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This show was just meh for me. Yes the acting was great and Woo Do Hwan's emotional journey was something to behold. However, it was just another, childhood trauma series that really wasn't resolved. That's fine but then don't take us on that roller coaster ride. Jae Mi's screeching also got on my nerves.
The pluses of the series are Oh Jung Se. He has always been one of my favorite K actors and he was great here as the sort of jilted fiance. I did like that he was able to let Jae Mi go but he still was grieving that. A more realistic approach to a hard break up.
Lee El. OMG! I love this woman. Absolutely fantastic as Bon Suk, friend and mother figure to Hae Jo. Those scenes in the hospital should get all the supporting actress awards.
Kim Min Seok as Ho Ji was such great comic relief but I also really liked the character.
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This is the 2nd worse kdrama I watched this year. Just bad. I am not comparing to Strong Woman b/c I never saw it. I literally started watching this b/c of the short youtube videos of Si-O. I love a good looking guy, villian even better (that's my jam). I actually thought the 1st three episodes were fairly good even with some of the shenanigans going on. The reason this show is terrible is the writing. Period, point blank. A show can be an over the top comedy/fantasy/drama. That doesn't mean the writing gets to be bad and the audience has to accept the many inconsistency in the story. The plot still has to be logical and reasonably entertaining but this wasn't. There were way too many unnecessary characters and too many unnecessary subplots.
This was the worst, non-climatic ending to a villian I have ever seen!! I didn't expect Si-O to do a complete 180, that makes no sense. But to not have an epic, all out fight scene with the "hero" and the villian was just plain stupid and Namsoon being immobilized by drugs doesn't count. They litterally end the villain and then there were 40 more minutes of show left. A show that, at this point no one cared about.
The best thing about this show is Byeon Woo Seok. That's it.
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So good!
I have been watching Godzilla movies as long as I can remember. Most are enjoyable and enteretaining except the 1998 American made one. It's one of the worse movies I have ever seen.This movie has no right to be as good as it is! But it is good. Very good and a great movie to celebrate the 70th anniversay of the most well known kaiju in the world. Must be seen on the big screen.
I didn't know a Godzilla movie could pack an emotional punch the way this film did. It's a testament to the writing and acting in this film. Kamiki Ryunosuke, Hamabe Minami, Yamada Yuki, Aoki Munetaka, Yoshioka Hidetaka, Ando Sakura and Sasaki Kuranosuke. I'm listing all the actotrs here b/c everyone played their roles well. I also, must shout out the little girl actress. I don't know her name b/c she's not listed in MDL for this film but she was magnificent and I think she was only 3 or 4 years old. I can't give much away but the film explores survivors guilt, shame and forgiveness.
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Most Perfect F4 Cast
OMG so sad it's over but it was so good. There was a lull in the middle but that's honestly par for the course with the source material and other versions.The fact that the series had this fresh, unique feeling was everything I wanted. I was prepared to bitch and moan about everything I thought I was going to hate. This show literally made me smile watching it. I cannot express enough how well done this version is and how they have been able to give us what we need and take out many things we don't without sacrificing the story or the elements that make it the phenomenon that it is. Class struggles, self-doubt, self-worth, friendship, love, family, happiness and how it's defined...I could go on...
I fell in love with each F4 member! That's never happened in any other version!! I really like Gorya's family in this version. Her family is usually some of the worse characters for me. They do a better job of Thymes atonement in this version than in any other version, so I really like that as well.
I also want to take this time to thank the director and the writers, O Patha Thongpan,
Mai Aticha Tanthanawigrai, Manow Waneepan Ounphok, PingPong Suwanun Pohgudsai and Jarinee Thanomyat. What they have been able to do with source material that is 30 years old and the multiple versions that we as fans have loved and hated, they have made a show so fresh, fun, current and just so good!!
Also, shoutout to the wardrobe department... Loved the lewks!! Especially on Kavin, Mj and Ren. I was not fond of Thyme Zoo shirt but otherwise...I am a girl whose loves a sweater and the sweater game in this series is REAL!!!
Really loved all the shout outs to the other versions of this series in subtle and not so subtle ways. That's how it's done people!!!
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Finally finished season 2.My favorite episode this season was episodes 24 J-Hope and the Zombies... I laugh just thinking about that. I also really enjoyed episodes 35...Jimin calling his oh-ma was so sweet and adorable; 38, 46-48, 52, 55... foot volleyball is hysterical; what they will do for ice cream and snacks. I have enjoyed slowly getting to learn the guys like and dislikes and just the comrade of being together for as long as they have. The love and care that they have for each other is so heartwarming to me.
V is my bias but all the guys are adorable in their own way. I genuinely like a personality/character trait of each of them.
Can't wait to see what season 3 has in store!
