Please watch it for EP 9 &10
While this more an anthology than a full-length drama, Y Destiny is a wild bunch of everything.From boring to Hell (Ep 5&6), to cute but not outstanding (Ep3&4) to an actually interesting story (ep11&12) all stories are more or less mediocre and nothing memorable at all.
But fortunately this one also contains one of the Highlights of the BLs this year so far.
Ep 9&10 are just outstanding.Because it is realistic( when you change the setting from a college to a gay bar), modern and the emotional scenes are just heartbreaking.
Even though it's a love triangle, all the characters are relatable and sympathetic.
Also how sexuality is handled here, I like it very much, because it seems very natural and not so strange and cringey as in the other BLs.
All in all, it is actually a further development in the BL genre, since here the typical clichés were dispensed with.
Conclusion: Y-Destiny is far from being an outstanding series but these two hours are among the best the BL genre has to offer in 2021.
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This is bigger than us
Who always expects a typical BL will probably be disappointed because this series is so much more. Instead of just giving us a series with a good plot, Not Me manages to combine sophistication and entertainment to create unique art.This series breaks conventions on so many levels, be it visual, auditory (one of the best soundtracks!), or narrative, and ultimately sweeps you away with a storm of emotion.
It has a lot of epic scenes to offer when the sun shines through the palm of a hand and the words "Freedom is the oxygen of life" can be heard, it touches you just as much when a deaf-mute mother tells of her unemployment or when main character Gun dances under a rainbow flag and shouts loudly for equality and justice.
But Not Me is not a clean, beautiful series. It is a bloody and dirty ballad, told with rage, but also a vulnerability, as only the affected themselves can do.
To sum it up, Not Me is an exceptional show that breaks up multiple genres and takes you on a trip, that leaves you breathless and exhausted. But it’s also an important series, who dares to say true things in a world that is getting more and more out of joint.
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Love with Flaws
Here we have a special series, which is defined primarily by its unique storyline.Unlike the often over-romanticized BLs, both main characters have recognizable character flaws: they are arrogant, selfish and obsessed, but also insecure, intimidated and vulnerable.
This contrast is what makes the series so appealing, because for all their negative attitudes, they remain sympathetic and likable and I always wished them a satisfying love.
Their relationship is neither perfect nor equal and their love hurts others, but that's how it often is and I'm glad that a series shows this without losing sight of the beauty of their relationship.
The acting, cinematography and soundtrack are always on a high level.
All in all a nice surprise at the end of the year and probably one of the best BLs from Japan.
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This series has a lot of great things to offer, but in my opinion also a few lowlights. Among the great things is especially the reprensation of intersexuality, but I do not know how correct the whole thing is, because I have no personal experience with it.I also think it's great that a gay man is portrayed more flamboyant and extroverted than in the typical BLs, without being ridiculed.
But unfortunately the series suffers from too much slowburn in the middle and I was unsure where this was going.
Also, the possibilities with the stories around the temple were partly not used, which is a pity, because just the mysterious at the beginning I was very interested in the beginning.
Nevertheless, this series is more than worth watching and has a very emotional and sensitive effect, especially because of the great soundtrack.
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Goodby Lonely Heart...
first of all, yes it's definitely a romance!
While up to episode 20 you can still speak of a very intimate friendship/brotherhood (with many subtle), this line is crossed at the latest from episode 21.
Because what happens then can no longer be other than a love affirmation, because you have kisses, cuddling, dirty jokes and even a confession on the beach and thereby the series goes very tame but still further than some KBLs I've seen recently.
And the relationship itself is probably one of the most romantic things I've seen lately, as you really see two soul mates who would give anything for each other.
But just in the middle are a few lengths and a few plots that are not bad in themselves, but could not fully convince me, such as the story of Wu Bis's birth mother or the girlfriend of Wu Bi's brother.
Apart from that, family has a special place in this drama and especially the scenes with the chosen family of the two with little Dua are always very heartwarming.
