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Crazy about Asian dramas


Crazy about Asian dramas

Amensalism taiwanese drama review
0 people found this review helpful
by Crazy about Asian dramas
Apr 30, 2021
13 of 13 episodes seen
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Only last episode I liked

Story start with good note . Two life entangled because one's exchanged his life with other .
But with starting drama I started loosing interest . Not connected myself with story . Every episode was little boring . First after watching few episodes I decided to drop but I want to know that why was he in difficult situation ,why he gave to choose to live with an exchange of another person life who he hated the most ,why such thing comes in his dream when he was abou to dies ,there was a type of power which trap him and last of the episode the power will reveal why it put him such a situation ,from where the power came . So just so much curious I decided to watch till end but it was no use only half of the reason had been revealed but nowhere had shown that why he had been given choice . This had been shown that to live he had to make choice but who give him this choice and why he had been put into such dilemma . He is not a bad boy then why he had been put into difficult .
So as a whole I don't like this drama mush . Even the love story was not come out in a good way .
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