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I Am a Hero japanese movie review
I Am a Hero
0 people found this review helpful
by St Yoongi
Nov 29, 2021
Overall 5.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Watch for the Zombies Only

****I tried to include as few spoilers as possible!****
I came into this initially excited and ready for some action as a zombie lover. Instead, I was mostly disappointed.

Firstly, why did this movie have so much potential? From the very beginning, I knew that this movie could have gone in an interesting direction compared to other zombie films. The zombies looked and acted quite different and new to how they usually are depicted (you know, just a regular human face with maybe some blood and wounds that walk mindlessly). They also included a half-zombie, which isn't something seen usually in the "zombie world".

However, that's pretty much as unique as it got. The storyline quickly got boring and fell victim to the typical tiresome tropes of the zombie genre. I couldn't care less about any of the characters and the half-zombie ends up doing nothing for the rest of the movie (a huge waste of potential).

I truly tried to enjoy this movie, but the only redeemable part of this movie is the zombies. If you want a quick movie to skip through for the zombie scenes, this is for you.
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