All in all, "Stay with me" is a more than positive surprise and I personally like it better than the other version "Addicted" but I don't know if it lives up to the current hype.
Apart from that, I'm not that happy with the ending, even if it is the technical end of book one, especially because a second season is not guaranteed.
And also that at the end of another more explicit version with extra scenes should come out, I'm happy of course but I hope the whole project does not fall victim to censorship before.
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“But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart.” (The Little Prince)
I must confess, my love for this series was not love at first sight. The first episode made me rather skeptical. Too slow, too overdramatic, the intro seemed to be taken directly from the 90s and then also the talking furniture.....Nevertheless, I gave this series a chance and experienced an unexpected masterpiece and a journey full of joy and tears because layer by layer the story as well as characters became deeper and more complex, showing this drama incredibly many facets and faces, be it a beautiful miracle, a deeply sad potrait about a dysfunctional family or a mystery story about an accident and deeply hidden secrets.
But most of all, it is the story of Nut, a struggling gay man in his late twenties. Punished with a homophobic and aggressive father, as well as a mentally ill mother who means well but doesn't have the strength in the past to support her son, it is his story that moves you deep inside like rarely before.
I have never been so close to a character, laughed with him, cried with him, been disgusted by him and then again wished him all the happiness in the world.
The story is not always nice and sweet and I can understand everyone who finds this drama too heavy and also the ending is more bitter sweet than happy.
But who finds the access to this story, will recognize behind all this suffering and pain true joy and beauty that makes you smile and believe in the good in humans.
All in all, Miracle of the Teddy bear is a milestone of an LGBT drama and shows without regret the heights and depths of a human life, with a power and an intimacy that I have never seen before and that will probably accompany me even longer
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The title fits perfectly, cause it's really about youth
This series is filled with rare authenticity.Because About Youth gives you back the feeling of first love with all its insecurities, but also with all its happiness, which is not least due to the great young actors who really master the subject. Every shy smile is spot on, as is every intense look. Add to that a beautiful soundtrack and an atmosphere of melancholy and lightheartedness.
But this series also has some weaknesses, because the story is neither exceptional nor unique. In addition, a lot of interesting twists and plotlines are simply not followed up on. This may also be due to the length of the series which, at 8 episodes, is over far too quickly.
Therefore, I hope very much for a second season, because the characters are giving it and we would have more time to dive into the story.
Nevertheless About Youth is more than worth watching, because the whole series is an overkill of endorphins and leaves a smile, like a fresh breeze on a summer night.
So if you want to forget your everyday worries and enter a sweet world of fun, you should definitely give this series a chance.
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A dark erotic Mess
Well, this isn’t the typical drama series and has to be seen more as an avantgardistic Art Project. And with art, people either love it or hate it, and both opinions have merit.But what this series is not is definitely the typical BL. It's very EXPLICIT, dark and disturbing. So for all you fans of super cute guys who adore each other, this is not your series! Please stay away from it.
But if you're into blood, vomit, drugs, suicide and lots of NSFW-scenes, this might be your series.
That being said, the acting and cinematography are on a good level and I appreciate the physicality of the actors.
But if you're expecting a logical and engaging story, you'll probably be disappointed.
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One of the most beautiful and touching Fairytale-Stories in a BL so far.
When I watched the first 5 Episodes of 1000 Stars, I was totally fascinated by this unique and beautiful series, cause everything was perfect. The MainRoles, The Setting, The Music, the Story, and even the Sideroles were loveable, touching, and beyond the standard of a typical BL Series.Unfortunately, it couldn’t keep the Tension when the Series goes to Episodes 6 and 7.In these Episodes, I’ve got the Feeling that the Relationship of Tian and Phupa is on a Plateau and didn’t move on, (I mean they sleep in a room, but not in the same bed for example), but that’s the only Lowlight in this great Series.
