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Jessica Brown


Jessica Brown

The Ultimate Masturbation japanese drama review
The Ultimate Masturbation
0 people found this review helpful
by Jessica Brown
Dec 26, 2020
Overall 7.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Why am I watching these?

Another pink film. This one is extremely sexual as it's about a masturbation camp. A student who is interested in studying gay masturbation goes and checks it out for himself. He forms relationships with the students and teacher, some more than others..

I think the story is pretty good. I was actually thinking while watching. At times I felt the conversation between the student and teacher about their area of study was somewhat forced, but the script-writer tried.. The rest of the plot deals with the rules of the camp. You can masturbate together, you can masturbate one another, but there is no fellatio or anal sex. This is mainly what the plot is based upon as well as the teacher/master's philosophy and life studying this subject. The incoming student is used more as a vehicle to tell the story. The story starts with him entering the camp and revolves around what he experiences there without focusing on him as a person. The movie feels more third person than told from anyone's perspective.

The acting was pretty good. The actors have to act overly emotional. Whether it be surprised, turned-on, remorseful, etc, they put on a performance. I felt the performance by the guy who is against the straight student, the straight college student, and the teacher/master is the best. Those are the three main roles afterall.

Rewatch Value? Yeah. I think this one is not that bad, so why not rewatch it?
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