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Twenty-Five Twenty-One korean drama review
Twenty-Five Twenty-One
0 people found this review helpful
by Chacha
Feb 2, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

A Kind Introduction to Adulting

It took me a long time to finish the drama, the issue is due to its pacing that is slow for me and also the compactness of feeling this drama has on me. I am going to be 25 this year, I have a lot of friends who are younger than me, the existence of Back Yijin makes me realize a lot of silent things happening in my life. The things I choose to ignore or the things I didn't know yet. The romance, I don't expect it to be that way but honestly, I want to thank this drama to highlight the platonic feeling. I just think in our age, those kinds of affection have slowly been underrated due to the social pressure we have as an adult. Ah, this drama has made me believe once again in the softness of our hearts to endure the world that isn't going softer. To rely on love a little bit more too. Also to believe that things will change and we won't be stuck in a situation forever. The OST are magnificent! Not just it is sung beautifully by well-known artists, but the timing and theme suit perfectly. The scene was also taken beautifully. Mundane places that also seem like belong to our memories as well. I am satisfied with the drama though I think they don't need to be realistic that hard for the ending though (let us live in daydream a little bit!) but yeah, time well spent!
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