Besides that, everything makes sense here even the Conflicts and the dramatic Parts. Which has nothing to do with the BL-Clichees and Misunderstandings.
In other BLs there are normally Breakups for random reasons, but 1000 Stars makes it better and asks questions that definitely matters.
Like „how far will you go to be with your loved one? and would you give up your old life for him?“
All in all, I would say, 1000 Stars sets new standards in Setting, Creativity, and Storytelling and I’m really loving it!
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fantastic but only after the fourth episode
I would never have thought at the beginning that I would give DFF such a high rating. Because the first 4 episodes were pure guilty pleasure for me. This mixture of 90s slasher parody seemed like pure trash to me, but at least it was entertaining.But then came episode five and the tone changed so radically that you thought they had replaced the director. From pseudo-horror in an abandoned house, it became a sad psycho drama about an outsider whose bullies took it too far and he had to suffer terribly as a result.
It's not always nice to watch and often gets under your skin, but it's always coherent and comprehensible.
Overall, DFF can be seen as a revenge thriller and in this respect it is completely convincing. Even if the start was very bumpy and even later, when the abandoned house takes center stage again, the whole scene seems a bit chaotic.
In terms of acting, you have to differentiate a lot here, as there are mostly newcomers at work, which you really notice at the beginning and the whole thing degenerates into total overacting. But fortunately there are exceptions, Barcode, whose performance as Non is really so believable, hovers over everything. A little too weird, a little too weak, he is simply the perfect victim and his ordeal simply gets under your skin.
But other actors also have their moments Ta as the main protagonist, who is also rather morally gray on the road, and JJay as the emotionally cold young killer are quite convincing.
The rest of the cast are mostly convincing in the quiet moments, while unfortunately they don't always get the horror moments across well. Jet in particular seemed rather annoying to me throughout the series, which wasn't necessarily just due to the role and he should urgently take a few more acting lessons.
Conclusion: if you get through the first four episodes, you'll discover a dark and unsparing gem. The fact that DFF is so uncompromising and shows the emotional horror so well is its great strength and sets the series apart from others. Even if the acting is not always top-notch and the final episode is quite controversial, I would recommend DFF to anyone who wants to watch something other than the typical BL Rom Com
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The beginning of a new Era of BLs?
okay, the final curtain has fallen of one of the most hyped BLs since 2020. And damn what a ride...even with his flaws in storytelling and the conflicts which are resolved in just an episode had Bad Buddy an undeniable deep emotional impact, primarily thanks to the great Mainactors who are definitely some of the best actors of a BL. Everything felt natural, the dramatic scenes but also their everyday life as a couple.
The other great influence was the directing of Backaof who already proved that he could push the boundaries of the BL-Genre, but here he also tries something new, like the perspective of the show which is equal as a couple and not with one Main character and his love interest. Or the meta jokes about some tropes like „gay for you“ and „Husband and Wife“.
But besides that, there is also another level that is very soft, metaphoric but also very personal like the tears in Prans eyes in episode 4 or the monologue of Tong (the zero waste guy) , that the world can’t change him. At this moment is Bad Buddy more than a BL but very carefully in a subversive, melancholic way which truly touched my heart.
All in all, I’m happy about the success of Bad Buddy and even if it’s not that masterpiece, as it is hyped right now, it’s still a great show and I’m curious if the success of Bad Buddy will affect the BL-Genre as a whole.
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Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko
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A funny Parody with some romantic twists
This is the first Satire of the BL, as far as i know, and especially the first two Episodes are funny as hell. There are so many creative Ideas here, which are playing with the typicall BL-Tropes. (Keyword Roses )The End was predictable but still worked well and a second season could be happen.
But if you expecting great emotions and Butterflies, this is not your Cup of Tea.
I also wished that the Series would include more Episodes, cause some of the Sidecouples are looking very promising.
All in all, I’ve you had enough of the great heartbreaking Dramas,this is a good break before watching the next big thing.