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Epic Last 4 Episodes
Overall this is a really good show and very enjoyable. The reason I am not giving it a 10 is b/c for me there was just way too many flashback episodes. I get that they wanted to give every main characters back story but it it just dragged on too long. It is an actioin drama with deptrh though. The other reason it's not getting a 10 is b/c sometimes this show did the stupidest things. In episode 14 they could have got the little boy out of the sewer by having Jaemin rip the grate out of the wall but no they had to show them punching through a wall. They also did this when Juwon was trying to get to Ji hee in the prior episode.There were some genuinely sad and emotional scenes and for me the one at the beginning of the last episode just had me bawling. When Jaeseok the NK guy with the earthquake/sonic boom powers dies. In that moment when he told Yongdeuk to go and live like a human the tears just started falling!! That shit broke me.
What the writer(s) did very well is giving us these not so easy, black and white issues of who is wrong and who is right. I mean I felt just as empathetic to the North Koreans as I did to our heroes or "the good guys". It was bad situation for everyone all around.
This is an excellent ensemble drama and the cast is amazing.
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Good Cast, Average Series
I didn't think I was going to watch a fantasy series for a while after I watched A Korean Odyssey but whatevs. I wanted to watch a LMH series and the last 2 he's done are fantasy.This was an average series with a really good cast. I thought the storyline was interesting in the beginning but then it started to get a little boring for me just b/c I was getting a little tired of the parallel/past life storyline of the characters. At any rate I think it's a good show to watch once even though the ending and more accurately episode 20 I didn't care for that much at all.
What I loved of course was LMH. The rest of the cast was really good too. I have never seen the FL, Jun Ji Hyun in anything else but she was really good here as the mermaid. She and LMH had really good chemistry and they look good together! I really adored Shin Won Ho as Tae Oh, cutest hacker ever and Lee Hee Joon as Nam Doo. There were some really good comedic scenes and as usual the wardrobe department was on fire. Really loved the Joseon Era clothes as well. I really liked Yoon Ah, the little girl and the homeless woman who become FLs friends.
There are some really standout episodes like episode 6, episode 9, episode 11 and episode 18. Unfortunately, episode 20 is a letdown but we do get our happy ending so I will leave it at that.
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For old and new fans of those Bangtan Boys
The show is truly enjoyable b/c it really is watchable in one sitting. You get the see the guys hanging out with each other and competing with each other in various wacky missions/games the producers give them. I love how JK is so competitive in everything and how V is so laid back. As a new fan I am enjoying this b/c it's like watching them grow up right before my eyes. The main thing I love is the comradery and friendship and them being game for all the challenges even when the punishment is always eating or drinking some terrible concoction.Was this review helpful to you?

What a great little miniseries
I thoroughly enjoyed this anime and I love the charcacter in the anime.I originally wasn't going to watch this but I had to see if it was on par with the anime. While it's different and we don't get the main cast of characters, that makes that show so enjoyable, I did ultimately, love this very short series with great life hacks. At first I was a little annoyed that his wife never appears but I got over that. I also loved the fact that the actor, Tsuda Kenjiro also voices the anime character. His voice is so relaxing. I hope there are more seasons of this.
I plan to read the manga now as well!
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So Meh!!
The summary of this show was right up my alley. The story of a misunderstanding wherein hijinks ensue but alas it was not the case or I misinterpreted, whatever...Like a lot of people I watched because of Lee Min-ho but this is his worst role to date from the ones that I have seen. I felt like he was just going thru the motions. If sighing could be personified, Lee Min-Ho's sighs should have been paid. I felt like he did more sighing that dialogue!!!! This was the firts show I watched staring Son Ye Jin and she was good as Gae In but the character is so annoying and unbelievably naïve. I'll have to look at her back catalog.
There is so much to unpack plotwise but here is the basics: The story centers on Jin Ho pretending to be gay to get inside Gae In's house b/c it is the inspiration for a new architectural project. This project pits Jin Ho nd Chang Ryul at odds. Chung Ryul used to date Gae In but he broke her heart when he cheated on her with her one of her bestfriends and LIVE-IN roommate, In Hee who he also planned to marry without saying a word. Jin Ho moves in with Gae in and he helps her get over Chang Ryul while falling for her but he is the biggest jerk on the planet most days and Gae In behaves like a child most days. We are supposed to root for these two but the relationship is so tiresome.
The things I liked about the show were the character of Director Choi (played fantastically by Ryu Seung Ryong) and Yoeng Seon, Gae In's other bestfriend. Practically every other character got on my nerves to no end especially, Yun Sup the father of Chang Ryul so terrible and irritating. I couldn't watch this again if you paid me.
