol. It satirized both the elite and the masses. Maybe it's about that. We'll see. Screenplay wasn't overly funny but it was humorous enough. Some lines were over the top but tolerable. Acting was generally good. And the sexual tensions between the oftentimes shirtless Benjo and Emil were intriguing to say the least. Audio-visuals were mostly ok. To be honest, I'm looking forward to more crazy, satirical, and weird scenes on the next episode, lol.

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Nov 22, 2020

My Extraordinary (2020) Episode 8: We're Going Home

There's no twist during Episode 8: We're Going Home regarding Shake and Ken's deaths. With extra preachy screenplay, the finale merely elaborated on what we already know about the couple's fate. Like what I've previously said, I can understand the disappointments and frustrations with this series. I myself am not a fan of the bury your gay trope especially in line with the too good for this problematic earth narrative that tackles homophobia and depicts gay characters as suffering victims who die tragic deaths from an uncaring world. I know what lesson these types of realistic stories are trying to impart -- that homophobia kills and ruins relationships -- but I was expecting something more. Luckily, acting performance and production technicals were quite strong on this episode which compensated for the weak closing storyline and screenplay. There's also a second season -- A Kiss 2 Remember -- with Z's Lawrence and Kayden's Jayvee, which hopefully has a happier tone than My Extraordinary.

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Nov 22, 2020

Swap Test (2020) Episode 5: Matching Type

As if drunk sex/rape (on Episode 3) wasn't enough, Episode 5: Matching Type had a number of scenes normalizing sexual harassment. They were presented as jokes that weren't funny at all. Other than Gabriel starting to care about Giorgio, nothing important happened on this episode that moved the plot/storyline forward. There were so many senseless scenes. Screenplay was still cringy. Acting was hardly tolerable. Production technicals were still below average. As a viewer, I just want this series to cut the crap and focus on what it really wants to say.
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