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Jul 30, 2022

How could an episode that started so good,…

How could an episode that started so good, end this bad will always be my number one question in these cases... Everything was so damn cute?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?! I'm going to throw ends with Fern! She has to have a really good reason! Meeting Tawan's family and get to know his background was good really really liked that, same thing with Mork even though we already knew part of his family! The way he loves his son/nephew was so sweet! Really appreciate to watch the 3 of them spend time together! I also loved Boss and Toy's part in this episode! They makes me cry...
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I was so pissed at the start... My hate for…

I was so pissed at the start... My hate for Sincere made me reach a whole new tier basically! And timing was making me so damn frustrated... AAAAAAAAAH I WAS SO ANGRY! I was waiting for the "big reveal" with Kluen and Dao and I was not expecting it to happen that way, but it was so funny that made me forget about how frustrating the first half of the week had been for me! KluenDao are the best! I love them so much! I was so glad to watch them go all together to the mountains. It was a nice conclusion to this story! Even though we will have a special episode to end both part of the story I'm already satisfied with this!

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Jul 24, 2022

Four Stars

This drama confuses me greatly, but in a positive (?!) way! I wasn't expecting to actually like it, I just needed something to fill the void KinnPorsche's end has left, but I really do like it! I find some choices brilliant! And even though the plot twist was totally predictable it was still enjoyable. I appreciate all the cameos and references, even though I can catch just a few at the moment, being new in the Thai BL world! The universe they created fascinates me! It feels like an ideal universe for some things, it will be a good way to talk freely about the problems existent in the other universe, our universe. I'm especially curious about how Tess and Tun are doing! I hope we'll get to see their sode of the story too, now that they are reunited! I'm hooked now!

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Jul 22, 2022

Damn... Another little roller-coaster! Mork…

Damn... Another little roller-coaster! Mork (and I) has to stop daydreaming, I thought the kiss was real, he killed me... The kiss might have not been real, but their actions are very loud and clear! Por is even worse than I thought honestly... I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but he does not deserve it. But he did deserve the punch he received from Mork! - _ - Toy and Boss are killing me! If anyone tried to destroy my bookshelf I would have killed him with my bare hands so I do understand Boss and his confusion! Everything in his life has a specific order both in space and time and Toy is destroying his safe space basically! It's normal that he does not know how to act against all of that! My boy is confused! Last but not least, have I already said that I really love Mork's uncles?!

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Jul 22, 2022

I KNEW IT! I knew that Mayom was some kind…

I KNEW IT! I knew that Mayom was some kind of celebrity/elite in his field. It was so obviously going to be like that... I kinda understand where Nadia is coming from even though I don't fully agree with her! The flashbacks of Mayom and Nadia first "encounter" was so sweet! I really hope they'll find a way to be together, communication and an open mind are the keys! Speaking of flashbacks, it was great to know more about Mork's uncles, I love those two! Not really a fan of people nit speaking clearly of Bisexuality. Or maybe it was just lost in translation... If anyone who can understand Thai could clear that to me, I'd be very glad! It made me laugh a lot Mork using his uncle' s technique to flirt with Tawan... Food as a love language! For the both of them! Their kiss made me scream so fucking much! Yes! They both deserve happiness! Por go fuck yourself! What I wouldn't have expected when I started this drama wad that I would have fallen so bad for Toy and Boss! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! They are slowly getting closer and closer! Good for them!

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Jul 21, 2022

Sooo... Tawan and Mork are amazing, Toy and…

Sooo... Tawan and Mork are amazing, Toy and Boss even more (if possible), Mayom and Nadia are making me cry and Por is making me, his new boyfriend and everyone else angry! I think that's a pretty valid summary of this episode! Or at least how this episode felt to me... The end of this episode made me scream! I need to know if they'll kiss! Also I need Boss to be healthy again, I need it on a personal level considering we are both struggling with the same issue! I need a Roy too! I hated him, but not really, at the start, but he is actually precious in his own special way!
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Jul 21, 2022

Damn... This episode was a roller-coaster…

Damn... This episode was a roller-coaster of emotion from start to end, but the second half of it even more! Wasn't expecting all of that to happen, I'm shooked! Mork and Tawan are amazing together and I really hope this slow burn is not gonna be too slow (I always say this but it is not the true... I always end up enjoying a good slow burn)! I'm honestly even more pissed at Por! If you are clearly not interested anymore in Tawan, just break up with him! Don't say to him that "for the moment" it's better to be apart, if you don't want to be with him anymore, that's useless and cruel! As soon as explosion started, my mind immediately went to Toy and Boss even though they made us wait a bit. Toy is so clearly interested in Boss even though until now he acted like an asshole to cover it up! I think it was "sweet" the way he covered is years when the kids was playing with those explosive things (I have no idea what their name in English may be, but you know what I'm talking about) and he take good care of him when the whole mess happened! When he took him home he offered two times to remain with him, but when he was super sure Boss didn't want him there he didn't insist on staying and just left. He'll talk about it when and if he will be ready! I really want to know the story behind it! I'm praying so much for Nadia and Mayom to become a thing! It will probably happen at some point, but I'm not sure how fast it will be... When Mayom proposed Nadia didn't even had the time to accept and refuse, and after all that mess I don't think she had the mind to think about it properly. She was probably mostly confused...

