Dramas started and finished within the year 2023.Listed in the order of watched and finished.
Dramas started and finished within the year 2022.Listed in the order of watched and finished.
Actors and Actresses in their early twenties that I like for their acting or for no other real reason other than the fact that I just like them.Age…
Dramas finished and started in the year 2021.Listed in the order of watched.
Dramas started or finished in the year 2020.Listed in the order of watched.
Dramas watched or started in 2019.Dramas are in order of being watched. Number one being at the start of the year.
Dramas stared or finished in 2017.Dramas are in order of being watched. Number one being at the start of the year.
Dramas started or finished in 2015-2016.Dramas are in order of being watched. Number one being at the start of the year.
Dramas stared and finished in 2018. Dramas are in order of being watched. Number one being at the start of the year.