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An Outstanding Drama ,that is unfortunately compared to its previous part
First of all, you can't compare „I told sunset about you“ with „I promised you the moon“. They are both different from the atmosphere, storytelling, and even from the genre. While ITSAY is a coming out/coming of age drama, IPYTM is a drama about a relationship, that slowly falls apart...And when you see that IPYTM is a masterpiece with an emotional force that leaves you speechless and exhausted.
Music, Cinematography, and atmosphere are always on point and it’s hard to find a series that convinced on that level.
But this series needs no big drama effects and it’s more the slow subtle emotions that make it so wonderful. Like the scene where Oh-Aew and Teh are performing on stage, then the music fades and you see only the face of Oh-Aew.
Let’s talk about the acting: Everyone is doing a great job and even the side characters are unique and give you emotional feelings. Billkinn as Teh bares the series with his „not so perfect“-personality and even when I didn’t support all of his actions, he’s always acting plausible. But I appreciate PPKrit more for playing such a fragile and still powerful Person like Oh-Aew, so multifaceted but also so realistic and besides that so far away from toxic masculinity. The Scene where his acting was too girly, was for me a critique on the common stereoroles, but also an important message for the LGBTQ+-Community.
This Series shows anyways some critics of the acting genre, broken dreams of young actors, manipulative directors, or managers who are controlling the social media of their talents. And even in that way IPTYM is far much better than other series.
Unfortunately in some parts its’s far too rushed and the whole series could have at least 1 or 2 episodes more to avoid the time jumps which was the low light for me.
But still, with that flaw, it’s an outstanding series, not for a BL, but for the drama genre itself.
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more hitchcock than 2gether
Here we have a pure mystery thriller, enhanced with a few horror and LGBT elements.In its best moments, Shadow is insanely dark, atmospheric and suspenseful, taking the viewer on a journey of madness where it is sometimes unclear what is fantasy and what is reality. Shadow always has a very mature tone and the telenovela parts are pleasantly turned down. The melancholy is also beautifully portrayed in parts, such as the relationship between Dan and the shadow, which is both his greatest danger and his greatest support.
The first episodes of the two parts in particular stand out and simply compel you to keep watching. But then, unfortunately, sometimes a few lengths creep in and the focus of the horror-mystery disappears a little and the stylistic device of the flashback is simply overused. Unfortunately, the resolution of the mysteries is rushed in the final episodes, but at least with a good, coherent ending
Unfortunately, Shadow also has a second glaring weakness and that is the romances, be it the Love Triangle or the implied (b)romance between Dan and Nai, nothing fits together and somehow makes sense, although there would actually have been enough time to give one of the romances a bigger place. Otherwise it would have been more consistent and better to do without any romances
Fortunately, the cast can cover up this shortcoming, because Fluke and Singto in particular can finally show what great actors they are after their last series was rather mediocre.
All in all, Shadow is a very entertaining thriller series, only those hoping for a BL will undoubtedly be disappointed.
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good idea, mediocre execution
So the synopsis was very promising. With a master and servant relationship, but also Protector and protective, this could have been a wonderful multi-layered drama.But the makers decided to make it a mixture of daily soap and B-movie with a nonsensical story and a series of strange scenes.
The fact that this series didn't turn out to be a total flop is thanks to a motivated cast, who can be seen having fun with their roles.
Much has been criticized about Gun's acting, but I think it’s actually not that bad and maybe it wasn’t his genre, so I would like to see him and his partner Boat in a Rom-Com, cause both have comedic talents, but also good chemistry.
The second couple is also nice to watch, (but didn’t make any sense as so much of the story). Especially Bank is nice to watch and could be a good candidate for a BL-Main Role.
I also appreciate that the creators refrain from making the girls villains and instead make them simply likable (but very one-dimensional) characters.
Al in all it’s another guilty pleasure series without any emotional impact, but at least entertaining.
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