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Jul 21, 2022

I love Mork uncles so much, I have loved them…

I love Mork uncles so much, I have loved them since the first time they appeared, but in this episode a bit more! They really do care for him and they (try to) set a good example try to guide him and support him, amazing!It was particularly important because it helps Mork in his own journey of realization through this episode. He went from "I don't like guys" to "Fuck! I might be bisexual! Also... I think I like you Tawan!" real quick!Poor Tawan is working so much to get time to spend with Por, and Por not only cheat on him but also GHOSTS HIM?!Por I know why you are angry and you are not completely wrong feeling like that but cheating and ghosting are really not the right answers and they also makes me hate you a little bit...Nadia finally knows the truth and I hope things will move in the direction I want them to move! She deserves someone nice in her life, but she has to open her eyes first! Mayom since to be a nice guy (at the moment, at least...)A really interesting thing is happening between Toy and Boss! Toy... Sweetheart... If you wanted to go on a date with Boss so bad, I'm pretty sure there would have been a better way to reach this goal, without being an asshole... ??‍♀️I'm also very curious to know what's up with Boss and his fear of certain loud noises! Hope we'll discover something in the next episode!

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Jul 21, 2022

I get why Por might be pissed at Tawan, but…

I get why Por might be pissed at Tawan, but cheating is certainly not the right answer... Maybe talk about it?! Break up with him?!Would have been better for sure! They simply doesn't work as a couple even though they like eachothers... It happens! Moving on, I'm suffering for Mayom so damn much! Nadia! Sweetie! Please open your eyes! He is right there! LOOK AT HIM! HE IS WAITING FOR YOU! He seems such a nice guy... T_T On the other hand Toy is a little shit and I really hope he'll fall badly for Boss and deeply regrets all his life choices until that moment! He deserves that!
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Jul 21, 2022

Wasn't expecting a show called Coffee…

Wasn't expecting a show called Coffee Melody to have such a chaotic relationship with its OST! I found the way they managed it a mess! There were times were two songs were overlapping creating confusion. I don't know if they did it to avoid copyright issues (in the case of the carillon with "Itsumo nando demo) or for other reasons I didn't think of, but I didn't particularly enjoy this decision... This first episode didn't exactly conquer me, but I'll give it a chance! An unexpected surprise was Duean Yi character, I wasn't expecting him to be so cheeky and straightforward, I honestly spent the entire episode envying him a little, because I could never! And Plegrak is responding positively?! GOOD FOR THEM! Last, but not for importance, shout out to the "Call me by your name" poster in the Café! Amazing!

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Five Stars

It was a very good finale for this season (because we are gonna get a second season, right?! RIGHT?!) I liked the way we fpund a resolution to certain of our questions but there's some mysteries yet to solve, but it is left in a way that wouldn't make me completely mad if they decided to end it at this point and don't renew it for a second season. The bonds Ichiro and Shiro created during the entire season as come to a full cycle and even though they show us nothing it's pretty clear that things are slowly happening between them. Their team up is quite powerful and I really hope we'll get a chance see more of it in the future. Loved all of their scenes, especially the one where Shiro stop Ichiro from killing and the flashbacks that explain their actions of that moment, I've been waiting for a scene like that for a while! It also mirrors the one in wich Ichiro stops Shiro from killing Chika-chan's stalker even though emotions were different! I found that interesting... I'm still a little overwhelmed by all the emotions this episode gave me...

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Four Stars

I knew things were going I little bit too smoothly for a penultimate episode... Damn! I wasn't expecting Malaria... Totally forgot about its existence honestly! Sincere appeared to make things even worse. What the hell does he want?! I'm only happy he could help with Prince! Meanwhile Fah is experiencing the most confusing few days of his life probably. I'm hoping for a nice but satisfying ending for the next week! Kluen and Dao were given (justifiably) very little time, but I think something important will happen in the last episode! Let's just wait and see!
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I spent nearly the entire episode strongly…

I spent nearly the entire episode strongly disliking Fah... Maybe it was because it reminded me of one of my past relationships, I don't know... But the only thing I did know was that I really couldn't stand him! His relationship with Prince feels odd at the moment, they didn't make me feel anything at all. The contrast between them and the already established KluenDao was so strong and I don't know if it was all intentional or I'm just delusional! If it was intentional I would appreciate it so much! Damn even Fah's friends had more chemistry than the main couple in this episode... I would save just the end of the episode probably. I kinda like it! My favorite part other than KluenDao's scenes, was Prince's mom! This whole series is entirely a supportive mothers' appreciation series! Bless her!

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This episode is a really cute mess! Like many…

This episode is a really cute mess! Like many other dramas it depicts one of the many ways human are incapable of communicate with eachother, especially when it comes to communicating weaknesses and things that makes us suffer. Humans are also very stubborn and this episode show it too well! The only two people that right now seems to be perfectly fine are Kluen and Dao, but we know that it is so because they already went through all that shit and foun their point of balance. Their scenes were so sweet they were a relief! Bless them! I like how at the end of the episode Fah and Prince started to create something with more honesty, but it wouldn't be possible if not for their friends! Shout out to Yayah for being an amazing person! I like her and her brother! Even though I want Prince and Fah to be together, I like the way Aou treat Prince. He really do care for him and the village even if he has and interesting way of showing it! I overall enjoyed this episode, and I'm a little scared for next one...

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Four Stars

The episode started so good! The first half was amazing, perfect I would say... Kuafah and Prince were having so many lovely moments together and they looked like they were heading in the right direction, then third part of the episode happened and that girl Kitty appeared and everything went down... I HATE HER! I also having an hard time with everyone else, especially with Aou (for obvious reasons). I loved to see the way both Dao and Mesa could see right through Fah's bullshit and calling him out on everything that is going on with him! That was good to see! I appreciated seeing this part of Dao, (more confident now that he is finally with Kluen) it was refreshing someway... Hoping for a quick resolution of the current problem in the next episode!

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