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Series Ends Really Well
I liked this drama. Ren is a brilliant artist who pretty much has decided he will not be hurt by the disappointments of life especially of a person leaving him. He had a selfish mother who only cared for her own needs and he internalized that by fulfilling his need with women as objects and not even trying to get to have anything real intimately with anyone except his childhood friend, Chiki. Ren is called back to his old alma mater for an art seminar and he meets Miu. Miu is struggling with her latest sculpture. She has sworn off relationships after her boyfriend dumps her unceremoniously. She falls for Ren immediately knowing it will most likely lead to heartache. Ren is not willing to give of himself fully and Miu finally realizes she deserves better than that!Episode 8 is 30 minutes of some of the best TV I've seen this year. Things wrapped up rather nicely and we see Ren's humanity and humility finally. The scene with his mother was really good. I wanted a bit more but what she tells him made sense b/c as selfish as she has been his whole life she still loves him. Ren kind of gets the catharsis he needs by accepting his mother as she is. I also liked that Miu finally gets it! He ask her if she will have regrets if they get back together and she said exactly what she should have!!
What I loved about the series is the cast is really good and I mean everyone but especially Yokohama Ryusei. I have never seen him in anything else and now I want to see his other work. Minami Sara is an actress to watch for me as well. I like her a lot.
I have not watched the Korean series so I have no comparisons to make but I do plan to watch soon.
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I thoroughly enjoyed this series and I really do hope we get a season 2. I'd love to see Hobi explore other, unfamiliar dance genres. I loved that Hobi got to go back and we really did get to see his roots in dance in this series. Neuron was great and I'm glad that they were happy to see him and had such great memories and time with him. Loved seeing the old pics of Hobi too. What the series did really well is let the featured dancers do their thing and talk about why they dance. I found it all fascinating.
These were featured dancers in this series:
Ep 1: Bungaloo Kin - Travel Companion and old friend. Loved them traveling together and dancing together.
Ep 2: Gucchon - Osaka
Ep 3: Lock Woong - Seoul
Ep 4: Yugson - Paris
Ep 5: Link - New York
Ep 6: Neuron- Daek2, DXNG WXX, AD Bomb and Mishka - Gwangju - Where Hobi spent his time learning to dance and following his dreams.
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I watched b/c of Dylan Wang
Even with knowing the outcome; I really only started watching this b/c of Di Di. I became a fan after watching Meteor Garden this year.I actually thought the show was interesting outside of my initial reason for watching. I thought the 11 "idol" contenders weren't all just a bunch of pretty faces. Some of them had great talents. Especially Kai Lang. He was my favorite outside of Dylan, He was just a natural in front of the camera and I genuinely believe he can be one of those great actors. Li Xi Zi has an amazing voice and Kido Ma very likeable even though he got on my nerves especially in episode 3. Yan Xi in that same episode pissed me off as well and I legit started to hate him plus he bragged about being able to sing and dance but IMO he can't do either.
Teacher He got on my nerves as well and I genuinely believe he just didn't like Dylan b/c he is uber attractive. Since in early episodes He was the one who wanted Dylan to wear the mask and he was just yelling to much at him and the others. Ultimately Dylan has that "It Factor" and won the overall show. I mean he even won the Tour de France episode just b/c they liked his look just from watching the previous episodes.
This is a one time watch if you want to see the process of picking China's Next Top Male Model LOL...I mean Idol; or if you are a fangirl/fanboy of one of the guys as many of them are currently still in the business.
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Another series that is disappointing and stupid especially in the last few eps.I was enjoying the show for the most part b/c the story was interesting to me. It's not my typical genre, but I thought the synopsis was good. The series ended up being nothing like I thought the synopsis would be. What I wanted was a love story between a demon and human but what I got was a story about bickering chaebols; one of which was extremely awful who brutalized ***********. Also, got some past life story that was completely unnecessary.
What I did like was the cast; Very good and I like Kim You Jung and this was my first series with Song Kang. I like him in this plus anyone who reads my reviews know pretty boys are my jam. I thought he and the FL looked great togther. I loved the character of Ms. Shin. Actress Seo Jung Yeon nailed the role as FL secretary.
The only character I sympathized with was Noh Do Kyung. The character broke my heart. Actor Kang Seung Ho was brilliant as someone slowly losing his mind and being tormented by someone who should have loved him.
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Money Heist: Korea - Joint Economic Area - Part 1
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The Cast is the Best Thing About This Show
I preface this by saying I have not seen the original series and have no plans to do so.Disappointing!
I really liked the 1st and 2nd epsiodes of the show and I actually thought the show was going somewhere but by the 3rd episode the show became competely ridiculous.
This show is honestly, terrible.
It's supposed to be a crime caper but it's poorly written and makes no sense logically. I can usually suspend belief but this show is doing too much. So many plot holes and cliches. Even with the excellent cast I just can't deal with the stupidity of many of the characters and nonsensical actions by the entire thieves organization, including but not limited to not counting hostages, not having some one watching the live feed, letting hostages roam around freely, not fully searching areas, and letting certain hostages live...shall I go on??? WTF was I watching?
Again I throughly enjoyed most of the cast, but especially, Jeon Jong Seo as Tokyo and Park Hae Soo as Berlin.
I don't think I will be watching part 2.
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